Oh, if only I had had something witty or original to write about it! But in the desultory and haphazard fashion which distinguishes him there are few parts of life on which he does not touch, if only to show the eternal contrast and antithesis which dominate it. Tactical assault is not prominently felt, but if you're a fan of the Batman, it really doesn't matter how good the game is, you'll want to play it anyway, if only to control the Dark Knight himself. In a type 3 conditional sentence, the tense in the if clause is the past perfect and the tense in the main clause is the perfect conditional (would have + infinitive). For example, a fabulous evening dress or a great interview suit might be challenging to find - if only because both need to look absolutely flawless! I believe with so much going on, he let slip, if only for a moment and unfortunately Maul got lucky, with an underhanded trick, {unlucky for Qui~Gon and the Universe} , proving Maul is as honourless as he is evil. was being joyfully said by various people. Examples. So from this sentence I only know how to name particular rectangle, but I don't know what a square is in general, I know only one case. Anyone can benefit from her general forecast or the weekly sign readings, if only to enhance your awareness regarding the forces that can influence your everyday life. His phlegmatic and persistent egotism, his sacrifice of truth and honour to self-interest, his acquiescence in the worst conditions of the world, if only he could use them for his own advantage, combined with the glaring discord between his opinions and his practice, form a character which would be contemptible in our eyes were it not so sinister. "I should wish for nothing else, nothing, if only I were there," thought Rostov. Conjugation. As if only the savage dwelt near enough to Nature and Truth to borrow a trope from them. We have almost 200 lists of words from topics as varied as types of butterflies, jackets, currencies, vegetables and knots! The westward advance of the invaders would have continued, if only there had remained to attract them lands as desirable as those they had already won. She should take more interest in it – if only for his sake. Luther had no sympathy with the iconoclastic outbreaks which then occurred; he classed images in themselves as among the "adiaphora," and condemned only their cultus; so also the "Confessio Tetrapolitana" leaves Christians free to have them or not, if only due regard be had to what is expedient and edifying. In fact, it's one of the easiest dress codes to follow, if only because it's so common in everyday life and appropriate for so many situations. We use it to talk about past, present and future unreal conditions. Vocabulary. We do not have example sentences for only if. :) If only I looked as good as haggis... or bull testicles ! Any redness or foreign body sensation, especially if only one eye is affected, should be evaluated promptly for a corneal abrasion. Only if we are members can we enter. Why do we use were in the first sentence and was in the second.. For example, if only a couple members of the clan are interested in touring Pearl Harbor, but everyone wants to take a submarine ride, then book accordingly, so you are guaranteed a spot in advance of your arrival. Example sentences with the word only. If only he could find peace as well. Conditional sentences are constructed using two clauses—the if (or unless) clause and the main clause. Translation. "One would gladly have seen a single king in Denmark if only for peace sake," says the contemporary Lubeck chronicle, "for peace was not to be had either at sea or on land.". (equivalent to "Only if Madison will eat the fruit, can it be an apple" or "Madison will eat the fruit ← the fruit is an apple") This states that Madison will eat fruits that are apples. sciences and all the arts of peace, enjoyed only a brief pontificate, but his reign is not without importance, if only as an example of the generous patronage which the papacy - even in its darkest days - has lavished on literature and science. 2. Only if definition: never …except when | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples I said if only we waited--and so it was! Conjugation. He sought to persuade Alexander to open negotiations with Napoleon, if only to throw the onus of breaking the peace entirely on the French side. Examples have not been reviewed. To create a clear sentence, you should place "only" next to the noun, verb, or phrase you are trying to modify. I will let you go only if you tell the truth. 2. ), however, can hardly belong to the original stratum of P, if only because they presuppose ch. How to use if only in a sentence. laughable concept if only I had had the gall to mention them. I thank my God that I too had you, if only for a little while. An "if and only if" statement is also called a necessary and sufficient condition. Add to list. The south, if only as the abode of the sun, always had the precedence over the north in Egypt, and the west over the east. These people were considered to be well dressed, if only in the comfort of their own homes. There are a few things you can do to assure your success if only for one brief semester. There are three distinct types of I wish / if only sentences: Wish, wanting change for the present or future with the simple past. ninja skills in peace - if only Pucca would let him! 1. Sometimes navigating the blogosphere can be difficult and you might have ended up missing a few astronomy blogs that you'd love if only you knew about them. Fireworks are small objects that are lit to entertain people on special occasions . 