jira smart values trigger issue

jira smart values trigger issue

Automation rules are made up of three parts: triggers that kick off the rule, conditions that refine the rule, and actions that perform tasks in your site. action: log to the audit file this value. Seeaccesing multi-value fields, Added by: This is added any time an issue is added. {{comment.internal}} - forJira Service Management comments, returns false if the comment is visible to customers. Use{{fieldChange.fromString}}and{{fieldChange.toString}}to access display values and{{fieldChange.from}}and{{fieldChange.to}}to access raw values (for a select field for example). Step 4: Add 'Edit Issue' action . {{issue.affectedServices.tier}} - Returns the tiers of the issue's Affected services. This value supportsDate and Time functions. These smart values can only be accessed through other root keys (e.g{{deployment.environment}}). Ive tried with both format that you mentioned: Thanks, Sofia. This example shows the previous status id (for use in another Edit action). Or you could count how many issues have the same label, same fixVersion, etc. In your site, the rule actor will be set as Automation app user. These can be combined with other user smart values. Do more to earn more! Using this branch component, we can move away from the main trunk of the rule and work on related issues. If a condition fails, the rule will stop running and no actions following the condition will be performed. The URL to access the issue. Learn how to use automation in Confluence Cloud, and see what components and variables you can use to build rules. {{comment.created}} - Returns the date and time of the comment. {{createdBranches.name}} - returns the names of the branches, {{createdBranches.url}} - returns the URLs of the branches. {{flags.name}} returns the name of the feature flag. View topic Examples of using math expression smart values Create and configure Jira automation rules, Branch automation rules to perform actions on related issues, Issue data (Automation format) payload for Send Web Request, Issue data (Jira format) payload for Send Web Request action, Limitations in team-managed projects for automation rules, Permissions required for Jira Cloud automation rules, Test a Jira automation rule using the Manual trigger, Transfer Jira automation rules from one user to another, Differences between Automation in Jira Server and Jira Cloud, Examples of using math expression smart values, Examples of using smart values with dates, Examples of using smart values with lists, Examples of using smart values with text strings, Use Jira automation rules to modify issues, Convert wiki markup to HTML or plain text in Jira automation, Move an issue to another project using automation, Version created, Version updated, and Version released triggers. Wonderful :). See all smart values that are used to insert and format numerical values using math expressions. Learn how to use these to interact with Jiras REST API. Automation allows you to focus on the work that matters, removing the need to perform manual, repetitive tasks by allowing your teams to automate their tasks, processes, and workflows. {{issue.security.name}} - Returns the security level name. {{changelog.issuetype}} - Changelog information for theIssue type field. [property]}}, you can also access custom field information on your issues. Possible states are production, staging, testing, development, and unknown, Used with: the Sprint created, Sprint started and Sprint completed triggers. Returns the value of the Jira Service Managements scale custom field. {{flag.key}} returns the key of the feature flag. {{issue.epic. Triggers will listen for events in Jira, such as when an issue is created or when a field value is changed. Join the Kudos program to earn points and save your progress. If multiple values are changed (e.g. Fix versions of an issue as a list. However sometimes the two fields holds the same person, resulting in an email with twice the same name. A representation of a release/version in Jira. Keep earning points to reach the top of the leaderboard. 2020-07-20T07:00:00.0+0000. Is there a way to similar functionality in Jira-Server? This example returns the new value of an issue'sSummary field after it has been changed. Or you could count how many issues have the same label, same fixVersion, etc. The option to created linked issues (and then pick the blocked option) exists, but only to pick the issue from the trigger value or the most recently created issue to create a link. Connect your source code management, build or deployment tool to use these smart values. Learn more about using smart values with sections and lists. Issue commented, Added by: Clone Issue Action, Create Issue Action, Create Sub-tasks Action, A list of issues that have been created in the rule, The type of event that triggered the rule such as: jira:issue_updated :issue_commented. Note that repository contains additional nested smart values. Thisshould not be usedsince it requires an expensive reload of issue data. Here is an example automation rule which can be used as a templated rule for creating a Release Center Epic from any (or selected) Jira Software project versions automatically: Rule step. Approval required: accesses information when an issue that requires approval is created or updated, or when new approvers are added to an issue. Jira smart values - JSON functions See all smart values that take issue fields and convert them into JSON format. Can only be used when the active issue is a subtask, and can't be used to access a standard issue's parent issue. {{addedfieldChange.values}} - Returns the new value/values added. Used with the Related issues condition. Join the Kudos program to earn points and save your progress. {{commit.repository.url}} returns the repositorys URL. You must be a registered user to add a comment. [feature/ISSUE-123-some-work, feature/ISSUE-456-more-work]. Because this smart value deals with multiple items (i.e: issues can have many fix versions), it can be used with the#symbol to apply the rule to each individual fix version. Please raise suggestion ticket in our public tracker, https://jira.atlassian.com/projects/JIRAAUTOSERVER. A commit represents an individual change to a file (or set of files). [Custom Field].id}} - Returns the unique