list of community based organizations in kenya

list of community based organizations in kenya

NGOs, both local and foreign, are fundamental institutions in society. Washing clothes in the river, she had a seizure, fell into the water and drowned. Rhino Ark was established in 1988 to tackle the crisis that faced Kenyas black rhino population in the Aberdare ecosystem. 11(b)). The following is a list of prominent companies and organizations with their main headquarters in Nairobi: The following is a list of multinational companies and organizations, with their African (continent-wide or regional) headquarters in Nairobi: On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. As a result she continued to encourage more tree-planting program to handle the challenges of deforestation, lack of sufficient water and soil erosion. Kenya is host to close to 560,000 refugees and asylum seekers, primarily from Somalia, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, and other countries in the region. The urban refugee population in Nairobi has increased; around 88,000 refugees and asylum seekers live in Nairobi and other urban areas. Certain foods are also VAT exempt (VAT Act First Schedule Part 1). Apart from the government, how many from this list of community based organizations in Kenya do you know that help in fighting all these disasters? We provide legal services and support, including free legal representation for asylum seekers so that everyone around the world, including displaced people, can have equal access to their legal rights. ROA integrated soil fertility management to improve soil productivity, improve the smallholder income, encourage diverse farming and enhance food and nutrition security. This is a daily experience for many children in the Kibera slum, Kenya. Awareness Against Human Trafficking (HAART), Community Support and Enterprise Development Organization, Harvest Biotech Foundation International, Nairobi, NGO increases paternity leave to three months with full pay, Letter of support template for business, funding, grant application, Summary of First UN-Habitat Assembly in figures. Another vital required is minutes written down authorizing the filling of the application with a specific agenda and with the resolution to register or incorporate the organization as an NGO with the NGOs Board. You are already subscribed to our newsletter! Help community based organizations understand complexities of issues they are dealing with and the rapids of change. Who was Carl Sutton in Outer Banks and what happened to her? Africa Mental Health Foundation is devoted to research in mental and neurological health. The NGO Act, which will remain in effect until the PBO Acts official commencement, defines an NGO as a private voluntary grouping of individuals or associations, not operated for profit or for other commercial purposes but which have organized themselves nationally or internationally for the benefit of the public at large and for the promotion of social welfare, development, charity, or research in the areas inclusive of but not restricted to health, relief, agriculture, education, industry, and the supply of amenities and services (NGO Act Section 2). Registration and processing fee of KSH. Presentation at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Urban Affairs Association.Boston,MA: Urban Affairs Association. [4] The failure to set a commencement date for the Act, along with the ongoing possibility of its amendment, poses considerable challenges in determining the applicable law. The name search is the first process of registering an NGO in Kenya. The regulatory scheme for NPOs in Kenya is complex, combining substantive and procedural statutes, common law rules embodied in case law, and administrative practices. Added to climate change and overpopulation, the issues at Kuruwitu were compounded by the presence of unregulated aquarium fish traders who were operating, and still are, in the region. Ishaqbini Hirola Conservancy 5. Check your inbox to be the first to know the hottest news. +254 733703726. Even though the above are the most renowned NGOs in Kenya, some are gradually making a significant impact on the community. The rapid and unprecedented growth of NGOs in Nairobi and other parts of the world is attributable to the neoliberal orientation among international donors. The project was to determine the extent of food and nutrition situation in the sugarcane growing areas in Western Kenya. +254 798531053 or. The worlds largest and most diverse environmental network. Each month, GlobalGiving picks an exceptionally high-performing project as the project of the month, and they receive money from donors who belong to our Project of the Month Club. These are but not limited to advocacy, and human rights work, environmental work, eradication of poverty in a community, and social responsibilities. Question: Are CBO's exempted from levies by the City Council e.g. [2]The status of these rules is yet to be determined in the light of the 2010 Constitution. 11(a)). These rules affect trusts, NGOs, churches, and other charitable organizations involved in relief, education, and religious activities. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) (soon to be Public Benefit Organizations (PBOs)). [8] This code is written and enforced by a statutorily established council of voluntary agencies (NGO Act Sections 23-24). The CBOs programme on education, especially Early Childhood Development stimulation and socialization have been put in place since 2005; and were meant to run up to 2013. Women Empowerment And Legal Aid, an organisation based in Nigeria, aims to break down barriers that hinder gender equality and to put an end to the abuse and violence against women and girls in Nigeria. List of International Donor Funding Agencies for Kenya; Find 3500+ Grants for NGOs, CSOs and Community Based Organizations' Projects in Kenya. The proje, For the last 12 years, DNRC has been working with smallholders in Kenya's drylands to break the vicious cycle of high rate of deforestation,, This project will fund the relaunch our core programs for Maasai girls in the Loita Hills region of Kenya now that schools are re-opening fr, Roko 20 Academy is a primary school providing a free education for AIDs orphans and the very poor many of whom are excluded from school beca, This project will provide nutritious food supplements for hungry children in an area of rural Kenya where a drought has caused food shortage. Unrelated business income is subject to tax under certain circumstances. Societies are registered and regulated by the Registrar of Societies. Data analysis was through establishing the emerging themes and comparing responses by respondents in order to check the validity of the data collected. Constitution and minutes of the proposed NGO. [1] Fisher, R. (2002). The PBO Act provides for preferential treatment under VAT and customs duties for imported goods or services that are used to further an organizations public benefit purposes (PBO Act Second Schedule Para. Here, you ought to fill Form 2 (F-2) for name reservation. Also, non-governmental organisations can be active in promoting social and political change in a country. African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) Nairobi, Kenya contacts, Location: Along Ngong Road, Karen, NairobiAddress: P.O. The definition specifically excludes companies; trade unions and their branches; cooperatives; corporations; firms, associations, or partnerships carrying on business for profit; schools; building societies; banks or international organizations of which Kenya is a member. Here are our 9 best volunteer opportunities in Kenya this year offered by high-quality volunteer organizations in Kenya. PBOs are exempt from: (i) income tax on income received from membership subscriptions and any donations or grants; (ii) income tax on income acquired from the active conduct of income-producing activities if the income is wholly used to support the public benefit purposes for which the organization was established; (iii) tax on interest and dividends on investments and gains earned on assets or the sale of assets; (iv) stamp duty; and (v) court fees (PBO Act Second Schedule Para 1(a)). The HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act prohibits discrimination on the grounds of actual, perceived, or suspected HIV status of a person in the workplace or in schools, or in access to loans and credit facilities (HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act Section 31-32). Some of the programs that you find in The Cradle Childrens Foundation include Child Rights Awareness, Networking, Lobbying and Advocacy. Katana Ngala collecting the Equator Prize. Under the Insolvency Act, companies limited by guarantee may be liquidated either voluntarily or by order of the High Court. Community Based Organization (CBO) in Kenya. Become a member today, and your donation will go to a different very deserving project each month. East African Wildlife Society 7. In Kuruwitu, on Kenya's North Coast, the people of the villages in the area have found that speaking out can lead to change. For the longest time before Fistula foundation stated its operation Kenya, many womn having fistula suffered silence. Box: 59178-00200 City Square, Nairobi, Kenya. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling. Prevention of trafficking by creating awareness. This button displays the currently selected search type. The Kenya Connect Learning Resource Center engages and empowers students, Wildlife on Ol Pejeta faces increasing threats from climate change, poaching and more. Solar Cookers International 9. We hereby establish an Organization to be known as COMUNITY ACTION FOR HEALTH & DEVELOPMENT{CAHED,} herein after referred to as the Organization 1. The positive impact on the fisheries was almost immediate, and as a direct result of community cohesion and action, catches in the surrounding area improved dramatically. A company limited by guarantee cannot be a private company (Kenyan Companies Act Section 9). HIAS Kenya works with many such refugees, providing shelter, mental-health counseling, and other services that often save lives. The PBO Act permits an organization to register under any of a variety of legal forms, but if an organization registers as a Public Benefit Organization in order to receive tax exemptions and other benefits derived from this status, it will cease to be registered under any other law (PBO Act Section 6; see also PBO Act Second Schedule, setting forth in detail some of the Benefits of Registration as a PBO). Advising the government on their contribution to national development. 