35:13-19. dela Cruz RE; Umali-Garcia M, 1992. Proceedings international seminar, 19-21 December 1996, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Basic properties and drying quality of 9-year-old Acacia mangium wood from plantation of the Forest Research and Development Agency in Bogor, Indonesia were studied in order to evaluate effects of girdling periods (0, 4 and 8 months) applied before cutting the trees. Abstract. Acacia auriculiformis x Acacia mangium hybrid (Aa x Am) is a promising Acacia hybrid for pulp. Acacias are native to tropical and subtropical regions of the world, particularly Australia (where they are called wattles) and Africa, where they are well-known landmarks on the veld and savanna. Clark NB; Balodis V; Fang GG; Wang JX, 1991. Cole TG; Yost RS; Kablan R; Olsen T, 1996. ; 18 pl. However, there seem to be no substantial data sets on P acquisition in plants with and without arbiscular mycorrhizas with and without diazotrophic symbionts, and similarly for diazotrophic symbiont–cluster root interactions. Apical shoots of Acacia mangium grown in MS medium containing 1 mg 1- 1 IBA, 7 g 1- 1 agar and 30 g 1- 1 sucrose were used as explants. Proceedings of a First meeting of COGREDA held in Phuket, Thailand. NS, nonsignificant; **, significant at p ≤ 0.01. The trees were taken from the SAFODA plantations in Sabah. Bernhard-Reversat F; Diangana D; Tsatsa M, 1993. In: Turnbull JW, ed. Expected gain on volume productivity in seedling seed orchards of Acacia mangium established by technical cooperation project between Indonesia and Japan. Tropical Acacias in East Asia and the Pacific. 12, 2-15; 15 ref. Distribution and ecology of Papua New Guinea acacias. PUE was higher with NO3− rather than N2 as nitrogen source at pH 5, but was lower at the other three external pH values. : biodiversity and taxonomy. Doran JC; Skelton DJ, 1982. In: Alien Invasive Species: Fact Sheets. Pedley L, 1975. Growth potential of twelve Acacia species on acid soils in Hawaii. Khasa PD; Li P; Vallée G; Magnussen S; Bousquet J, 1995. Generate a print friendly version containing only the sections you need. Australian trees and shrubs: species for land rehabilitation and farm planting in the tropics. The buffer capacity of the sago bark and Acacia mangium were acidic at pH 5.81 and 5.75. One or more of the features that are needed to show you the maps functionality are not available in the web browser that you are using. In Drysdale RM, John SET, Yapa AC, eds. Forest, Farm, and Community Tree Research Reports, 2: 24-26. Yantasath K; Anusontpornperm S; Utistham T; Soontornrangson W; Watanatham S, 1993. Acacia mangium : studies on the genetic variation in ecological and physiological characteristics of a fast-growing plantation tree species = tutkimuksia nopeakasvuisen viljelypuulajin ekologisten ja fysiologisten tunnusten geneettisestä vaihtelusta Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences. Young trees have smooth, greenish bark; fissures begin to develop at 2-3 years. Proceedings of an International Workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand, 11-15 February 1991. Individual clones were represented by two or three ramets. ACIAR Proceedings No. Harwood CE, 1996. Jakarta: Center for International Forestry Research. Micropropagation of Acacia mangium Willd. Auxiliary plants. at end of book]. Qd. CABI is a registered EU trademark. Proceedings of an International Workshop held in Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia, 1-4 July 1991. Le Dinh Kha, 1996. © Copyright 2020 CAB International. Pulping properties and fibre characteristics of wood from eight-year-old ramets of 6 diploid and 5 tetraploid clones of Acacia mangium grown in Vietnam are reported. In: Booth TH, ed. Their hybrid shows intermediate values, but the fact that they increase from F1 to. Forest Ecology and Management, 80(1-3):175-186; 19 ref. Bowen MR; Eusebio TV, 1981. Carmen Valero-Aracama, ... Toyoki Kozai, in, Oil-Palm Plantations in the Context of Biodiversity Conservation, Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Second Edition), Phosphorus homeostasis in legume nodules as an adaptive strategy to phosphorus deficiency, Protein turnover and plant RNA and phosphorus requirements in relation to nitrogen fixation. Advances in Tropical Acacia Research. The peak is reported to be June-July in Peninsular Malaysia (Zakaria and Awang, 1991), January in Sabah (Sedgley et al., 1992), October-November in Taiwan (Kiang et al., 1989) and September in Thailand (Kijkar, 1992). 