Is where information on the firearm is provided 4E is not submitted to the CLEO like with 3E. [10] If you have additional uppers/barrels, we will explain how to add that information later on. During the application process, the ATF will ask questions about your business and may require certain individuals to be listed on the application. But, the Type (4b. You can enter a P.O. So, if you are unsure as to your race, we suggest closing your eyes and pointing a finger (like pin the tail on the donkey). Please provide the information for the responsible person. As if legislation wasnt hard enough to understand, sometimes the ATF is forced to interpret laws that were left vague. How To eFile Form 1 Suppressor or Solvent Trap, eFile Form 1 Fingerprint Card Instructions, Why is My Glock Not Accurate: Common Reasons and How to Fix, Why Does My Glock Shoot Low and to the Left? ", And thats when the figure lurking in the corner (Judy) spoke: "If you buy one more gun this month, youll find yourself sleeping on the couch!". The complete guide to the new Form 4 ", Regardless of the unconstitutionality (and complete absurdity) of the question, you are required to provide an acceptable answer. Responsible Person Questionnaire (ATF Form 5320.23). That means John should enter the address for the ranch in El Paso (he will also need to enter the El Paso address in Box 3b.). The codes that must be used for sex, race, eye, and hair color are listed below. The best way to protect yourself and your business is to be as educated as possible. ALL APPLICATIONS EXCEPT FOR an ATF FORM 5 and an ATF FORM 20 MUST BE MAILED TO THE ADDRESS BELOW: NFA Branch Enter the Trust Name and address from the Form 1, 4, or 5. It may take a bit to load while your trust pdf is uploaded. They will shoot your dog. Ive seen approvals as soon as 28 days, but typically its going to be around 33-35 days. Thats because each type of applicant (Gun Trust, Corporation, Individual, etc.) 27 CFR 555.11 | eRegulations - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms However, this information assists with theefficient completion of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) background check. The state field should be automatically generated from the zip code. Most people do one at a time, so only one line item is needed. In all of the Smith Family Trust examples (other than Example #5), John can enter the contact information for any of the following CLEOs: Phoenix Police DepartmentMaricopa County Sheriffs OfficeMaricopa County Attorneys OfficeArizona Department of Public SafetyUnited States District Attorney for the District of Arizona. Mike Smith, Trustee. Remember: The ATF says that if there is a Serial Number on the frame or lower receiver, it is considered a firearm. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. (Additional Description) of the Form 1 Application.[23]. In Example #5 John is going to store his SBR at the ranch in El Paso, Texas. 4b.Type of Firearm This will always be the type of firearm you are going to build, but what do you enter? ALL APPLICATIONS EXCEPT FOR an ATF FORM 5 and an ATF FORM 20 MUST BE MAILED TO THE ADDRESS BELOW: Mailing Address NFA Branch P.O. If you don't have a UPIN, select "No" for this question. 99.9999999% of the time you will check No. But a word of warning, if you thought the paper Form 1 was bad, you better hold on to your panties! You may see a warning page when you try to login. So even if you are going to use a stripped lower receiver to build your SBR, if there is a SN engraved on the stripped lower, it is considered a firearm. 2x2 photograph is affixed here with a paper clip. Even when the directions arent at odds with one another, they usually only make you more confused than you were before you read them. John says that adding a 2nd upper receiver is "kinda like a toofer! If you are filling out your ATF Form 5in conjunction with this form, you can visit our ATF Form 5walk-through guide here. 4a. According to the ATF, the CLEO can be the Chief of Police, the Sheriff, the Head of the State Police, or a State or local district attorney or prosecutor.[27]. If you are filing for ATF Tax Stamp as an individual, then you will not need to fill out this form. Dont start drilling or combining parts in any way that can be considered intent to manufacture until you receive your approved stamp. On the next page, fill out all the info about the suppressor so it will match the Responsible Person form you already submitted. 2. Heres a thought: If 40% of all Form 1 Applications are denied or delayed, and nearly all resubmitted/corrected applications are ultimately approved; shouldnt the Form 1 Application be fixed? John loves the versatility of the 5.56mm NATO round and cant wait to convert his Colt M4 Carbine into a Short Barreled Rifle (SBR). The contact information for that CLEO gets entered in Box 10. If you dont have a UPIN, you obviously wont enter anything. } else { This is one of the most common mistakes made on the Form 1. This would lead an intelligent person to believe they dont need to enter anything in Box 20 if they are paying with a Check, Cashiers Check, or Money Order. eForms applications used to be approved much faster than paper applications, but that is no longer the case. Choose people who have a vested interest in seeing your business succeed and are willing to take steps to ensure the preservation of your federal firearms license. Now, eforms applications and paper applications are processed at nearly the same rate. The ATF used to require that you "sign your name in blue or black ink," but they revised that to "sign your name in ink." The OAL is the distance between the Muzzle of the barrel and the rearmost point of the firearm. [6], 