2. :) If only I looked as good as haggis... or bull testicles! It need not be that way; but only if the persons concerned, Divergent Realities: the Emotional Lives of Mothers, Fathers, and Adolescents, Further payments will be made, in stages, only if the person, With more seats made available, it should be a, The board is expected to meet today to consider a formal, He paid tribute to her in a very emotional. Throughout the operation of increasing the focal length, the resolving power of the instrument, which depends only upon the aperture, remains unchanged; and we thus arrive at the rather startling conclusion that a telescope of any degree of resolving power might be constructed without an object-glass, if only there were no limit to the admissible focal length. "Only" can have a strong presence in a sentence and can change the meaning of the sentence if it's used in the wrong place. When two trains of sound waves travel through the same medium, each particle of the air, being simultaneously affected by the disturbances due to the different waves, moves in a different manner than it would if only acted on by each wave singly. As early as 970 the recovery of the territories lost to Mahommedanism in the East had been begun by emperors like Nicephoras Phocas and John Zimisces: they had pushed their conquests, if only for a time, as far as Antioch and Edessa, and the temporary occupation of Jerusalem is attributed to the East Roman arms. A complex sentence with “only when” contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. Financial reform and reorganization of the customs service were found equally necessary, if only to provide means for the increased cost of the army and navy. For a bridal shower to be really successful all the guests need to participate, even if only in a small way. Go when you please, and I give you my word of honor that no one shall dare to cause you annoyance if only you will allow me to act as your escort. Each square is a rectangle with all sides equal (or using "if" a square exists only if it is a rectangle with its sides equal). There seems no good reason why in modern performances the pianoforte should not be used for the purpose; if only accompanists can be trained to acquire the necessary delicacy of touch, and can be made to understand that, if they cannot extemporize the necessary polyphony, and so have to play something definitely written for them, it is not a mass of interesting detail which they are to bring to the public ear. You will love this straw handbag if only for the fact that it's a shoulder straw bag, and if you've spent any time searching for a good straw handbag, then you'll really appreciate this find. Edwards arrangements for the administration of the conquered kingdom were wise and liberal, if only the national spirit of the Scots could have tolerated them. Except in a few places where unusual dryness of soil and climate indicate the employment of water, even in small quantity, merely to avoid the consequences of drought, irrigation works are not to be commenced upon a large area, if only a part can ever be efficiently watered. But they deserve close scrutiny, not uncritical acceptance - if only to find out who would gain, and who would not. with all his might, feeling that he would like to injure himself by that shout, if only to express his rapture fully. It was Cynthia who questioned Fred's exuberance over hand-me-downs, if only with a cautious look. I can't picture him fighting or picking on anyone, but if I closely consider the signs, I can see his tendency to take advantage of others, if only in a self-serving way. The internal façade of the Palazzo Ginetti is finely decorated with stucco, and has a curious detached baroque staircase by Martino Lunghi the younger, which Burckhardt calls unique if only for the view to which its arched colonnades serve as a frame. Eight Gaelic words from the Collins English Dictionary. There are five types of conditional sentences. Premium. The position of Poland was, consequently, much more advantageous than it had been on every other similar occasion, and if only the contending factions had been able to agree and unite, the final catastrophe might, perhaps, even now, have been averted. How to use only in a sentence. Simple fold down chairs are sufficient if only the wedding ceremony will be held outdoors. He'd always had faith in Rhyn. However, approximately one-half of all infants under the age of three months will suffer with this condition even if only for a short period of time. Oh, if only there were some one to help me! Pyrenees], a range of mountains in south-west Europe, separating the Iberian Peninsula from France, and extending for about 240 m., from the Bay of Biscay to Cape Creus, or, if only the main crest of the range be considered, to Cape Cerbere, on the Mediterranean Sea. 3. I won't pay if you don't provide the goods immediately. The order of the clauses doesn't matter with sentences using unless. 3. The time or condition adverbial needs to be combined with “only” and moved to the front of the sentence. The second and third sections, however, must be assigned to a later stratum of P, if only because they appear to have been unknown to Ezra (Neh. His major-domo came in a second time to say that the Frenchman who had brought the letter from the countess was very anxious to see him if only for a minute, and that someone from Bazdeev's widow had called to ask Pierre to take charge of her husband's books, as she herself was leaving for the country. But its mixture of real eloquence and apparent cogency is exactly such as always carries a multitude with it, if only for a time. We will easily get happiness only if we have a confused life. Tyra Banks pursued a music career, if only for a brief time. Ventilator. Vacations generally cost $5,000 but again, if only minimum payments are made, the vacation might cost as much as $5,600 - and that's if the card is put away and the payments are kept flat. She deserves to know, if only for her peace of mind. 1. a. Real sentences showing how to use Only if correctly. It was commonly thought that, though she would never turn Calvinist, she might adopt the Anglican doctrine as understood by Elizabeth, if only she could be recognized as Elizabeth's successor. His parents thought he was an angel, if only they knew how abominably he acted when they were not around. Only if definition: never …except when | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples They met with a quick and easy sale, were very extensively read, and very liberally and deservedly praised for the unflagging industry and vigour they displayed, though just exception, if only on the score of good taste, was taken to the scoffing tone he continued to maintain in all passages where the Christian religion was specially concerned, and much fault was found with the indecency of some of his notes.'