3. Zakaria Ibrahim; Kamis Awang, 1991. The lower bole is sometimes fluted. Proceedings QFRI-IUFRO conference, Caloundra, Queensland, Australia, 27 October-1 November 1996. Management of biological N2 fixation in alley cropping systems: estimation and contribution to N balance. Trees with a diameter over 50 cm are rare. The subsistence quota of P on a dry matter basis is higher for organisms grown on N2 than for those grown on the two combined N sources [87]; see legend to Table 6. ; 24 pl. Australian Journal of Botany, 40(1):37-48; 32 ref. More experimentation is needed which compares the PUE on the different N sources under both P-saturating and P-limiting conditions, with robust statistical design and analysis. The superiority of Acacia hybrid (A. mangium x A. auriculiformis) compared to the parent trees as fast growth, straight bole, ligth branching, more tolerance to pest and desease and had better wood properties. Advances in Tropical Acacia Research. In this experiment, Acacia mangium wood was physically activated in the presence of CO2 gas at an activation temperature of 500 ºC for 2 h. The total surface area of the activated carbon was found to be 395.91 m 2 /g, 81.06% of which was due to micropores. Afforestation of Imperata grasslands in Indonesia: Results of industrial tree plantation research trials at Teluk Sirih on Pulau Laut, Kalimantan Selatan. per year for acacia hybrid was slightly lower than the Acacia mangium superbulk. Canberra, Australia: Australian National University Press. The Acada Ho YF; Maznah O, 1995. Insect pests. Acacia mangium grown with limited P supply (growth rate about 20% of that at P saturation) had a higher PUE with urea than with N2 as N source [98] (Table 6). Indeed, young males leave their native community when they become mature and establish their own territory in a new forest area (Goossens et al., 2006). Fodder value of selected Australian tree and shrub species. In: Dieters MJ, Matheson AC, Nikles DG, Harwood CE, Walker SM, eds. 1993, xiii + 280 pp. This study was aimed to investigate the fiber characteristics of the hybrid. Yogyakarta: Forest Tree Improvement Research and Development Institute, Part III, 1-11. A major complication is the effect of plant P content on AM infection and cluster root development. Symbol Key - ACMA12. ex Benth. Saad Sulieman, Lam-Son Phan Tran, in Plant Science, 2015. dominated grasslands. Silvae Genetica, 44(4):190-193; 18 ref. Acacia mangium trees have been planted extensively because of their rapid growth, ability to adapt to soil with low fertility 35, 138-144. Abstract and Figures Acacia mangium is an evergreen fast-growing tropical tree, which can grow up to 30 m tall and 50 cm thick, under favorable conditions. In: Carron LT, Aken KM, eds. Allergies/Toxicity: Besides the standard health risks associated with any type of wood dust, no further health reactions have been associated with Mangium. Insect pests of Acacia mangium sawn timber. Acacia mangium is in subgenus Phyllodinae, a group containing in excess of 900 species (Maslin and McDonald, 1996). Braza RD, 1995. ID - 316. Oxford, UK: Oxford Forestry Institute and Winrock International, 392-393. National Academy of Sciences, 1983. National Academy of Sciences, 1979. Forest Genetic Resources Information, FAO, No. ACIAR Proceedings Series Canberra, Australia; Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, No. Nguyen Hoang Nghia; Le Dinh Kha, 1996. Recently, several Ceratocystis isolates were collected from wilting A. mangium in plantations in Indonesia. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. A recent study in Sumatra investigated crop-raiding by a population of Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii) that had become isolated from natural forest in an agricultural landscape, including oil-palm plantations (Campbell-Smith et al., 2011). The timber hybrid Acacia is of medium dense having specific gravity 0.56 at green condition which is less than that of teak (Tectona grandis). Proceedings of an International Workshop, Gympie, Qld., Australia, 4-7 August 1986. Trees start to grow actively again in April before the start of the wet season (Atipanumpai, 1989). Recent developments in improvement strategy for tropical tree species. Proceedings of an International Workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand, 11-15 February 1991. Forest Ecology and Management, 73(1-3):271-277; 27 ref. of Acacia mangium include air drying, drying rate, quick drying and drying schedule tests (Tan et al. 18:1-24. http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/006/J1583E/J1583E00.htm#TopOfPage, Instituto Horus, 2011. The present study focused on the multiplication and preparation stages of micropropagation and consisted of three experiments. In: Rimbawanto A, Widyatmoko AYPBC, Suhaendi H, Furukoshi T, eds Tropical Plantation Establishment: Improving Productivity Through Genetic Practices. ; 18 ref. Acacia, commonly known as the wattles or acacias, is a large genus of shrubs and trees in the subfamily Mimosoideae of the pea family Fabaceae.Initially, it comprised a group of plant species native to Africa and Australasia, but is has now been limited to contain only the Australasian species. 11, 47-53; 1 pl. Tree Improvement for Sustainable Tropical Forestry. Bangkok: Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Research, 28-33. Maslin BR; McDonald MW, 1996. 3.2 Glueline characteristics of sago bark and Acacia mangium 3.2.1 Determination ofmoisture content 16 3.2.2 Determination ofbuffering capacity and pH value of sago bark and Acacia mangium 17 3.2.3 Determination ofwetting angle of sago bark and Acacia mangium 17 3.3 Laboratory board fabrication 19 Bon MC; Monteuuis O, 1996. Tree Improvement for Sustainable Tropical Forestry. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 4(1-2):119-130; 15 ref. Last Updated on Thu, 26 Oct 2017 | Acacia Mangium Despite the fact that variations in wood properties significantly aflect utilization, studies on provenance variation in terms of wood characteristics ⦠Pulping properties and fibre characteristics of wood from eight-year-old ramets of 6 diploid and 5 tetraploid clones of Acacia mangium grown in Vietnam are reported. ACIAR Proceedings No. of ref. 10:187-192; [refs. Aerial surveys in eastern Sabah, Malaysian Borneo (M. Ancrenaz, unpublished data), identified large numbers of orangutan nests in oil-palm plantations, especially in small forest patches within the oil-palm matrix. Carron LT; Aken KM eds, 1992. 8 BAB II KAJIAN PUSTAKA 2.1 Deskripsi Akasia (Acacia mangium) Acacia mangium, yang juga dikenal dengan nama akasia adalah salah satu spesies pohon yang cepat tumbuh yang paling banyak digunakan dalam program ilmu kehutanan dan perkebunan di seluruh Asia dan Pasifik. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 92(3):219-254; 143 ref. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences. ACIAR-Monograph, No. Paijmans K; Blake DJ; Bleeker P; McAlpine JR, 1971. Proceedings of an International Workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand, 27-30 March 1995. In a subsequent experiment [97] T. repens was grown in flowing nutrient solutions on NO3− or diazotrophically with 3 mmol phosphate m−3, i.e. In: Drysdale RM, John SET, Yapa AC, eds. Butcher PA; Moran GF; Perkins HD, 1996. Wood properties of the hybrid have been reported for their physical and chemical characteristics, but the fiber characteristics have not been investigated. Australian Acacias in Developing Countries. The status of invasiveness of forest tree species outside their natural habitat: a global review and discussion paper. 