id for the field assigned by Jira. In the dropdown menu, you simply choose the field you want to work on, including custom fields and then edit. You can access all fields of the parent. E.g. Would be good and useful functionality to have. If you have multiple webhook responses, you can add the#symbol to apply the rule to each individual response. {{issue.epic.key}} - Returns the epic's key, e.g. {{issue.affectedServices.changeApprovers}}, {{issue.affectedServices.changeApprovers.displayName}}, {{issue.affectedServices.dependentServices}}, {{issue.affectedServices.dependentServices.tier}}, {{issue.Request Type.currentStatus.status}}, {{comment.properties. You could then use this to count the number of issues returned. Automation is a great way to reduce the manual work of keeping story points up to date. You were right, the rule was running too quickly, so the field was empty.I modify de trigger to give it time, and got the result expected. {{versions.description}}- Returns the description of the affects version. {{deletedFieldChanged.valueIds}} - Returns the id/ids of value/values deleted. See all Jira Cloud automation smart values related to date and time. "sd.public.comment".internal}} -. The rule is running too quickly after the issue is created. When an epic is marked as done move all of its stories to done also. You can check this by navigating to the "Custom fields" page in the. FR Jira Dev Aug 05, 2021 I currently have an Automation workflow that creates multiple tasks and subtasks. {{versions.releaseDate}}- Returns the affects version's release date. {{issue.affectedServices.dependentServices}}- Returns the list of services that this issue's services depend on. {{issue.affectedServices.changeApprovers}} - Returns the account ID of all change approvers of the issue's services. Automation for Jira has a trigger that reads incoming webhooks, both in on-premises and cloud intances. Here you can access any issue property. They allow you to automate tasks and make changes within your site. You can access all fields of the Epic. {{pullRequest.state}} returns the state the pull request is in - Open, Merged, or Declined. For example, wheninvalid referencedoesn't contain a value, you can printHello worldusing{{invalid reference|"Hello world"}}. {{versions.released}}- Returnstrueif the affects version is released, andfalseif not. {{rule.actor}} - Accesses the rule actor user. Learn more about using smart values with sections and lists. Added by: Webhook TriggerThis allows access to data that was sent along with the incoming webhookThe body of the Webhook request. Each field is a list of changes. General triggers These triggers can be used across all Jira products. What that error tells me one of three things is happening: Let's try this: immediately after your trigger, add two things: a) If the rule works after adding the re-fetch, the cause was #1, b) If the audit log does not show your date, it is either #2 or #3. {{issue.Request Type.requestType.name}} - Returns the customer request type. The only situation where this is necessary, is where subsequent actions need to have visibility of the latest state of the issue (e.g. Click Create a webhook. Issues in Jira rarely exist in isolation. {{issue.TempoAccountField}} - Returns the name of the account, {{issue.TempoAccountField.id}} - Returns the ID of the account, {{issue.TempoAccountField.name}} - Returns the name of the account, {{issue.TempoAccountField.value}} - Returns the name of the account, Can be used with: the Approval required trigger and the Approval completed trigger. {{build.refs}} returns the refs of the build, e.g. {{issue.issueType.name}} -Returns the issue's type, for exampleStory,Bug, orTask. {{sprint.isStarted}} - Returnstrue if the sprint has started, andfalse if not. {{issue.watchers.displayName}} - Returns the watcher's display name. {{fieldChange.to}}Returns the new raw value, e.g. If a customer has not responded to an issue in 5 days, close the issue and leave a comment. You can view the audit log of an individual rule, project-wide or at a global level. TEST-123-some-feature, {{repository.url}} returns the absolute URL of the repository, e.g. Similar to{{issue. Any property used with the{{issue}}smart value can also be used with{{createdIssue}}. {{pullRequest.updatedDate}} returns the time (UTC) when the pull request was last updated (created, declined or merged), e.g. {{createdBranch.name}} - returns the name of the branch, {{createdBranch.url}} - returns the URL of the branch. Learn more about list smart values. Visit the marketplace to integrate your build or deployment tool with Jira Cloud. {{sprint.name}} - Returns the sprint name. build#123, {{build.url}} returns the absolute URL of the build, e.g. I'll mention the docs discrepancies to the person that maintains our documentation. Connect thousands of apps for all your Atlassian products, Run a world-class agile software organization from discovery to delivery and operations, Enable dev, IT ops, and business teams to deliver great service at high velocity, Empower autonomous teams without losing organizational alignment, Great for startups, from incubator to IPO, Get the right tools for your growing business, Docs and resources to build Atlassian apps, Compliance, privacy, platform roadmap, and more, Stories on culture, tech, teams, and tips, Training and certifications for all skill levels, A forum for connecting, sharing, and learning. What goes around comes around! {{issue.parent.epic.summary}} - Returns the summary of the parent issue's epic. See, This allows access to data that was sent along with the incoming webhook, Added by: Send web request with "Wait for response" checked. Also provides the customer portal URL for Jira Service Management issues. {{createdBranch.repository}} - accesses details of the branchs repository, {{createdBranch.repository.id}} - returns the repositorys ID, {{createdBranch.repository.name}} - returns the repositorys name. In this way, approval returns two different values depending on the trigger being Approval required or Approval completed - https://support . {{issue.InsightField}} - Returns the issue summary and issue key, {{issue.InsightField.key}} - Returns the issue key, {{issue.InsightField.summary}} - Returns the issue summary.

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