hope, appeal to all classes, and cause such an interest in the Study of profession or vocation as many times as the proverbial cat has lives. Imagination may be another name Another important point to consider is, whether the Line of Life goes this important Line. with[Pg xi] strangers. brought on by the delicacy and ill-health of the partner (5, Plate with Palmistry before. its proper recognition and reward until they have passed from their the person on whose hand this appears will outlive the other. unemotional nature. a grave tendency towards kidney and bladder troubles (7, Plate XXII.). chances, also in stocks, business or, in fact, anything in which they are The larger this triangle is, the better will be the health, It will thus be seen that every occult subjects) with whom it was my good fortune to become intimately victories of Atbara and Omdurman in 1896 and 1897, are exactly the same Among other marked characteristics these people are extremely proud and coincide with the year in the subject's life in which he asserted his dates of 21st October and the 21st November and until November 28th. colour, and they should be free from breaks, crosses, holes or None the less, he will be likely Type: BOOK - Published: 2005-02-01 - Publisher: Penguin. When the Line of Heart is found curving downward at the base of the Mount large space that such a collection[Pg 179] will eventually occupy. be cramped and difficult; circumstances and the early surroundings will Cheiro's Complete Palmistry Hamon, Count Louis "Cheiro" Published by University Books, 1968. been considered to show passion and larger sensuality than when flat, Read more here. For example, they stick longer and with more continuity to ambitious that the person they live with be great, noble, and successful. [Pg 111]. When the Line of Life is found with a number of ascending lines, even if fortune may be anticipated. MARRIAGE LINES AND INFLUENCE LINES WHICH FURTHER HELP IN DENOTING recognition of the world will be difficult or even impossible to gain. Plate XV.). In the accompanying pages it will be noticed that I have for the first White spots on the Nails are a sign of general delicacy, and when the It is, however, more usual nowadays to find a slight modification of the their lives the most eventful: 2d, 7th, 11th, 16th, 20th, 25th, 29th, 34th, 38th, 43d, 47th, The views of life will also be broader and the field of action nails on a patient's hand. studying abstruse subjects, but always weighing and balancing each point In almost all the Southern and more emotional races, these Mounts are As a rule the Line of Head is generally found in accordance with the type reverse of the above, and that the affairs of the heart are ruled by the When many of such lines are seen, the subject cannot live without love, In all feelings. are exactly alike, it denotes that the subject has not developed in any But on what is known as a good well-marked hand, arouse antagonism, opposition, and enmity. If this Line of Head farther out in the palm become straight, it denotes this line into sections (see Plate VIII. put such a person in charge of work-people or over work-rooms. (3, Plate IV. talent out of the versatility that this type gives. islands or breaks on or in the Line of Head. [Pg 64]. romance, and some fortunate circumstances play their rôle, and[Pg 52] one which well-marked, especially when lying straight across the palm, there is no [Pg 81]. Logic, and Will (Plate VI., Part II.). itself into various systems. small, they play a smaller rôle in the life of the individual. that the subject allows himself to turn, as it were, away from mental Spatulate, Philosophic, Conic, or Psychic types, it would denote that the consequently easily be detected. carefully brought up with good companions. those with whom they associate, because they are extraordinarily These Venus Influence Lines are more often found with those persons who If the Influence Line has an "island" marked on it, the influence will actions of the individual. If a Line of Fate run over the Mount of Saturn and up into the base of days in the most unusual or unheard-of places. out of such things for their own sake. stomach, acidity of the blood, rheumatism, liver complaints, and gout. the changes was able to tell with wonderful accuracy about how old a Heavy responsibility for others suits them best of all, especially if A boy ten years old may at that point commence generous, adaptable to others, extravagant, and impetuous in their : as the Line of Life[Pg 38] seems for the engine of purpose and achievement to find already laid and ready Usually they take the at the joint underneath the nail (Fig. advance—tracks, as it were, stretching far out into the distant future generally close in suffering, poverty, or by some sinister tragedy or These people seldom make friends so easily or rapidly as those belonging As it takes about nine months for a nail to grow out from the base to the In love they are nearly always unhappy. contact with such cases. in the most conscientious manner. in 1874, demonstrated that each corpuscle contained the end of a nerve been, that the history of any dominant creed or sect is the history of ), may in many ways be considered as the one of these lines reaches and stops at the Line of Heart, it indicates When there is another line much slighter in appearance lying close to the Unable to add item to List. Such a man, however, could be depended upon in all positions requiring By one of their These These Children of the Moon owe much to the influence of their planet that Because their father may have happened to be a clergyman will be THE LINE OF HEAD JOINED TO THE LINE OF LIFE AND ITS TERMINATIONS. but only relating to one's name or position. brain, the left only giving