1983, viii + 92 pp. possibly consistent with optimal allocation of P. Although this work [99] also used phosphorus-limiting growth conditions, the lack of cell carbon content data mean that it is not possible to estimate the rate of dry matter increase and hence the PUE. Turnbull JW; Awang K, 1997. A. flos-aquae grown under phosphorus-replete conditions had PUEs decreasing in the order NH4+ > NO3− > N2, although the two latter values may not be significantly different [99]; see Table 6), i.e. Comparison of floral morphology, flower production and pollen yield of Acacia mangium and A. auriculiformis. The role of acacia and eucalypt plantations for honey production. In: Dieters MJ, Matheson AC, Nikles DG, Harwood CE, Walker SM, eds. In: Leucaena Research in the Asian-Pacific Region. Gympie, Australia: Queensland Forestry Research Institute, 46-50. Australian acacias for pulpwood. ACIAR Proceedings Series, No. Proceedings of the 7th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Bali Indonesia, 11-16 July, 1994. 5. Role of symbiotic associations in nutrition of tropical acacias. Photo: L. Atipnnuinpai. Keating WG; Bolza E, 1982. 9. In: Awang K, Taylor DA, eds. LennT JM, 1992. Breeding Tropical Trees: Population Structure and Genetic Improvement Strategies in Clonal and Seedling Forestry. A tree improvement program for a pulpwood plantation project in Sumatra, Indonesia. Detailed coverage of invasive species threatening livelihoods and the environment worldwide. Surprisingly, very few studies exist of orangutan use of oil-palm habitats. However, extracellular phosphatases are also produced by non-diazotrophic cyanobacteria in P-deficient conditions [120]. Moran GF; Muona O; Bell JC, 1989. The seeds had been collected from trees of five different provenances. Category - Dicot. Nitrogen fixation and mycorrhizae in acacias on degraded grasslands. Common Name - N/A. Root and heart rots in Acacia mangium plantations in India. Kiang T; Jeng CY; Fuh-Jiunn P; Fuh-Jing M, 1989. agents on the characteristics, composition, and surface morphology of the designed activated carbons. GREEN - A climatic mapping program for China and its use in forestry. Acacia mangium Willd. properties and drying characteristics of Acacia mangium. http://www.institutohorus.br/inf_fichas_eng. The distribution in this summary table is based on all the information available. The whitish (or cream) flowers are in rather loose spikes 5-12 cm long on peduncles 0.6-1 cm long, singly or in pairs in the upper axils. Diseases. Prin Y; Galiana A; Ducousso M; Dupuy B; Lajudie Pde; Neyra M, 1993. Acacia, genus of about 160 species of trees and shrubs in the pea family (Fabaceae). Vegetative propagation of adult trees of acacia hybrid (Acacia auriculiformis X Acacia mangium). Characteristics, properties and uses of timbers. The glossy and smooth surface finish after polishing leads also to a potential for making export-oriented parquet flooring tiles and artifacts. Fast-growing leguminous trees in Sabah. Diseases of multipurpose woody legumes in the tropics: a review. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Razali AK; Hamami SM, 1992. In: Turnbull JW ed. Breeding Technologies for Tropical Acacias. Recent studies have shown unexpected ecological resilience in orangutans in selectively harvested timber concessions and plantations of Acacia mangium (Ancrenaz et al., 2010; Meijaard et al., 2010). Doran JC; Turnbull JW; Boland DJ; Gunn BV, 1983. Buford Briscoe C, 1995. In: Awang K, Taylor DA, eds. The Vegetation of the Humid Tropical Region. 2.2 Morphological characteristics The Acacia hybrid is a medium-sized tree that is similar in appearance to Acacia mangium. Harwood CE; Williams ER, 1992. Turvey ND, 1995. ex Benth. 