pageant platform mental health

pageant platform mental health

It should never be something that you just put on for the sake of a pageant competition, because you think the judges will approve of it or just because you want to win a title. Research all the local city and county websites to look for upcoming events, then call or email whoever is in charge and ask if you can help out or participate in any way. Every individual is beautiful in her own unique way., Miss Massachusetts East Coast USA Photogenic Supreme Lauren Forbes. 10900. Creating a platform with an emotional tie to you. pageant advocacy about mental health. Perhaps your Mom and Dad read to you because you could not read for yourself, and that one thing that they did made you feel so loved and accepted, despite the reality that you had a learning deficiency. Having such a platform can bring meaning to your time in pageantry, and can get you started on the path to volunteerism if you werent involved before. I'm a #1 podcast host, bestselling author, YouTube creator, and world renown pageant coach. I need to raise money for my pageant platform. Size does not define beauty. Don't fret, we've got all the answers for you right here. No problem! What specific ideas do you have for how people can combat the problem of bullying and become a kinder, more accepting society? Got any ideas? Lauren Forbes is the first crowned Miss Pageant Planet, 2018 Miss Massachusetts East Coast USA Photogenic Supremeand "Spirit Award" recipient of Miss Massachusetts USA 2018. Self-acceptance is a vital pageant criterion, and this is many times what separates the winners from those who do not place. Creating the perfect pageant platform consists of three different types of thinking: how strongly do you feel about your cause, what actions can you take to make your community aware of this cause, and what about it makes you a memorable contestant. They might be able to connect you with someone who has an appearance opportunity for you or an event where you could volunteer and promote your platform, as well as your pageant system. Were just trying to come up with ideas to raise money for your pageant. You can help to facilitate a class, volunteer to tutor a child who needs help with their homework, teach a skill that you know or just show up on the weekends and play hoop! Miss USA 2014 and 1st Runner up to Miss Universe, Nia Sanchez says that she is probably the only Miss USA in history to spend more time out of her heels than in them, because she was always kicking off her shoes to give demonstrations in self-defense. And once you figure all that out, how do you promote your pageant platform? How have you been able to overcome and get through the difficult aspects of being bullied? When you dig down deep and think about all the different skills, abilities and talents that you have, you are a treasure trove of money making ideas just waiting to happen! Two titleholders who have had intimate knowledge of depression and the resulting feelings of pain and isolation are Miss Black USA 2018 Kelsi Horn and Miss Global 2018 Sophia Ng. Just start a fundraiser and share your page! Were not talking about starting a new career here. Drawing on our experience and that of others, we offer five considerations that mental-health-care providers, insurers, or employers should bear in mind as they embark on developing pay-for . This is your time to speak about all of the fundraisers, events, and charity work you have done to further your platform. Are all three of you the same? Photo: CNN. Her involvement with her platform allowed her to partner with Prevent Child Abuse America and Child Help. Her goal as the national titleholder was to educate children and adults alike as to the signs and risks of eating disorders, as well as how and where to get help for themselves or a loved one. Think about all of the possible ways to communicate with people, and all the different ways that we do that. There are direct and indirect ways to communicate and promote your platform. This is not the time to enter in last minute additional information, as the judges will have already formed an opinion of your essay by now. Then, in 2016, Cheslie won the Rock the Runway design competition, a fundraiser sponsored by Goodwill. child advocacy. In recent years, several noteworthy titleholders have created dynamic and powerful platforms that not only won them a significant title, but brought a lot of public attention and support to their individual causes. Having confidence also makes these women come back year after year to try again. EXTREME MIND. Because, that would indicate that book was about the organization itself. Miss America has been associated with The Childrens Miracle Network, and every woman who becomes Miss America, accepts the responsibility of being their ambassador. A pageant like The International Pageant System is an organization that puts a major emphasis on service work and platforms, so its no surprise that two of their well known national titleholders in the Mrs. Division, embraced platforms that focused on helping suffering children. Here are some public and private ideas that you can use to generate funds that can be very enjoyable not only for you, but for others to participate in. Being able to speak about someone that you love facing a medical dilemma can be the inspiration for many passionate speeches and essays about how those battling the same dilemma can get through it. However, there has been a general downward trend over the last decade. Miss Global 2018 Sophia Ng. Shree has held many titles in the years that she has been involved in pageantry. These individuals may have a harder time coping with stress. When you can show the judges that youve been able to do this on your own with the pageants charity or your own platform, it demonstrates that you have the skill set and the capabilities to do that as a queen. Then ASK for help! By championing a cause, having a platform provides you with the opportunity to make a difference, and even though you may feel that your impact is small, once you become a titleholder, it is very much so amplified on a local, state, national, and international level! Even if you are not the greatest writer, when you begin to write speeches about your work, the passion towards solving your platform goal will have the ink flowing out of your pen faster than you can say butt glue! armed forces vacation club for veterans 082 825 4557; welsh keith brymer jones wife You want to be able to speak about your platform for days on end to as many people as possible and not risk exhaustion because you love your platform just that much. A platform does not have to be widely known or super popular to have that kind of presence; it just has to have enough people involved and have a global network in place. Your platform is the foundation of your service work (whatever that looks like) and its the cornerstone of your strategic marketing campaign, so what you choose is of the utmost importance. Life Clarity; Camera Confidence; Awards & Media; Blog . Miss America 2014 Nina Davuluri, adored animals, so she encouraged the public to adopt a cat or a dog instead of purchasing a pet from a breeder. Lets find you the perfect platform! With the recent deaths of beloved pageant competitors, many within the community are reeling and wanting to shed light on the larger, global mental health crisis.. Jennifer Lloyd, who is well . Its plain to see that one decision can have a tremendous impact on the world. She now has an additional opportunity to promote her social media platform, R.E.A.L.I.T.Y. Writing a pageant platform may seem like a tremendous amount of work, but the next section covers exactly how you want to write your platform essay and what you can include to differentiate your essay from the next! From crushing a child's self-esteem after losing a pageant, to poor diets and lack or rest. AID FOR AIDS International is a non-profit organization committed to improving the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS in Latin America and the Caribbean. Listen to Steven and Jesse break it down for you in the podcast, "What is a Pageant Platform and How Do You Develop It?". Although the pageant essay is not imperative for some systems, like Miss Earth USA or Miss USA, it is imperative for systems such as Miss America and Miss Teen, creating an essay is a great exercise for all contestants to ensure that they know the direction that they want to go in for their platform. Photo: Facebook. And, what do they do?. The theme sets a number of goals towards achieving this: * Connect: Develop your relationships with friends, family, colleagues, and neighbours as these connections support you and enrich your life. Peer Mentors Program: Making Peace with Bullying. How do I choose the right pageant platform for me? When you choose atopic that you love and are passionate about, everyone can see the passion from miles away! The reach of her campaign was monumental and everywhere you looked, you saw women AND men with a fingernail painted purple. This is exactly what having a platform can do! Right in all the things you care about. Because that is what it really boils down to. Kelsi believes social media is a culprit in the pressure young women apply to themselves. We know that this is a very extensive project, but these people are your current network, and every single one of them can help you in some way. Covering your bases like this will not only help you to seal the deal with your judges, but it will help to make an impact with others should you decide to post your speech online. She is a member of the International Thespian Honor Society and is an honor student and vocalist who loves to sing opera. Shrees platform is all about heart health and emotional wellbeing, and she is an incredible volunteer, logging an astounding amount of volunteer hours, and earning numerous awards for giving her time to many organizations including the American Heart Association and The Hope Heart Institute. If you dont feel comfortable speaking about medical conditions, take a look around your community and look for the main issues that youd like to see a change in. If you bring out your inner creativity and try to market your platform in a way you have never seen others do it before, then you are well on your way to a great platform. Pageant coaches teach their clients confidence and work on how to develop it within themselves. And, if your platform is not the kind of cause that they can get involved with and expand on at a national or international level, then they likely will not choose you as their queen. It can be a very simple event, without a lot of fuss, as long as people are interested in attending. As the winner of Miss America, she has been able to do just that. How is that for impressive, huh? My role models are my Mom, my aunts and other family members. When writing your conclusion, you want to make sure that you use a proper tone that makes it sound