Basically, any time I would have used a visually hidden heading, I would use an aria-label attribute now instead. I even list the things you have mentioned under it. One recurring question is the need of putting the H1 around the logo on the Home page (where the H1 comes around the title of the main content on other pages), which seems pretty logical to me. And so on. For example if you look at this page from the Treehouse website, each of the page sections (defined by the change in background color) could have been marked up using section elements. Headers mark the start of a new section. Using these elements has a number of benefits. An article is actually an autonomous section. As a general rule, don’t re-use a page id: use a class if you want to share styles across multiple pages, and use an id if styles are unique to one page. Adding a sectioning element to the mix bombards the screen reader user with messages telling them that it is a search form (one for the sectioning element, one for the search role, and one for the search input label). Using these elements gives more semantic meaning to your pages, allowing computer programs to better understand your content. Like this: Some people might be thinking “why not a
element?”. how all browsers currently read the heading structure) and what the document structure looks like in a browser that supports the document outline algorithm (i.e. Sry for typos (phone) and i outline them with for ex. Do you think that using this more complex and specific approach could potentially help with ranking? Failing focus order leads to the user suffering a moment of discomfort as they are tabbing through the content and focus is sent to an unexpected location. Great article. It can be used as a header for a whole page (the most common usage), but can also be used as the header for an article or any other piece of on-page content. When I say headers, I mean short phrases (such as "Questions" and "Lists, images and source code" below) that are usually in a bold font and on a separate line within articles.When I say title, I mean the title of things like articles (the title of this article is "Headers and Titles for Articles"). how a theoretical future browser that supports the outline algorithm would present the site structure). I am going to highlight some specific items that stood out to me on a first read. For example blind people are happy to have a control over the navigation which is easier with a list. position: absolute takes the element out of the document flow so it takes up no space in the page layout. I saw that technique using a visually hidden class. “Major” is a very subjective term though. There is a great video of Léonie Watson rolling through pages in JAWS that I recommend everyone watch. It still gets the majority of benefits that you get from using sectioning elements. It does doesn’t it? If the simplified outline algorithm is approved in its current state, we will actually need to start structuring our sites like the visually hidden example anyway (just replace the , and elements with elements). The