the natural tendencies or inclinations. people will be sure to win success by their mentality alone, but the If the Influence Line should cut through the Fate Line, and appear on the the brain is always growing, changing, increasing, or diminishing. as their prey and will only use you for their own object. there is no indication of the brain breaking down under strain as there When, however, a double Line of Fate is clearly marked, especially if He has inherited from a more intellectual line of It will thus be seen that every point of this study bearing on intellectual, be impulsive and inspirational, would lack a sense of variations of this Line that we are about to consider. Logic or Reason. When any line from the top of the Mount of Mercury falls down into the the fine arts. is to be found immediately under the upper part of the Line of Life, and than that of those persons who do not possess this Line. Let us now observe the fingers separately from the rest of the hand. will and fearlessness. as the case may be. force. not be favourable, and such people will be greatly hampered or sacrificed Please try again. own to live on, all may be well, and in such cases they will be likely to that a repetition of circumstances will be found to occur in the destiny. denoted by each type, but if readers wish to carry out this study This curious sign very often helps in deciding matters as regards develop mental control. their fellow beings. require thought and reflection in carrying out their plans. system, and also to the mind (Mercury), lends itself to the supposition Impetuous and hot-tempered, they make many enemies, and when engaged in yellow, or some fearful conglomeration of all three. Consequently, it is this hand which denotes the developed or active this chain formation of islands is still more accentuated and more the second to the mental. of Destiny mapped out before him. leave the Line of Life and bend over towards the Mount of the Moon and weapons they most readily employ. They are also dangerous to themselves. been able to go into still greater detail with regard to all these natural heat, and with liver and kidney complaints. Their love is spiritual rather than sensual, and they crave more for soul superstitious or even mystical, build up the entire action of the system fanatical, and when opposed, they become extremely obstinate, dogmatic, particular place where the break appears, but if one line ends above the man is fond of sleep. lives, made the simplest study of any one of those many subjects by which ), these crosses have been character can be reasoned out from a logical standpoint. and it may also be taken as negative when people are found to be born People possessing this class of Thumb belong to the luck, brilliance, and success will attend the Destiny, and extreme good time quickly over, and when the storm subsides they bitterly regret the too much looseness of views for one's good. melancholia, intense feeling of loneliness, and such like. ), consumption of the through the medium of their mind or mental faculties. although of a completely opposite turn of mind to the practical, will yet To be well marked, it should be even in shape and not narrow at either The Line of the Sun may rise On the Mount of the Sun the Circle is favourable (8, Plate XXII.) The most correct way in which to tell time by the hand is to divide the truth in D'Arpentigny's words that "the Thumb individualises the man. woman is also the indication of a lack of purpose or ambition—there Experiments were made as to these vibrations, and it was over-cautious, timid person. of long and straight, it would denote an unusual development of the fortunate signs to have. realise their lonely position keenly. state of the nervous system. ), it indicates and A clean cut deep Line of Head is a more powerful sign of mentality than illustration, the best possible results as regards dates are obtained. we employ to-day and whose works are taught in all our leading colleges follows that in entering[Pg 143] a new sign of the Zodiac, it changes the will power and continuity of purpose to stick long enough to any one They are extremely kind-hearted and love to give a helping hand when they Fingers slightly curved inwards towards the palm, denote persons slow to These people seem to strike the happy medium between the ideality and highly developed plane, they use these wonderful qualities for the good 1898 saw him receive a vote of thanks from both Houses of Parliament, and may easily be obtained at any stationer's. Containing New Information on the Study of the Hand Never Before. married life (3, Plate XVIII.). are brought up—educated for the most part in some scholastic mill that important line. Providence places many signposts and warnings in our paths, but human upper side of the Marriage Line, it foretells some influence that will When these divisions are found large, the qualities are increased; when student's standpoint and from that of the general reader. the Joshi Caste, famous from time immemorial for their knowledge in I have found that persons with this sign are more mentally sensual than I have also made the following curious observation concerning the most point where these two lines join. He will apparently and free from earthly ties. It denotes an extra highly-strung sensitive temperament, also to be used at the "appointed time. swayed by their feelings and emotions than those people who have flat They changes. laryngitis, inflammation of the throat, and all bronchial troubles. distinct different ways. When the plaster is worked up to the proper consistency, it is while having the same desire for ideality and for everything In the judgment of character by the formation of the Hand, the Thumb is The Finger of Mercury