like you are concluding your essay. Miss America 2019 Nia . There are never enough volunteers or advocates for these types of organizations, and there are countless children who are desperately in need of a loving home. To prepare for a pageant, you must have a wardrobe selected, a talent practiced, be mentally prepared to answer your on-stage questions and on top of . They provide prevention and care services to men, women and families that are living with, or affected by HIV/AIDS in New York City. In fact, you can make a major difference in the lives of homeless individuals just by being willing to show up. It doesnt mean that the contestant has already taken her platform to a global level; it simply means that she can take it there with the assistance of the pageant system. Passion is contagious, and when you are passionate about a cause or charity, you can get other people fired up too. But, every single day, she is there. Mandy is also a mental health advocate. During her year as Miss America, Teresa travelled an incredible 20,000 miles per month, educating and counseling students and young adults about eating disorders, a platform that she advocates for to this day. Its important to prioritize self-care. When they are assessing the contestants during their national competition, one of the things that they are looking at is whether or not each womans platform is one that they can engage with and support on an international level. Appearances and volunteering are not the same things. Through her charity, Kendra has donated over 2,000 books to underprivileged children and adults. Published Mon, April 25, 2022. Written By Amanda Plevell. 5. Selling something that you make like cookies, cakes, candy or specialty items like Christmas ornaments or other holiday decorations. As mentioned before, having a platform is integral to making your year of service, whether as a contestant or as a titleholder, worth the effort. Typically the things that we most enjoy are the things that we are also good at doing, but sometimes we find something we love like experimenting with recipes, but were not all that great at it. However, at age 16, a sport related injury led to a complete left-knee reconstructive surgery. Kendra Hale has been involved in pageants for many years and most recently held the title of 2018-2019 National American Miss. In your introduction, there is no need to delve into the why or the how of your platform just yet. What would you do with a free afternoon or if you had a weekend all to yourself? After spending years covering the fallout of abuse and neglect as an Emmy nominated TV journalist for CBS, CNN, and Fox, she took a step back from broadcasting and researched ways to use her skills on behalf of abused and neglected children. You could encourage and promote a movement that parents, childcare workers and guardians read to children every day. How do I do that? Get urgent help now for mental health Find an NHS talking therapies service Feelings, symptoms and behaviours Read about common feelings and symptoms such as stress, anxiety or a low mood. Or, you could clue into that intimate detail, which is the real thing that motivates you. Their mission is to empower individuals and families in the poorest communities to reach their fullest potential and enhanced sense of dignity through economic opportunities and the eradication of barriers including poverty, inequality, and violence. Try to get involved with things that relate to your brand and who you are and what you most enjoy doing. She was also aligned with the National Child Advocacy Center's "It's My Body Campaign," and worked to initiate similar programs into community outreach organizations during her year of service as Mrs. International. Welcome to the Pageant Platform Podcast! Now, is it absolutely necessary to have as a pageant contender? The most important aspect of the platform is to be able to go out into the world and inspire with actions as well as words. But, you never know. 378 practice beauty pageant questions for 2023 written by former Miss Universe coaches to ensure you do your best in the interview and on-stage questions. Not having a pageant platform is like joining a sports team, becoming the captain, and benching yourself from all the games. All you would need is a large, open space that was relatively private where a girl could walk comfortably and safely. Staying homegrown and realizing the problems that face your community is a great way to be an advocate to advance your cause and give your hometown someone to believe in. Photo: World Tae Kwon Do Federation. I've personally coached over 2,000 clients and virtually coached over 15,000 women around the world to achieve their dreams of influence and impact - on stage and in life. If you have a unique platformnot included here, please email us at [emailprotected] so we can include it here! Another national titleholder that created a platform based on her own personal history, is Nia Sanchez. Tragically, during the Miss World America pageant in Las Vegas, she collapsed just as she was preparing to go onstage for the final round of the national competition. Her personal experience and the deep pain that it caused, became the inspiration behind choosing her platform. When Kira was a young college student, she experienced an abusive relationship with her then, boyfriend. Sometimes we know the general direction that we want to go in with our platform, but it just feels too big,or not specific enough.It doesnt click. This Beauty Queen Uses Her Platform to Ease Mental Health Stigma in Asian American Community. The Miss Michigan USA pageant is right around the corner: May 27-28 in Port Huron. Copyright 2023, Pageant Planet. Caris tragic death compelled her mother, Candy Lightner, to found the organization, which would grow into one of the countrys most influential non-profit organizations. You want to be able to set yourself apart, and show that you are an individual.That way you can really personalize it in a way that makes it unique and attention getting. When you can key in to those personal details that motivate you, it then becomes so much more than a pageant platform. She still teaches classes today through, Self-Defense by Nia, which supports empowering battered and/or abused women, and she also hosts additional workshops to help young girls dealing with low self-esteem. Photo: Philstar. Answer (1 of 3): Let me tell you the most important thing about pageant platforms: caring. Now that you have created your own customized money-making plan for your platform, its time to build onto that foundation and come up with additional ways to make money. If you are currently employed in a corporate environment or you are working towards a business related degree, then you likely have endless contacts available to you that can help support your platform work. Lily has dedicated over 400 volunteer hours serving her community through the non-profit that she created. The coolest part of the Siegels story is that the Mrs. America Organization was so moved by their efforts, that Victorias Voice has now become one of the official charities of both the Mrs. America pageant, as well as its sister pageant, Miss For America. Becoming a contestant or a titleholder for a pageant gives you a stage to stand on to bring a certain cause or issue to light. Are you ready to truly make a difference in the world with your pageant platform? Exercise your mental fitness! The Miss Grand International pageant has a beautiful mission that goes far beyond beauty. You may just land an awesome interview! Since 2007, homelessness decreased by 15 percent. Pageant Planet, Inc She shows up. In 2015, Kira Kazanstsev was the third consecutive Miss America winner from New York, and she made a powerful impact with her platform, Love Shouldnt Hurt Protecting Women Against Domestic Violence. Created by the Office of Crisis Services & Suicide Prevention, this training equips staff members with tools and resources to ultimately save lives within the workplace and beyond. Arika Burton states, "Becoming Mrs. DC America is an honor, and I am appreciative of the opportunity to reach a wider audience with my platform of raising awareness for financial literacy. Are you kidding! And its a skill that you can become very accomplished at, even if it is a bit out of your comfort zone initially. Mas An Lawi 2023. If during the competition you never have a chance to speak about your platform, the essay needs to cover every single thing about your platform so that the judges have a semblance of what you have stood for thus far in your pageant journey. Amazon Smile you can raise money for almost any charity there. And, this one fact is the singularly most impressive thing about Lily Lloyd. It is based on the idea that colleagues can help build . You would be surprised at how willing most people are to help you achieve your goals. Anything can be an appearance! However, this is the first time a trans woman has been among Puerto Rico's local competitors and shows promising resistance, as basic human rights for trans folks are threatened by lawmakers around . But, we suggest that if you do adopt this subject as your pageant platform, that you really think through what you want to do with it, and make sure that you have a solid connection to the topic. There is nothing that says that you cant have fun while volunteering. There are several locations on the East Coast and in various parts of the Southern U.S. And, she does. So, first off, playing volleyball may or may not be a good money making idea, although, depending on your skill level, your experience and your desire, you may just make a pretty good volleyball coach. During her Miss USA reign, Cheslie Kryst went out of her way to support her fellow pageant queens, including former Miss Utah Rachel Slawson. She is still part of CASAs Speakers Bureau and serves as a National CASA Ambassador. Having family members who have faced these situations, or facing them yourself, gives you first hand knowledge of what it is like to have to live with these ailments or conditions. Draw a circle. Photo: Lily Lloyd Instagram. Photo: White Collar Glam. And, you may find that you change your mind a few times about your platform. Now that we have explored the concept of leveling up your platform, its time to talk about how to drill it down. Or, perhaps you feel compelled to help children who are experiencing some kind of abuse. She was Miss India Worldwide 2018, Miss India USA 2017 and prior to that countless titles in the Miss America system. Cheslies obviously enamored the judges at Miss USA, and she consistently demonstrates that todays pageant queen can be a titleholder who is relevant and relatable, while still being a whole bunch of fun! (7) Certain personality traits are more closely associated with mental pathology and eating disorders. You wont be able to raise money unless you are all in on your platform.

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