3c. Source: Gutowski, Stephen. [34]. The ATF official responsible for the issuance and renewal of licenses and permits under this part. Weve. If you are filling out your ATF Form 5in conjunction with this form, you can visit our ATF Form 5walk-through guide here. Instructions 3C state: "Social Security Number (SSN) and Unique Personal Identification Number (UPIN). You can make up a name for the manufacturer but put your address. ERROR!! How Is An ATF Form 1 Filed Using a Paper Application? Thisis yourUnique Personal Identification Number (UPIN). If John is building his SBR from scratch (parts & pieces), his gun trust is the manufacturer. [14]. Instead of paying the application fee every time your business makes a change (which can be quite burdensome, depending on your FFL type), you can write to the ATF detailing your requested adjustments. For some reason the ATF decided your DOB is required, but not worthy of having its own Box #. There are a couple of different ways you can make sure your application is approved: If you have a Gun Trust from the Trust Shop, you have nothing to worry about. Cover letter with two sets of completed fingerprints mailed out to the provided address. Information located within this article is current as of September, 2019. Heres a video overview of the entire process with all the steps and links youll need below: Youll need to order at least two sets of fingerprint cards and fill them out. If you are filling out your ATF Form 1in conjunction with this form, you can visit our ATF Form 1walk-through guide here. Type of Firearm. You need to upload a Responsible Person form for everyone on the trust along with a picture and all their information. You have all the stuff ready to go in a folder on the computer; the trust pdf, the responsible person pdf, the photo, you registered for eForms, and your 2 fingerprint cards are filled out and ready to go. ATF Form 5320.23 - Responsible Person Questionnaire Walk - reddit Because hell only be using the SBR when he is at the ranch (which is nearly every weekend), and because Jane caught him filling out a Form 1 Application (meaning he will likely be at the ranch on a more permanent basis), John decides the SBR should stay at the ranch full-time. Additionally, you get access to all of our other ATF Forms, as well as all gun trust forms. According to the ATF, a Responsible Person is anyone that "Possesses the power to receive, ship, transport, deliver, transfer or otherwise dispose of a firearm." More people being responsible means a higher likelihood of compliance and communication with the bureau. 4c. All responsible persons are required to submit background information to the ATF and have their fingerprints processed. Fill out the rest of this page with your name, email, address, title (settlor), date of birth, sex, race, state of residence, birth state, and SSN. You only need the first 2 pages, the rest is instructions and the CLEO part which wont be needed at this time. That way, I can mail this out same day or next day. But keep in mind, you have to engrave the Model name on your new firearm exactly like you enter it in Box 4d, so dont get too carried away (engraving is expensive and there is a limited amount of real estate on most lower receivers). Name and Address of Maker, Manufacturer and/or Importer of Firearm. We will give it to you: The answer is Individual Applicants. If you are filing as an entity, everyone who is considered a Responsible Person in your trust or LLC needs to fill out an ATF 5320.23 Responsible Person Questionnaire. Correct way would be .338 cal. That means you should enter a number followed by a unit of measurement, rather than specific cartridge names. Then, when you fill out ATF Forms, you will enter your UPIN and you wont be delayed or denied. This error occurs when you apply thesame date that your .EFTFile wascreated. Click finish to save the line item info. But you can speed up the process by designating the right people. Provide the information for the responsible person in items 3a through 3e. The SSN and UPIN are not required. After clicking next, you will be brought to the last page of this line item where you can attach other files for this line item. That means you cant just make 2 photocopies of the ATF Copy. If you used the fillable form from above your information that you filled out will propagate through the form. After successfully submitting your form 1, you will get an email containing a cover letter. How to Fix, Why Does My Glock Rattle? The ATF has an eForms website that allows you to eFile form 1 and form 4 firearms including suppressors and SBRs. Overall Length This is always the overall length of the firearm you are going to build. Do not staple. 15f2. 27 CFR 555.33 | eRegulations - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms If the computer matches your name with the name of a prohibited person, you get denied or delayed. You can make up the name of the Firearm Model and Firearm Serial Number but put the correct caliber or gauge. I suggest checking out National Gun Trusts its about 50 bucks or so and they handle everything about the trust. The following CLEO notification must also be completed. The ATF Form 5320.23 - Responsible Person Questionnairepaperwork requires you to submit fingerprint cards. Here is the link to a blank 5320.23 in a PDF. Social Security Number(See instructions 3C). Applications that can be approved without investigations or material changes are processed much faster, especially when they need to investigate the background of an additional person. Therefore, we hereby declare the DOB box shall henceforth be referred to as Box 13b. So why do the directions in Box 1 tell you to complete Box 17? However, the directions