tag with an id or class attribute was used for structuring a web page. It usually contains a logo, search bar, navigation links, etc. The new HTML5 semantic elements
and (items 4 and 5, respectively, in Figure ) play a similar role within web pages. It can be used with the class, lang, and title attributes to mark up semantics common to a group of consecutive elements. A simple HTML element is made of an opening tag, a closing tag, and some content (text, images, etc.) HTML 5 also goes under the rubric of Web Applications 1.0. Semantic Element: A semantic element is an element of code that uses words to clearly represent what that element contains, in human language. It represents its children. New Semantic/Structural Elements. Read about it in HTML5 Browser Support. Of course, I'd still want to support IE8 and below, so JS would be required, but then when you think of Facebook and how many users it has, JS must practically be a requirement by most websites for a better experience. HTML5 semantic elements. The following is the HTML code for a sample web page that uses semantic elements that are new to HTML5. The element has no special meaning at all. That made it very hard for search engines to index web page content correctly. HTML5 adds a lot of new elements that you can use to mark up your content semantically. HTML5 offers some new elements, primarily for semantic purposes. Whereas, the second example uses the new semantic markup HTML5 elements to better describe the content and the overall layout of the page. HTML5 provides some new Semantic Elements that are semantically meaningful to describe a webpage layout. to indicate navigation, header, and footer. This HTML5 tags or HTML5 elements tutorial contains a complete list of all standard HTML5 tags belonging to the latest HTML5 and HTML specifications. a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, or blog entry. Many web sites contain HTML code like: