(2) Because they have had a supernatural call.II. Sermon. THE PROMISE IS ONLY TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD.1. God made the world for our abode, and furnished it for our accommodation. A thousand times I have seen the rebel creature escape from God under pretext of his insignificance, and shelter his revolt under the veil of humility. To raise our thoughts to the contemplation of a future and more perfect state of happiness.II. What unlike things subsist in the realm of creation! 1. (b) The second element is goodwill to God, and to His plans and purposes; consciousness of an interest in them, and admiration of their wisdom, holiness, and power. An unconverted man may love a God, as, for instance, the God of nature, and the God of the imagination; but the God of revelation no man can love, unless grace turn him from his natural enmity towards God. Be patient and trustful, for He is making you after a beautiful pattern, even the image of the Only Begotten. Look around, above, beneath, and all things work —(1) In opposition to idleness. Stratten. This force, which makes "all things work together," must be a supreme force.3. I saw the work going forward on some of the public buildings, where lions, and eagles, and wreaths of flowers were being carved. Must we say, It is for good? The waves of music vibrated to and fro, loudly beating against the walls, swelling into full chords like the roll of a grand organ, and then dying away into soft, long-drawn, far-receding echoes, melting in the distance into silence. He is good, and so is His purpose. The good of a righteousness unchallengeable to all eternity (ver. When affliction overtakes him, he says, "I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." God says, " My grace is sufficient for thee."2. Critical epochs in the world's history, important reforms in national life, occasional afflictions in the domestic circle, but are there not innumerable petty details in life that are beneath God's notice? We must not forget that the Holy Ghost gives us the tense of this verb, "work." An unconverted man may love a God, as, for instance, the God of nature, and the God of the imagination; but the God of revelation no man can love, unless grace turn him from his natural enmity towards God. "All things work together for "ill" to them that love "not" God. Every particle in his body is a separate worker. There is not a silent nook within the deepest forest glade where work is not going on. But because I ought to serve God without calculation, does it follow that I ought to reject, in the name of my dignity, that Providence which makes all things work together for my good? The primary and the higher purpose is, that the just may live; that their excellencies may be revealed, and their character consummated; that the love of God may shine in them; and that they may accomplish the great end of their being, which is, to glorify God, and to enjoy Him for ever.3. "All things work together for good to them that love God. To hear them, man ought never to seek his own good. The laws of the Infinite are abiding and eternal. God is wise, and cannot err; He is good, and will not.V. In consequence of this law, multitudes are born with the religious side of their nature so cramped and feeble that it is difficult to win them to goodness; and even when won, how slow is their growth in grace, how dwarfed their spiritual stature. Many misquote this text and read it in the future, as if it were only "will work together. God in Scripture is represented as calling men by His providence, His truth, conscience; and those who answer are "the called." 34).3. The charioteers of the Roman circus might with much cleverness and art, with glowing wheels, avoid each other; but God guides the fiery coursers of man's passion, yokes the storm, bits the tempest, and keeping each clear of the other from seeming evil still enduceth good, and better still; and better still in infinite progression. THE DIVINE PURPOSE (vers. All men are called by the ministry, by the Word, by daily providence, to love God; the great bell of the gospel rings a universal welcome to every living soul, yet there was never an instance of any man having been brought to God simply by that sound. The discipline through which God leads us may be dark and inexplicable, but it is always for the best. By the recorded testimony of good men. )The blessedness of believersJ. Paul adds this description so that no one will mistakenly think that his own love for God is the primary thing. )The Purpose, calling, and love of GodCaleb Morris.1. They all play into one grand purpose — "for good," literally "into good." If the child were left to itself, pulling upon the oars, its right hand being a little stronger than the other, it would be all the time veering the boat to the right, and the boat would be constantly turning round and round. Look at the life of Moses, and Joseph, and David. THE LOVE OF GOD.1. Moses says, "And as thy day, so shall thy strength be." )The operations of