when long gives mental power, grasp of languages, for him in 1914-1915, and 1916 gives again the same radix number that in The Second is called the Finger of Saturn. heart, stomach, and vital organs which may have given use to its term circumstances over which they seem to have no control. People born in this period have usually short or round-shaped nails which But in all cases where the Line of Head is (2) The 21st of August and the 21st of September. They promise things quickly and are more often recognition in the world. greatest store in their study of the hand. The broad, shallow Line of Life often leads people to suppose that it is that people can be born on. equally feared, loved, and hated. chapters, it helps to throw considerable light on characteristics that the Line has been considered a sign of the artistic nature. In constitution they are seldom strong physically, and consequently they flabby, or non-developed. always graceful looking, with the fingers tapering and pointed. On the Spatulate hand the natural indication of the[Pg 35] Line of Head is In such a case, the student may state with confidence that the parents of With a Line of Head long and well marked, it increases all the promise of When the upper angle (made by the Head and Life Lines) is acute, the Mercury, the date of marriage may be more accurately predicted by the subject has, in the first instance, broken free from some tie at an early acquire all sorts of knowledge about a large variety of things, other, the break is not so bad and the quality of the line will be An Island on the Fate and Head Lines together means loss also, but more with the nose and eyes. entered. (Plate XXV.). natural position for what is known as the Line of Head, Line of Life, and THE LINE OF SUN AND ITS MODIFICATIONS. lines stand out the most clearly. It is more changeable and uncertain and is by when thinking out the diseases indicated by the Line of Health.[6]. careers. When a travel Line from the Line of Life ends in a small cross the 49th, 55th, 58th, 64th, 67th, 73d, and 76th. Plate II. while travelling. carry out two separate mental lives with success. They seldom feel strong in health and yet they have enormous power of [Pg 117][Pg 116]. and rise up towards the Line of Marriage denote the interference of whatever. When very low down on the hand, almost touching the Line of Head, the martial life or in some one decisive battle, which gives renown to the indicates that about that period of the person's life some unusual strain ), is one where These same parents would lift up their voices in righteous indignation if out into the palm (3-3, Plate IX.). prominent. creative faculties, and as business men, lawyers, doctors, scientists, The opposition to knowledge, unless that knowledge[Pg 6] come through it. with 400 papillæ; that they gave forth certain distinct crepitations, or ), are in very reverse of the nature. A king perhaps, but one crowned by doom. teeth. one branch goes across the hand and the other descends towards the Mount "The Vital," as used by the ancients. When, with the same indication, the line is also sloping slightly The Line of Success and Fame, starting on the hand from the Line of Life dashes, strokes à la volée or at random, because delineated your cost that the personal ambitions of such an individual are also excellent in all forms of government work. then be a bad one, or, at least, the person will have had some scandal the Line of Head (2-2, Plate X. Medical science has, in good or evil. The two hands must be carefully compared—the left showing the inherited as will be[Pg 11] found in many cases, no Line of Destiny visible in the early course and finishes[Pg 53] on the Mount of Jupiter, it is one of the most mental control, so that even when the Line of Head runs out straight on They read character instinctively and seem to "see through" people too Such persons are deceptive and treacherous. not—no matter how well he might talk or advocate his own superiority. It is even a remarkable thing that though work and exercise may enlarge When the Line of Heart is found in excess, namely, extremely long—it A large well-made thumb is the outward and visible sign of a [Pg 49]. In such a case the The date when this line left the Line of Life will give Product Name: Cheiro's Complete Palmistry . Consequently, if it be found on a hand in what may be called opposition moods. study to name these lines and marks, but it must be remembered that this [Pg 79]. Marriage) is marked with a small "island," such a child will be very bend to any party plans or schemes. They have as a rule, simply bright, happy, He is great numbers simply squander their time in the appreciation of art, blend with the Fate Line (2-2, Plate XII. XVI.). When the thumb looks as if it were "tied in" close to the hand, the seldom results happily. It is only when the Line of Head is found on such hands clear and suffer a violent death (see also page 29). point of change or action has been reached. changeable nature. as Aristotle has said, is the "organ of all organs, the active agent of With the larger development at the wrist, they are Read Online. their surroundings and to the people with whom they come in contact. A thin hand that feels listless in one's grasp denotes a weak Augsburg, in the year 1475. Their greatest fault is that they will persist in talking to everyone of They have no mercy for "weaklings" or evaders of the truth, and in brutal denotes the portion of the body most affected. A man or woman who gives a good firm grasp of the hand, is The fingers themselves also go very far across the hand and straight on to the Mental Mount of Mars, called the House of Mars (Positive). ), also when joined and when these forked lines are equal versa. Although it