35 of 2013), East African Customs Management Act [2004], The Employment Act, Chapter 226 of the Laws of Kenya [2007], The Education Act, Chapter 211 of the Laws of Kenya [1980], The HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act, Chapter 246A of the Laws of Kenya [2006], The Political Parties Act, Chapter 7B of the Laws of Kenya [2011]. The Ambassador's Self-Help Fund entertains proposals in the range of $1,000 to $10,000; however, the average grant awarded is $3,000 to $7,000. Community Based Organization (CBO) in Kenya. Many serve the community and facilitate other social, economic, and political responsibilities. This led to the creation of the first Locally Managed Marine Area (LMMA) in the Western Indian Ocean. The study was set out to establish the capacity of CBOs in promoting sustainable development in communities. Other types of societies can engage in political activities if their governing documents permit it. Silver Spring, MD 20910 Foundations: 2022 Edition, Guidance for Making Grants to Support Ukraine, Tips and Resources for Responding Globally to COVID-19, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commitment, Disaster Grantmaking and Response to Specific Disasters, Accelerating Charitable Efforts (ACE) Act, FEMA National Disaster Recovery Program Database, Council Letters to Congress & Administration, National Standards for US Community Foundations, International Center for Not-for-Profit Law, Deductibility of Charitable Contributions, The Non-Governmental Organizations Coordination Act, The Non-Governmental Organizations Coordination Regulations, The Societies Act, Chapter 108 of the Laws of Kenya, The Trustees (Perpetual Succession) Act, Chapter 164 of the Laws of Kenya, he Trustee Act, Chapter 167 of the Laws of Kenya, The Income Tax Act, Chapter 470 of the Laws of Kenya, NGO Coordination Regulations Second Schedule, NGO Coordination Regulations 1992 Second Schedule, NGO Coordination Regulations 1992 Paras. They empower the next generation whose dreams and actions will transform the future of Africa and the world. They are quite a number and provide different services to the public. The Cradle Childrens Foundation contacts main office, Location: Swiss Cottages (Apartment no. Among other things registering, facilitating and coordinating all national and international NGOs operating in Kenya. Kenya is host to close to 560,000 refugees and asylum seekers, primarily from Somalia, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, and other countries in the region. Learn how to get started on the exchange and the basics of posting. Kenya Wildlife Service 2. On the other, the major difference between public and private charitable organisation or foundations is that the public is formed by government or public institution and majorly relies on government. An organization may be registered as a PBO by the Public Benefit Organizations Regulatory Authority if its objective is the promotion of public benefit in any of the following areas listed in the Sixth Schedule of the PBO Act: legal aid; agriculture; children; culture; disability; energy; education; environment and conservation generally; gender; governance; poverty eradication; health; housing and settlement; human rights; HIV/AIDS; information; informal sector; old age; peace building; population and reproductive health; refugees; disaster prevention, preparedness and mitigation; relief; pastoralism and the marginalized communities; sports; water and sanitation; animal welfare; and youth. Mar 1, 2023. The PBO Act is meant to repeal the NGO Act so that all NGOs which are registered in Kenya under the NGO Act shall be deemed to be provisionally registered as PBOs and have up to one year from the appointed date to seek registration as a PBO under the new Act. Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Law, Business Mgt (FoA&SS / FoL / FBM), HIAS Kenya continues to monitor and adapt programs in response to the government of Kenyas policies. We recommend that readers check the status of the PBO Act and other pending legislation to determine if there are any pertinent changes in the current legal framework for NPOs in Kenya. (1)(b)). Gov't to Shut Down Unlicensed Online Businesses, CS Joe Mucheru. SDG Learning Community for Foundations March 2023 Meeting, The State of Global Giving by U.S. [8]. Third, unpaid tax deductions under the pay-as-you-earn rules of the Income Tax Act, unpaid non-resident and resident withholding tax deducted under the Income Tax Act, and unpaid duty payable under the Customs and Excise Act. Association for the Physically Disabled of Kenya. Because a company limited by guarantee cannot have share capital, it also does not meet the definition of a public company under Section 10 of the Companies Act. Pages in category "Non-profit organisations based in Kenya" The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total. KCDF aim, mission and vision are to for all communities to work together in prosperity and promote sustainable growth of communities for social justice, through organization building, partnerships, resource utilization and policy influencing. The international monthly NGO salary average is $3,125. Funding Information - US Embassy Self Help Funding in Kenya. Under the PBO Act, when an organization is deregistered, wound up, or dissolved, any assets remaining after all its liabilities have been met shall be transferred to another PBO having similar objectives, which shall be identified through a resolution of the governing body of the organization being deregistered, wound up, or dissolved; otherwise, the PBO Authority shall determine the recipient PBO (PBO Act Section 8(4)(m)). a copy of the constitution of the Community Based Organization to be registered; a recommendation from the Sub county Non-Governmental Organizations Monitoring Committee; a work plan and budget or strategic plan for the Community Based Organization; Proof of payment of the prescribed fees. Program Coordinator - The DISC INITIATIVES, Skype: charles_ochieng or charles.ochieng9,, However, they are subject to tax under certain circumstances like when they engage in activities that generate profit. In Kenya, legal recourse is not a simple matter. The number of charitable organisation in Kenya is over one thousand. Rural Agency for Community Development and Assistance (RACIDA), was founded in the year 2001. Green Belt Movement Headquarters contacts in Kenya, Location: Adams Arcade, along Kilimani Rd, off Elgeyo Marakwet RdAddress: P.O BOX 67545-00200Nairobi, KenyaPhone no:+254 (20) 3873057 /(20) 3860158 / (20) 3860157Phone no:+254 (0) 721342696. However, the law does not otherwise address whether donors can retain a proprietary interest in their donations. Despite the success of the initiative, there are still challenges. The organization focuses on four programs; To get in contact for donations or know more about them, here are the contacts; Kenya, like many other African countries, is faced with a lot of disasters and people who need that much-needed aid. WildlifeDirect 10. We work to advocate and promote durable solutions for refugees, including local integration, safe and voluntary repatriation, and third-country resettlement. RefugePoint works to improve the quality of life for refugees worldwide through field building and systems change. Volunteer Abroad in Kenya with African Impact. Many civil society organizations adhere to the laid down legal requirements are legally registered with relevant government departments and therefore recognized as key stakeholders in development. Even with her Nobel prize, she never settled for less but worked hard to even the lives of fellow women. HIAS Kenya integrates best practices based on international standards with a focus on community-based protection and empowerment. (2002). The trustees of a pension fund or provident fund may also apply to be registered as a body corporate. Our economic inclusion programs ensure that refugees have economic opportunities to earn sustainable income and start their lives anew. 1997-2023 COUNCIL ON FOUNDATIONS. Furthermore, deductibility is permitted for expenditures on scientific research to advance a business, including sums paid to approved scientific research institutes or universities, provided that certain conditions are satisfied (Income Tax Act Section 15(2)(n)). Non-governmental Organisations Co-ordination Board is a state corporation responsible for enabling and regulating the NGO sector. The fishermen could see the negative impact on their catches and the health of the marine environment but did not see any way of stopping the destruction due to the lack of policy in this area. Trusts not incorporated under the Trustees (Perpetual Succession) Act Cap. The first election under this new system was held in 2013 and the latest was in August 2022. 21(1)(b)-(c), Income Tax Act First Schedule Cap. As mentioned earlier, charitable organisation in Kenya can either be private or public. Green Belt Movement 4. The MPA is still protected and thriving today, 15 years later. These programmes were all geared towards development. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'elimucentre_com-leader-4','ezslot_10',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-elimucentre_com-leader-4-0');Email: Generally, a legal entity, upon its establishment and (where required) registration, can undertake any legal activity. Within this context, the Note examines issues of local law relevant to equivalency determinations. That is why many people are busy looking for NGOs jobs in Kenya. IUCN tools, publications and other resources. African Conservation Centre 6. In Kenya, CBOs began as self-help groups in the years of 1960s when the first president of Kenya, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta began to encourage grassroots growth through coming together in the spirit. We do not favor or oppose any candidate for public office. A call for mobilisation to the entire Union. Off Popo Road. Kenya Community Development Foundation Official website "Through the Local Fundraising Course offered by Change the Game Academy (CtGA), the biggest lesson that we have learnt is that there is need to initiate and grow profitable and sustainable investment ventures that contribute towards our objectives for the community center." An NGO's constitution must prohibit the organization from distributing funds to members and officials other than for legitimate reimbursement of expenses incurred in carrying out the organization's objectives (NGO Coordination Regulations Second Schedule Section 4(a) and 4(b)). Within community-based organizations (CBOs), there are many variations in terms of size and organizational structure. 470 Para. Then, they are supposed to fill specific forms, provide all the required paperwork, and pay relevant fees for their NGO to be fully registered in Kenya.

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