on the Form 1 state that the address of a trust (Corp, other entity, etc.) Please complete item 20", "Always select Box 1.a., as Boxes b. Thats because most of the info on the web is incorrect, inaccurate, or incomplete. Click next to move on to the Electronic Documents page. Then, how do you avoid being part of the 40%. Usually the Sheriff for your county. In order to own an NFA regulated firearm, you need to submit your information, pay a tax stamp, and under-go a background check with the ATF. Content suggesting non-compliance or discouraging NFA ownership will not be tolerated. Serial Number If you are modifying a firearm, you are required to use the Serial Number that is already engraved on the firearm. Form 7/ 7 CR - Application for Federal Firearms License (ATF Form 5310.12/5310.16) | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Out of the thousands of Form 1 Applications we helped create, 2 of them have been for destructive devices. Because the Smith Family Trust is the manufacturer, John will enter the information just like he did in Example #2, with one notable exception. The only accepted formats for photo are JPG and JPEG, or GIF - max allowed file size is 3MB Call Us 24 Hrs a Day at: (904) 866-4228 or (877) 7GUN-LAW, We respect your privacy and will not share or sell your information. 3c. When you submit a Form 1 Application to the ATF, you are required to send a copy of the Form 1 to the CLEO (Chief Law Enforcement Officer) that has jurisdiction over the address listed in Box 3b. **, Why not order the fingerprints free from the ATF instead of buying them from NGT? ATF eForm 1 NFA Tax Stamp Walk-Through Guide The ATF may contact any responsible person at any time and all responsible persons are expected to comply. Just as with a trust, the important thing to keep in mind is that people are deemed to be Responsible Persons based on their powers, not their title. [13] [15] [16] [17], 4g. Okay, you get the point, the directions dont make any sense at all. The form should be already digitally signed as well. Heres an explanation of responsible persons. 3b. Thanks. The following CLEO notification must also be completed. Create a Gun Trust with the Trust Shop and use the ATF Form 1 System for free. You can also purchasethe .EFT File Service here. The individual or settlor of the trust name goes here. What is a responsible person ATF? You dont need to put your social security number in but its highly recommended and makes the whole process faster. Now, you are asked to sign the Certification box, which says you understand that you are required to send the CLEO Copy of your Form 1 Application to you guessed it the CLEO. The ATF Form 5320.23 - Responsible Person Questionnaire form is to be used in conjunction with the ATF Form 1, ATF Form 4, and the ATF Form 5, if you are applying for a tax stamp with a NFA Gun Trust. And for those unlucky enough to have this happen, it seems to happen on a routine basis. And hopefully, you found it helpful. We advise paying by check, as this method allows you to track the progress of your application by seeing when your check was cashed. Each of these numbers is a link to the place where we found the information. [32] The three copies are the ATF Copy, the ATF Copy 2 To Be Returned To Registrant, and the CLEO Copy. This is the type of firearm you are applying for: Short-barreled rifle, short-barreled shotgun, silencer, machine gun, AOW, destructive device. Email Address. As I noted here, many NFA dealers are planning to offer in-store fingerprinting so you should check with your local gun store. Also, does the ATF accept eSignatures? Type of Firearm. The ATF copy of the form, with fingerprints on Form FD-258 and photograph, will be submitted with the ATF Form 1, 4, or 5 (to the address shown on the specific form) and the other copy will be directed to the responsible person's chief law enforcement officer. For example, you might not list yourself on the FFL if you were in the process of selling the business but the license had to be renewed before the sale processed. Information located within this article isan original guide created by National Gun Trusts and not to be cited or used without the written permission of National Gun Trusts. These answers will very and similar to the ATF Form 4473 questions. The wait for ATF Form 1 approval is typically between one and two months with most submissions reporting a turn around of 30 to 40 days. Lets cut to the chase and get straight to the answer. The individual or settlor of the trust name goes here. 3a. Date of Birth. Contains similar information to that found on the back of a Form 1, 4, or 5 and the answers should be based on the individual. Published By Law Office of David M. Goldman PLLC, How to Purchase a NFA Title II (Class 3) Firearm, Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog, Should I put AR-15 style and other firearms in my Gun Trust, Evacuation with NFA firearms and Form 20 Approval, Iowa (IA) What NFA Firearms can I own? Other names used. If you arent sure who should be a responsible person or who must be, you should speak to an attorney who deals regularly with federal firearms licenses. For that matter, we have. Next, the ATF with a clear description of the item. Please complete item 17.". You will also need the ATF Form 23 (5320.23), which is the NFA Responsible Person Questionnaire, only if you are applying for your ATF Tax Stamp with a NFA Gun Trust or corporation. Please be aware that refusal to provide this informationmay result in a delay in the NICS background check process.". That means, he needs to enter the Name and Address of the gun trust in Box 4a. If you need to order cards, you can get pre-filled fingerprint cards from the Trust Shop.