Divine ProvidenceJ. I once visited a great carpet factory. Happiness is not the highest attainment in the Christian life. To us is granted a light that pierces deeper through this sameness on the surface of things. The Christian accepts this law, and acknowledges that God's law of work is part of the great discipline of life. How all the course of your past life, without your design, has conspired to fit you to bear the burden and fulfil the vocation of this present hour! BENEVOLENT IN THEIR AIM. (1) This argument is as self-evident as it is wonderful. With a mighty sledge-hammer he vigorously dealt blow after blow upon the rock, and chipped off piece after piece. D. But that proves that they are men and sinners — nothing more. Look around, above, beneath, and all things work —(1) In opposition to idleness. DIVINE ELECTION (vers. When the man bears the call, and obeys it according to the great fixed plan, of which Jesus and His death is the great centre, he is justified, made right. The future is as surely in God's hand as the past. To raise our thoughts to the contemplation of a future and more perfect state of happiness.II. With the fallen hosts men labour and combine. God will be a friend to the friendless, and a husband to the widow.IV. The child does not know the coast, and it very little understands how to row. Woodside, B.D.I. (1) Otherwise there could be no discrimination, for God is prescient, knows, intellectually, all. Here is an epidemic; a believer who is spared pretends to see in this fact the mark of the special preference of God. As they are proper to make us reflect on our past conduct. The combination of the elements is as perfect in a particle of water as in a diamond. The Christian accepts this law, and acknowledges that God's law of work is part of the great discipline of life. The uneven strokes of the child would carry the boat this way or that out of its course; but the steady hand of the father overcomes those uneven strokes; and all the mistakes with the oars are rectified by the rudder, and the boat keeps its right course. Angels and demons work. He set himself against God's law of true usefulness, and so in trying to save his life he loses it. 35-39).3. Gases are rarely found alone. The more perfectly we know God, the more implicitly we shall trust Him. God's eternal plan for us 3. O. Peck, D.D.This text is a tonic. Romans 8:28 is one of the most familiar verses on this subject. (a) All manner of trials for righteousness' sake. He would not have it otherwise, even though he could. This knowledge and this trust can only come by the study of God's Word. (4) As their future inheritance.2. "Are not My ways equal," saith the Lord. H. To the ones called according to His purpose, who love God, the outcome of everything is good because he predestined those he foreknew to be conformed to the image of His son (the firstborn). Some think that it teaches a Pollyanna positive outlook on life, that everything will turn out for our happiness in this life. The universal condition of toil. How many among you have felt, at the reading of my text, an involuntary doubt cross their mind! As He loves His own eternal purposes of truth and righteousness, He must especially love and honour them who are fulfilling those holy purposes. The discipline through which God leads us may be dark and inexplicable, but it is always for the best. Stern, hard-and-fast laws, like a huge machine, are grinding out their unalterable decrees. THE CALLING OF GOD. Notwithstanding the lapse of all the centuries the hand of Adam is on us still.3. It was a dark day in the experience of Joseph when his brethren east him into a pit; but God was "with Joseph," and led him from prison to a throne. (2) The reality of the substitutionary character of Christ's work is unavoidable, according to these words.IV. Look at the life of Moses, and Joseph, and David. "Who can separate us from the love of Christ?". The person loves God. There is, secondly, the course and constitution of natural things, as they subsist around us in their harmony and concurrence of operation. On the assumption that the Creator is benevolent, we are bound to conclude that He will direct all to the happiness of them that love Him. How difficult to imagine their concordant activity! He regards the bondage of Israel, the crucifixion of Christ, the fall of the Roman Empire, and the dark periods of the world's history as necessary links in the chain of God's providential dealings. Did God change your heart? Batchelor. And when they are working with all their might against one another, little do they suspect that they are all the while co-operating for the benefit of another class! DISCRIMINATING IN THEIR APPLICATION. "What! We pray daily to be lifted nearer to their ministry (Matthew 6:10). 28).2. D. 7. The Christian's heart is a "golden bowl" turned up towards heaven, and into it God is ever pouring benefactions. (4) Justification. "(2) As their King; they are willing to obey Him. 1. The atheist Diagoras, disembarking at Samothracia, went to the temple, where they showed him the offerings of voyagers rescued from shipwreck. Take the experience of Paul in this chapter.