JITCO is a registered trademark of the Japan International Trainee & Skilled Worker Cooperation Organization. If technical intern trainees are accepted for caregiving positions in supervising organization type technical intern training, supervising organizations must lodge an application for a supervising organization license with the Organization for Technical Intern Training and receive a license from the competent ministers, after consideration of whether or not the supervising organization meets the requirements relating to corporate form and ordering the creation of a technical intern training plan, etc., explained in section 5 “Supervising Organizations of this page.”
Home-visit based services such as home-visit long-term care are not eligible for technical intern training because of the difficulty establishing appropriate guidance systems and for other reasons. TITP. For details go to the Ministry of Justice, Immigration Bureau. Its primary purpose was to contribute to the international community by relaying Japanese skills to developing countries. Get Ready to apply for the OIST Internship in Japan 2021. For details, please refer to the Organization for Technical Intern Training’s “Caregiving Standards.”. The implementing organization collaborates with sending organizations and determines places of employment regarding 'Care Worker' occupation technical intern trainees after they return to their home countries. Pass rate of the introductory level 'Care Worker' skills assessment examination science test and practical test in the past three years, II. The Organization exercises its legal rights regarding infringement of its trademark rights. Cooperation is provided with 'Care Worker' occupation technical intern trainee follow-up surveys after they return to their home countries. ã(Note) What is a Certificate of Eligibility? Comprehensive Measures for Acceptance and Coexistence of Foreign nationals in Japan (revised) Notice for Cancellation of Request for Proposal (RFP) - RFP/SEP/2018/0036, “Empanelment of Sending Organizations in India For Japan’s Technical Intern Training Program (TITP)”, Phase- 2 dated 29th of December 2018 In the case of supervising organization type technical intern training, technical intern trainees must have “experience working in a foreign country in the same type of work that the trainee seeks to perform in Japan (equivalent work experience, referred to as the work history requirement)” or have “special circumstances that require working in supervising organization type technical intern training.”
About the New Technical Intern Training Program. Addition of 'Care Worker' Occupations to the Technical Intern Training Program, Outline of the Operation of the Technical Intern Training Program in Relation to Specific Occupations and Tasks (in Japanese only). ARMS is promoting Technical Intern Training Program in collaboration with Japanese-affiliated company advancing into India. It is necessary to establish a program for learning fundamental matters relating to 'Care Worker' as the post-entry lecture regarding “knowledge that will contribute to the efficient acquisition of Skills, etc.” in 'Care Worker' occupations. I would contact the Japanese embassy in India. We can develop you an inclination to engage in collective action is caused by boarding school. The fundamental approach of the report is to design a system that can respond to the following three requirements so that the various concerns regarding the addition of 'Care Worker' occupations can be addressed. When preparing technical intern training plans, it is necessary to prepare detailed plans for each subject matter that will be subject to a transfer of skills. This page contains an explanation and overview of the conditions required for implementation of technical intern training in 'Care Worker' occupations. I. 2018-01 Notice. A summary of general requirements of the Technical Intern Training Program is provided in the Overview of the Technical Intern Training Program below. The Technical Intern Training Program (技能実習制度, Ginō Jisshū Seido) is a work training program providing employment opportunities for foreign nationals in Japan.Administered by the Japan International Training Cooperation Organization (JITCO) its stated purpose is to provide training, technical skills and technology experience for workers from developing economies. Pass rate of the specialized level and advanced level 'Care Worker' skills assessment examination practical skills test in the past three years, III. The requirements for accepting technical intern trainees in 'Care Worker' occupations were established in accordance with the proposals set forth in the February 4, 2015 Interim Summary of the Investigation Conference on Optimal Foreign Care Workers Acceptance. Instructors of the Introductory 'Care Worker' Course must be persons who fall under any one of the following. The Big program is Here. JOIN Our INTERNSHIP IN JAPAN programs TO KICKSTART YOUR GLOBAL FUTURE. Trainees under the Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) 6. In cases where technical intern trainees are accepted for supervising organization type technical intern training in 'Care Worker' occupations, the supervising organization must be a corporate body that falls under any one of the following. Cooperation with skills assessments, etc. ãA Certificate of Eligibility is issued before a visa application by a regional immigration authority under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice as evidence that the foreign national meets the conditions for landing in Japan, including the requirements that the activity in which the foreign national wishes to engage in Japan at the time of the landing examination is not fraudulent and is an activity that comes under a status of residence (excluding Temporary Visitor Status) stipulated in the Immigration Control Act. Submission of internship plan 1: Submission of internship plan The host company contacts the intern, and after consulting and coordinating regarding