3 investigated the effects of medium strength and the presence or absence of PGR conventionally used at the preparation stage on photoautotrophic growth and rooting of plantlets. Pulping properties of tropical acacias. Research on Acacia mangium in Sabah: a review. Preliminary results showed that maximum and minimum DBH for acacia hybrid was 40.9 cm and 13.3 cm, respectively. The establishment and tending of Acacia mangium. Krisnawati H; Kallio MH; Kanninen M, 2011. Tropical Plantation Establishment: Improving Productivity through Genetic Practices. Apical shoots of Acacia mangium grown in MS medium containing 1 mg 1- 1 IBA, 7 g 1- 1 agar and 30 g 1- 1 sucrose were used as explants. Wallingford, UK: CABI, CABI, Undated a. CABI Compendium: Status as determined by CABI editor. Fiji Pine Research Paper, Fiji Pine Commission/Fiji Forestry Department, No. The phyllodes are characterized by four (rarely three or five) main longitudinal nerves, basally confluent but distinct from lower margin, minor nerves strongly anastomosing to form a prominent reticulum (Maslin and McDonald, 1996).Inflorescences, flowers and fruits Sim BL, 1987. ‘Suggest’ is used rather than ‘show’ because no statistical tests are possible for the six data sets. Ceram and Aru) to Iriyan Jaya. Acacia mangium: growing and utilization. Muak Lek, Saraburi, Thailand. : ecology, silviculture and productivity. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No 11. Proceedings: International Symposium on Genetic Conservation and Production of Tropical Forest Tree Seed, 14-16 June 1993, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Timber trees: minor commercial timbers. Tree Improvement for Sustainable Tropical Forestry. 3. These results have supported the proposition that nodules represent a preferential strong sink for P incorporation during P starvation among the various plant organs [14,20,34] (Fig. P-replete, at a range of pH values (pH 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0). This article provides a ⦠Fuelwood plantations and the Fijian village community. Handbook on seeds of dry-zone acacias. Orangutans are primarily arboreal creatures, using relatively large territories and mostly feeding on fruits, leaves, and barks originating from hundreds of plant species (Rijksen and Meijaard, 1999). Table 3.1. Processing and utilisation of acacias, focusing on Acacia mangium. As long as oil palm does not offer a food resource to orangutans and forest fragments within the oil palm are small, degraded, and few, it is doubtful that an oil-palm landscape can sustain a viable resident orangutan population in the long-term. However, it must be emphasized that the predictions of the decreased growth rate needs input of further, currently unavailable, data, as well as more data sources to permit statistical analysis of PUE values to supplement the values in Table 6. Silvae Genetica, 43(4):226-231; 16 ref. Breeding technologies for tropical acacias. Rome, Italy: FAO. Toda T, Tajima M, Brini PB, 1995. Plantations, Recherche, Developpement, 3(1):39-48; 8 ref. Rooting Acacia mangium cuttings: effects of age, within-shoot position and auxin treatment. In: Rimbawanto A, Widyatmoko AYPBC, Suhaendi H, Furukoshi T, eds. Overall, there are no qualitative P acquisition differences between non-diazotropic and diazotrophic cyanobacteria [108]. Multipurpose woody legumes in the distribution in this summary Table is based on all the information...., Developpement, 3 ( 1 ): 74 ( where it occurs on the variation...: Queensland Forestry Research ( CIFOR ), 2013 expected gain on volume Productivity in Seedling orchards! 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Of micropropagation and consisted of three Acacia species and provenance selection for large-scale planting in the Philippines micrografting of hybrid. To Acacia mangium in Sabah surface morphology of the Morehead-Kiunga area, Territory of Papua and New Guinea Australia. ; 8 ref green, glabrous on a glabrous pulvinus 0.6-1 cm long results showed that the oil-palm landscape the... Australian acacias for fuelwood and charcoal in: Dieters MJ, Matheson AC, Nikles DG ; Vuokko,. ( pH 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 ) Clonal and Forestry... Bleeker P ; Dupuy B ; Domenach AM ; Sangare a, 1991: status as determined CABI... Examined to clarify the maturity of the boundary between juvenile and mature wood was also examined clarify. A. mangium in the tropics Australia, 4-7 August 1986 fao/undp-mal/78/009, Forest Research Centre, Sabah, Malaysia 1-4. In April before the start of the wet season ( Atipanumpai, 1989 ) and consisted of three experiments Center! 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