(J. (1) There is the worldling's good, the good of the moment. The great dome seemed full of harmony. 1. GOD IS PLEASED TO FURTHER THIS NATURAL TENDENCY OF THEM BY SPECIAL ACTS OF HIS PROVIDENCE AND GRACE. Blessed is that man in whose mind this principle is fixed, in all its light, and power, and consolation: come what will, it is good, for I am a lover of God, and called according to His purpose. Every particle in his body is a separate worker. Then we need this invigorating truth. So then, when you see your little child relating his faults to God, and asking Him to make him better, is that a teaching of pride? God, you say, is too great to make all things work together for our good. These laws constitute the will of our heavenly Father. Let us not wonder if we have to work too. The skill, patience, and methods of the teacher may be unimpeachable; but if the pupil is lazy and disobedient these will not in themselves make him a scholar. DISCRIMINATING IN THEIR APPLICATION. Robertson. That is not the Christian view of God's creation. Contact with our fellow-men. A ray of light is bent by the same angle for the Christian as the sinner; but the difference is this: the one sees God in it, the other sees himself, or nothing in it. The piercing eye of God strikes through the deepest shades of night and sees with keenest sense each individual atom which makes up this grand, material universe. C. Hughes, A.M.The argument for this is fivefold.I. In the lowest levels of animated existence there are the tokens of work. Put the savage in presence of those forces, he will find only suffering and death. Would you charge with pride the feeble plant which, each day at sunrise, holds up its head and half opens to inhale its vivifying heat? 35-39).3. To hear them, man ought never to seek his own good. That pure white blossom is the cherry; that pink and white one is the apple. (b) To be His "called" ones is to secure the co-operation of all things for our good.II. For though we may know the fact we often cannot understand the fashion, in which all things are to work together for our good. But when we eat the fruit we know the tree. Might he not be struck with a religious horror lest himself should fall into sin? Now Christ is God's conception of manhood realised. it will be a labour of love, and that enriches the soul! The apostle mentions five things in reference to this love —(1) Foreknowledge. The great dome seemed full of harmony. But you have many a time confessed, "It is good for me that I have been afflicted." If so, you are a lover of God. Providence is in league with holiness.II. How?1. If we love God, it is for good. (1) Death, resurrection, session at God's right hand, and intercession of Christ (ver. Angels which have forfeited celestial splendour retain all their native might, and exert it to the full (Ephesians 6:12; 1 Peter 5:8).5. Walking is an exercise that I need very much. We see that "things work," but we cannot see how they "work together." "Before I was afflicted I went astray; but now have I kept Thy word." God, you say, is too great to make all things work together for our good. "Work together. The hearings of society, the strife of anarchy, the tumults of war — all these things, overruled by God, have but made the chariot of the Church progress more mightily. But I could not see how these piles of coloured yarns could be woven into a carpet of such exquisite pattern. Strangers and enemies to God are very little aware of all this. God simply assures His obedient children that their obedience shall have its reward. By the experience of them that love God. In the mechanism of Divine providence there are no loose pullies on which idle belts career. HARMONIOUSLY. God cannot form the beautiful rainbow until He has unbraided a beam of white light into the sevenfold colours of the prism, which borrow from and lend to each other enhancing loveliness. And, that we may arrive satisfactorily at this conclusion, let us go by several successive steps. It was a dark day in the experience of the disciples when Christ was crucified; but His sufferings were the purchase of their salvation.(J. God puts His jewels on the friction-wheels only to polish them. The thunderbolt that prostrates some sheltering tree lets heaven shine on a spot of earth where it never shone before. THE UNIVERSAL METHOD — "all things work together." Woodhouse. Skip to comments. What is He doing? Of re-uniting all the evil as simply evil ; hardly sensible that even this is not and! It excludes all idea of merit on the stillest day, some new part is added Cor. Knowledge of it. `` 1 not so bad an affair after.. Assist to bring the pre-ordained result to its consummation which trial is promotive of good. working them your! Have learned, in its wildest movement single adversity â that a man is an exception to God 's.! 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