the mission, goal, and plan etc. FY2018 Website is now open for application! Note that personnel who do not engage primarily in 'Care Worker' and other similar work may not be included in the number of personnel that serves as the basis for calculating the quota, even if they work full time.Also, the total number of technical intern trainees may not exceed the total number of Fulltime Care Workers at the site. For 'Care Worker' occupations, the total number of hours of post-entry lectures on Japanese language must be at least 240. V. Officers and employees of the supervising organization conduct advance interviews in the destination countries with regard to referrals for 'Care Worker' occupation technical intern trainees. ãChinese nationals must also submit the following documents: ã(Note) Depending on the nationality of the applicant, other documents may be necessary in addition to the above. In the case of 'Care Worker' occupations, the following persons, for example, satisfy the equivalent work experience requirement (work history requirement). Unauthorized copying and replication of the contents of this site, text and images are strictly prohibited. Most summer internships for international students are fully funded and applicants do not need to pay for anything. Use of the JITCO trademark without approval is strictly prohibited by laws and regulations. We hire, train, provide Job Placements and process visas for Indians, who want to work in Japan. Elderly Service Providers Association website. ・It is work that is normally performed at the place of business which conducts the technical intern training. 1. (Note) What is a Certificate of Eligibility? The Technical Intern Training Program was implemented in 1993. Determinations regarding whether supervision of training of technical intern trainees (iii) in 'Care Worker' occupations and increasing quotas for the number of technical intern trainees may be accepted are made based on performance in 'Care Worker' occupations. Indo-Japan Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) - Japanese Language + Domain Training. For details go to the Ministry of Justice, Immigration Bureau.). with at least five years of experience in a long-term care occupation.Technical intern training evaluation examination for 'Care Worker' occupations are administered by the Elderly Service Providers Association. To respond to these three requirements, general requirements were established through measures regarding the Technical Intern Training Program as well as requirements unique to 'Care Worker' occupations.When technical intern trainees are accepted to 'Care Worker' occupations, in addition to the general requirements of the Technical Intern Training Program, it is necessary to satisfy the requirements unique to 'Care Worker' occupations. Furthermore, by presenting the certificate at the time of the examination for landing, the examination procedures will be smoothly carried out. (Application for the Certificate of Eligibility by a proxy in Japan is allowed. technical intern training). Technical intern training instructors in 'Care Worker' occupations must satisfy the following requirements. Requirements Regarding 'Care Worker' Occupations in Technical Intern Training, Fundamental Approach Regarding the Addition of Long-term Care Occupations, Requirements Relating to Technical Intern Trainees, Requirements Regarding Implementing Organizations, Requirements Regarding the Details of Technical Intern Training, Requirements Regarding Supervising Organizations, Procedures for Accepting Technical Intern Trainees in 'Care Worker' Occupations, Japan International Trainee & Skilled Worker Cooperation Organization, Location of Headquarters and Regional Offices, Sending Countries and Sending Organizations, Provision of Teaching Materials and Texts Paid teaching materials, Specified Skilled Worker residency status, GINOUJISSHUSEI NO TOMO (Technical Intern Trainees' Mate), The Website version of “Technical Intern Trainees’ Mate”, Persons who pass the N4 Japanese-Language Proficiency Test and persons determined to have equivalent or higher capabilities*, Persons who pass the N3 Japanese-Language Proficiency Test and persons determined to have equivalent or higher capabilities*, I. Manuals or the like setting forth methods and procedures has been established with regard to periodic supervision by the supervising organization of the implementing organization of the 'Care Worker' occupation, and personnel in charge of supervision have been informed of its content, II. Technical intern trainees at N3 level or higher Japanese-Language Proficiency Test or equivalent prior to entry into Japan may take a total of 80 or more hours of lectures on pronunciation, conversation, writing, and Japanese language for 'Care Worker' of the topics indicated above. There have been numerous reports up until recently of human rights abuses and fraud from employers in Japan under the Technical Intern Training scheme, a program through which workers in lower-skilled jobs could come to Japan, and which the Specified Skills visa is supposed to replace. Technical intern trainee quotas are set for each business site according to the number of full-time employees who will be engaged primarily in 'Care Worker' and other similar work (“full-time care workers”). NSDC facilitates Sona Yukti Pvt Ltd, a consortium partner with Sona College of Technology, as a Sending Organization for the Indo-Japan TITP program in Bangalore. One of the general requirements of the Technical Intern Training Program is that the number of hours of post-entry lectures equal at least one-sixth of the total planned number of hours of technical intern training (i), but in the case where pre-entry lectures are attended for at least one month and for at least 160 hours, the number of hours of post-entry lectures may be reduced to one-twelfth of the total planned number of hours of technical intern training (if, for instance, one year of technical intern training (i) is planned, normally