. It is sufficient to say that while Mr Balfour's sympathetic "send off" appeared to indicate his inclination towards Mr Chamberlain's programme, if only further support could be gained for it, his endeavour to keep the party together, and the violent opposition which gathered against Mr Chamberlain's scheme, combined to make his real attitude during the next two years decidedly obscure, both sections of the party - free-traders and tariff reformers - being induced from time to time to regard him as on their side. Real sentences showing how to use If only correctly. 4 The treatises of the two Bartholinis and Borrichius published at Copenhagen deserve mention if only to record the activity of Danish anatomists in those days. As early as the congress of Aix-la-Chapelle (1818), however, the question of the relations of Spain and her colonies had been brought up and the suggestion made of concerted intervention, to put an end to a state of things scandalous in itself and dangerous, if only by force of example, to the monarchical principle. The only good of man is the pure existence of the soul, which in itself, apart from the contagion of the body, is perfectly free from error or defect; if only it can be restored to the untrammelled activity of its original being, nothing external, nothing bodily, can positively impair its perfect welfare. When both parents share the custody of their minor children, the court will calculate child support payments differently then if only one parent has custody. Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully. Why thank you. We must indeed accept our feelings; but we must also believe much which is not directly testified by sensation, if only it serves to explain phenomena and does not contravene our sensations. Dictionary. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. Within that scope, it might not mean the same as a simple "if:". The mutual opposition was largely futile, if only because all three initiatives shared the characteristic of being strictly voluntary. only example sentences. Grammar. Well, if only all pop artists made music like Justin. Despite this and certain other smaller omissions, it was a document which would satisfy most subjects of the crown, if only it were faithfully observed. Rostov too, bending over his saddle, shouted "Hurrah!" I therefore kept thinking that if only I smoked some opium the pain would disappear. If you feel like you could get your work and personal life under control if only there were more hours in the day, you will be likely to benefit greatly from learning and adopting some time management techniques. English is a language that has seen its vocabulary shaped and influenced by many neighbouring tongues from across the globe over the course of time…including some that are a bit closer to home. Marya Dmitrievna went on admonishing her for some time, enjoining on her that it must all be kept from her father and assuring her that nobody would know anything about it if only Natasha herself would undertake to forget it all and not let anyone see that something had happened. Atomic atheism is by far the more important, if only because Hobbes, the great antagonist whom Cudworth always has in view, is supposed to have held it. 7 the question of dis tortion arises if only parts of the object can be recognized in the figure. The little novel of Belfagor claims a passing word, if only because of its celebrity. Because children of this developmental stage do not fully understand the concept of death, they may blame themselves, thinking that if only they had been good enough, their loved one would not have died. Conditional sentences are sometimes confusing for learners of English as a second language. If only is usually a bit stronger than wish. We allow substitution of any atomic sentence in the theorem with any other sentence if and only if we replace each initial instance of that atomic sentence in the theorem with the same sentence. only synonyms, only pronunciation, only translation, English dictionary definition of only. b. It was harder and harder to justify not yielding to his arrangement, if only for the pleasure of his body. Only if in a sentence 1. Smackdown! But he was not scrupulous in the means he employed, and he was willing to maintain in power detestable ministers if only they served him efficiently and filled his coffers. : How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur. Jesus gives absolutions to all if only they believe. I will … Before we consider an example, it is beneficial to list some useful theorems. 8, 3 is inconsistent with the linguistic evidence furnished by the postexilic literature of the Old Testament, and must be rejected as unhistorical, if only because the process by which Aramaic took the place of Hebrew was admittedly a very gradual one. Thesaurus. He lost no time in bringing this substance before the managers of Pullar's dye-works, Perth, and they expressed a favourable opinion of it, if only it should not prove too expensive in use. His wisdom was shown by the fact that he concentrated his attention on the one device which must evidently prove effective for defence, if only he were given time to perfect itthe building of a national navy. What does only-if mean? She struggled to reach him, even if only to touch his skin or for her little fangs to graze his neck. How to use only in a sentence. Its the kind of movie you can revist often, if only to find another plot oddity... ' Resident Evil 2? Log in Sign up. Why thank you. Dictionary. When the word "only" is placed incorrectly in a sentence, it becomes a "misplaced modifier". His great ambition was to recover Peshawar from the Sikhs; and when Captain Alexander Burnes arrived on a mission from Lord Auckland, with the ostensible object of opening trade, the Dost was willing to promise everything, if only he could get Peshawar. Pronunciation. With if Equivalent with unless; You will be sick if you don't stop eating. However, there will be times when they may just get tired of CPAP treatment and they consider giving it up, if only for a night. Almost up to the moment of the French occupation of Tunisia the Italian government believed that Great Britain, if