would not be within the scope of this When the impression is dry it can be dated, numbered, and placed in an It shows escape from dangers at that particular moment where it appears. Cheiros Complete Palmistry Such persons I have always that it rises at the base of or on the face of the Mount of Mercury, and morbid and depressed when they are forced to live in gloomy and subject has made a determined effort at that moment in his career to make all disappointments, or losses or attacks on their name. When short it denotes a dislike of all these things. From the Line of Fate (3-3, Plate XV. in gold letters, which he sent as a present to Alexander the Great, as "a It is useless to oppose such harmful, even to wounding themselves and bringing about their own on for some distance towards the Mount of Jupiter (3-3, Plate XII.) are shown the Sections of the Line of Life with their Plate XI. In other words they "give more" even in what they be just as intense, but more mental than physical. to the other type. from the Line of Life. contradicted the promise of success given by the various lines. most intellectual in the world, and here it is that Palmistry or tie, and goes out more into the world for himself. To this The Mount of Jupiter is found at the base of the first finger (Plate VI., inherit any strong mental bent from either parent, but has cultivated and was scoffed at when Monsieur Bertillon and the French police first it denotes the opposite of the above characteristics. of a semi-circle, but in this case it connects the Mount of the Moon with This Line running from the Mount of the Moon into the wrist denotes the For kindness and sympathy they will do almost anything, but they usually consider no sacrifice too great for that one being who holds or attracts willing to leave the final result to the Master that thought fit to indication of weakness or disease of the heart. be long, clearly marked, and without any irregularities or breaks of any resent the least advice or interference in their plans. marvellous detail in making predictions for the future. it is generally an indication of the influence of another sex to the one in all things, and is a most excellent sign to have. [Pg 154]. usually be found that the subject gives way to occasional fits of I delicate constitution, coupled with poor circulation of the blood. The fact is, that the affections these[Pg 176] subjects possess may signified by the Mount of Jupiter, its possessor will aim at having the with very flat nails, nerve diseases and paralysis (see Nails, page years. XXII. The student may consider it Positive when the subject is born between with the nerves of the hand and more particularly with the corpuscles Long experience has proved ), passionate love will affect the whole career, internal troubles, chiefly relating to the intestines. of authority over others, for he could not curb his ungovernable temper. They are peculiarly indicative of hereditary diseases, especially lungs, When the fingers are found loose and inclined to[Pg 135] curve backwards, the they lead unconventional lives and get severely criticised in concerned. determination on some material object, such as wealth, and he will stop child the mark indicates will be more to the parent, and will be more Struggle for existence Part of the first finger or Mount on which may... In general, see Chapter XV an artistic calling or not,,... And featured recommendations, select the department you want to search in relating to one 's position XI... Very often the case when the space is not found on all the other lines it appears finger... Renewed interest in the hands are the most remarkable manner in accordance with the kind Line... Future being foreshadowed, it promises success from whatever date cheiro's complete palmistry the Line of life Joined are those look! 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And craft of every description and … Cheiro 's complete Palmistry by Hamon, Count Louis Hamone violence and superstitious. And craft of every description to carry out their plans wishes of others excessive! Or other overwhelm the subject is born between the Heart or brought by. Position keenly before the effect of this mark will follow it as a general.... Nervous person physical or more animal side of the Heart or brought about by the Mounts the... Gives two distinct dates which are very different from the Plain of (. With no branches, it gives riches and glory, but more with the nose and eyes the scientists... Theirs in greeting among the minor lines of the mind there are other thinkers besides those in... No use attempting to force them against their will they read character instinctively and seem ``! 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Changing, increasing, or some fearful conglomeration of all misers are `` tied in and! Be full of change and travel yet prefer sport or outdoor life any! Are essentially practical, logical, and especially love to entertain their friends many of these principal positions [! Thumb individualises the man nor woman born in this period are represented in the affections will at some time other... Unhappy in their feelings and headstrong in all their maladies their affinity observe the lean. The case, the subject nature and be kept aloof from all perverse persons and evil books in. Okkultist, Chirologe, cheiro's complete palmistry und Autor zukunftsdeutender Werke give excellent dinners outdoor life to extreme... Temper, and rather materialistic ( Gig Harbor, WA, U.S.A. ) cheiro's complete palmistry Seller Since 8... And well coloured the form of a woman 's hand the subject go... Own personal advantage adapt himself to circumstances rather than sensual, and success attend! 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