post-entry lectures must be conducted for at least two months, but if pre-entry lectures that satisfy the requirements are conducted, the post-entry lectures may be reduced to at least one month).As explained above in (2) and (3), in the case of 'Care Worker' occupations, at least 240 hours of Japanese language instruction (at least 80 hours in the case of technical intern trainees who have passed the N3 or higher Japanese-Language Proficiency Test or equivalent) and at least 42 hours of Introductory 'Care Worker' Course lectures are required, but in the case where pre-entry lectures are attended for at least one-half the number of specified hours in each subject, the number of hours of post-entry lectures may be reduced by up to one-half (the number of lectures may be reduced only by the number of hours for which lectures were attended in each educational topic).However, in cases where the number of hours of post-entry lectures is reduced, it is necessary that the educational content and instructors of the pre-entry lectures satisfy the same requirements as those for the post-entry lectures (see (2) and (3) above).In the case of pre-entry Japanese language lectures, persons who graduated from a foreign university or graduate school, have at least one year of experience as a Japanese language instructor in a foreign country within three years from the day of application for accreditation of the technical intern training plan, and are currently employed as a Japanese language instructor, may serve as instructors. Details of the educational content and the number of hours for each topic are indicated in the table below. The specific quotas are as set forth below. IV. When conducting technical intern training in a 'Care Worker' occupation, it is necessary the technical intern trainees have at least a certain level of Japanese language ability to ensure that they have the ability to communicate with technical intern training instructors who give guidance on skill acquisition, users of 'Care Worker' facilities, and others. We are the first Tokyo-based internship agency offering high class internships in Tokyo and all Japan and global career development programs. (b) Technical intern training (ii): Persons who passed N3 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, or other persons with equivalent or greater competence. Shipbuilding workers under the Foreign Shipbuilding Workers Acceptance Program (FSWAP) 8. JITCO offers consultations to supervising organizations and implementing organizations regarding all aspects of accepting technical intern trainees including accepting trainees in 'Care Worker' occupations. (Application for the Certificate of Eligibility by a proxy in Japan is allowed. For technical intern trainees to be accepted under the supervising organization type program, the supervising organization must submit: an application for license of the supervising organization (the first time trainees are accepted), an application for accreditation of the technical intern training plan to the Organization for Technical Intern Training, and an application for a Certificate of Eligibility for the … After receiving accreditation of the technical intern training plan, a request is submitted to the Immigration Bureau for a Certificate of Eligibility for Status of Residence. Ratio of full-time officers and employees who participate in supervising the 'Care Worker' occupation to 'Care Worker' occupation implementers who conduct training supervision. Contact us for more details. Standards for Accreditation of the Technical Intern Training Plans (i) Standards for the Content of the Technical Intern Training 1. The status would allow those who have completed a five-year technical intern training program and meet certain requirements to stay and work for up to five additional years, the sources said. We are Government approved sending organization under Technical Internship Training Program (TITP), Japan. Please feel free to consult with JITCO regarding any questions or concerns. English-speaking internships can be found in any sector, but they are more popular in large multinational corporations than in smaller, local companies. The main requirements unique to 'Care Worker' occupations are explained starting on the following section. For more detailed information on the requirements, refer to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website. Overview of the Technical Intern Training Program. 2018.2.16 NEWS "Case Study" page has been released. Indocosmo Systems Pvt Ltd is working with Japanese companies for the past 18 years in the field of IT. Interim Summary of the Investigation Conference on Optimal Foreign Care Workers Acceptance. The 'Care Worker' occupation implementing organization’s technical intern training managers, technical intern training instructors, living guidance instructors, and so on are provided support each year through the implementation of training, distribution of manuals, etc. III. 2018.2.16 NEWS "Performance Report" page has been released. When accepting technical intern trainees, it is necessary to have a deep understanding of the Technical Intern Training Program general requirements, the specific requirements unique to 'Care Worker' or other occupations, and immigration control laws and regulations. Technical Intern Training Plan Screening Criteria and Model Plans (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Website). In some instances, there are limited opportunities for technical intern trainees to take the Japanese -Language Proficiency Test and other tests in their home countries, and it is recommended that the test dates and other information for each test be confirmed and that preparations be made with adequate time in the schedule. Applications are invited to Apply for the METI Japan Internship Program 2019 from the Government of Japan. (However, issuance of the visa is not guaranteed.) The OIST Japanese Internship Program is now open. 2017.7.4 NEWS
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