only out of gratitude for the bearing of Italy in connection with the Dulcigno demonstration. The internal façade of the Palazzo Ginetti is finely decorated with stucco, and has a curious detached baroque staircase by Martino Lunghi the younger, which Burckhardt calls unique if only for the view to which its arched colonnades serve as a frame. "O that I were in a condition," says Lucian, "to resemble Herodotus, if only in some measure! For example: Note that the both clauses a… He said he was confident it could be solved painlessly and economically, if only concerted action was taken. "Madison will eat the fruit if it is an apple." Example Sentences for "only if " He's welcome to come along only if he behaves himself. Placement of only in a Sentence If you had asked him, he would have helped you. A lot of skin issues could be stopped if only we took a break to calm our minds and spirits. null and undefined are considered false. The curve has important mechanical relations, in particular it is the orbit of a particle moving under the influence of a central force which varies inversely as the square of the distance of the particle; this is the gravitational law of force, and the curve consequently represents the orbits of the planets if only an individual planet and the sun be considered; the other planets, however, disturb this orbit (see Mechanics). The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Alone in kind or class; sole: That's the only pen I have. The half-demon shook his head, turned and strode away, disappearing into a portal. Watch out: Which type of conditional sentences is it? They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. 1. It is difficult to describe the true spirit and moral influence of knighthood, if only because the ages in which it flourished differed so widely from our own. Sentence Examples. There are three types of conditional sentences. 1. During the last period of Edwards rule England might have been described as a despotism, if only the king had cared to be a despot. if only. He had promised to fulfil men's highest expectations, if only they would not doubt His willingness and power. We use if only + past verb … Not unless; used to introduce a necessary condition. He'd regretted taking her to his bed initially but now wished he'd taken up her offer to become his companion, even if only for the few nights they had together. All the latest wordy news, linguistic insights, offers and competitions every month. We use if only to express a strong wish that things could be different. Oh, if only I had had something witty or original to write about it ! Premium. Grammar. On the other hand, if he struck straight at Charleroi - the allied junction point - he would drive the "Armee du Nord" like an armoured wedge between the allies, if only he caught them unsuspicious and unready. Only if it's not long distance. When received into the government stores the opium is kept in large wooden boxes holding about 50 maunds and occasionally stirred up, if only a little below the standard. All Years You'll earn his favor, even if only for an evening. She should take more interest in it – if only for his sake. In some genetic diseases, a person needs to have two copies of a defective gene in order to show symptoms of the disease; if only one of the two genes is defective, the person is considered a carrier. Define only. It's safe to say one would expect nothing less than the very best from anything called Revlon 3D Extreme Mascara, if only because of the revered brand name. Yet when a leper declared that Jesus could heal him, if only He would, " He put forth His hand and touched him.". At the same time his mother-in-law, Prince Vasili's wife, sent to him imploring him to come if only for a few minutes to discuss a most important matter. Danish sculpture will be always famous, if only through the name of Thorvaldsen. I don’t know about you, but I’m already salivating at the prospect of Christmas food. For God's sake send me somewhere else if only in command of a regiment. Significant neuropathy is present if only able to feel the monofilament in 3 or less of 6 sites. Finally, if only one of your legs is swollen, especially if the swollen area is red and painful, contact your health care provider as this may be a sign you are developing a deep vein thrombosis. Ex : "parce que", "depuis que" I'll help you, if and only if, you promise to do your part. The courts have both original and appellate jurisdiction and are required to hold at least two sessions to which jurors shall be summoned every year in each county of its circuit, and if only two such terms are held, there must be two other and intermediate terms to which jurors shall not be summoned. Upon receiving the mandamus Dr Pechell, the master of Magdalene College, who was vicechancellor, sent a messenger to the duke of Albemarle, the chancellor, to request him to get the mandamus recalled; and the registrary and the bedells waited upon Francis to offer him instant admission to the degree if only he would take the necessary oaths. They do not have a tail fin and cannot really be mistaken for anything else, if only because of their short snub snout. I'm in another country, if only for a short while to see if the pickings here are to my liking. Rest: If only getting a restive puppy to settle down were as easy in real life as it is in Virtual Puppy. If it rains, I will get wet. Examples. It was harder and harder to justify not yielding to his arrangement, if only for the pleasure of his body. Of this temple Herodotus speaks as existing in his day; and unless weight be given to an isolated statement of Eusebius, that it was burned about 395 B.C., we must assume that it survived until the night when one Herostratus, desirous of acquiring ° eternal fame if only by a great crime, set it alight. Relaxation pose would gain, and who would gain, and in nobody 's way if only definition is —used. Separation from her daughter, even if only for her little fangs to graze his neck conditional. About something that one wants to happen or be true costs are likely to be well dressed, only. 'S welcome to come along only if we make ourselves responsible for future... 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