city of liberty hill design standards

city of liberty hill design standards

A business or organization being the sole business occupant of a premises. Odorous Matter. A use engaged in the basic processing and manufacturing of materials or products predominately from extracted or raw materials, or a use engaged in storage, or manufacturing processes utilizing flammable or explosive materials, or storage or manufacturing processes which potentially involve hazardous or commonly recognized offensive conditions. Approval of Electric, Telephone and Telecommunications Plans, 6. Transfer Station (or see also Waste Disposal Services). Applicants requesting a variance or anticipating voluntary annexation or any discretionary decision by the City are advised that compliance with these guidelines may be a factor in receiving a favorable recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. Certain procedures apply inside city limits that do not apply in the ETJ. The purpose of These standards exist in order [sic] is to achieve a minimum level of quality, compatibility and environmental protection in new and existing developments while maintaining significant flexibility in site layout and design. Wireless Transmission Facilities are allowed, without a Conditional Use Permit, on existing towers or tanks, utility, lighting standard, sign support or other appropriate structures provided that the antenna or related equipment or structures do not exceed, by 10 feet, the lesser of the height of the structure or the height limits of the highest permitted structure in the district in which it is located. Exceptions to this review period are as follows: A. A specific use that would not be appropriate generally or without restriction, the granting of which shall be based upon a finding by the Planning and Zoning Commission that certain conditions governing the proposed conditional use as detailed in this Ordinance Code [sic] exist, that the use conforms to the Comprehensive Plan and that it is compatible with the existing neighborhood. Absolute majority. Buffer yards shall be located on the side and rear lot lines of a parcel extending to the lot or parcel boundary line. Generating plants, electrical switching facilities and primary substations, refuse collection or disposal facilities, water and wastewater treatment plants, and similar facilities. A residential use, structure, or building incidental to the principal permitted or conditionally approved use on a site, whether comprising a portion of the principal structure on the site or located within an accessory structure or building. A. Landfills, Sanitary. Works of art that do not include a Commercial Message; 4. Such resolution shall be incorporated as an Appendix to this Code. General. RESEARCH SERVICES. 5. To change the runoff characteristics of a parcel of land in conjunction with residential industrial, commercial, or institutional construction or alteration. Material which that [sic] is capable of causing injury to living organisms by chemical reaction or is capable of causing detrimental effects upon the physical or economic well-being of individuals. Parcel of Land. To prohibit all signs not expressly permitted by this Section; and, 5. Flood Protection Elevation (FPE). A. 5. Competent evidence. That the proposed use will comply [with] each of the applicable provisions of these regulations. The provisions of this section apply to any Permit if as of the first anniversary of the effective date of Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code: A. the permit does not have an expiration date; and. Floor Area Ratio (FAR). The amount of such cash payments shall be in accordance with the provisions set out in this section. Inflatable Sign. It includes a wall, gate, or structure which that [sic] functions to enclose an open space or yard; however, a retaining wall, freestanding sign, or landscape structure is not considered a fence except for that portion which that [sic] functions as a fence. G. Notwithstanding any other provisions of Chapter 4, any legal nonconforming use of property existing as of the date of adoption of this Code that does not conform with the regulations prescribed in the UDC of the City of Liberty Hill, shall be deemed a nonconforming use, subject to the provisions contained in this section. Harmonious with the public interest. Soils or other materials transported by wind or surface water as a product of erosion. Whenever this Chapter imposes a higher standard than that required by easements, deed restrictions, covenants or agreements, the provisions of this subchapter shall govern to the extent permitted by law. A plat or replat or site development permit will not be approved unless the proposed lot(s) have safe and reliable street access for daily use and emergency purposes. CONVALESCENT SERVICES. 2. H. Reinstatement of a lapsed approval shall require the applicant to pursue the same submittal and to obtain approval as an original application. Preserve and protect waterways and floodplains. Lodging with or without meals is provided for compensation on a weekly or monthly basis. These design criteria and technical specifications are the latest version as adopted by the City Engineer. Site Development Site Development and Stormwater Permit Building Permit Fee Schedule Drainage and Design Criteria The City of Liberty Hill has adopted the City of Round Rock Design and Construction Standards - see link below. The requirements of this Code and any applicable state law. This Code shall become effective and be in full force and effect immediately following its passage and approval by the City Council, as duly attested by the Mayor and City Secretary. The City of Liberty Hills Comprehensive Plan, as adopted and as amended and periodically updated, is the policy guide for the development of the Unified Development Code. LAUNDRY SERVICES. C. The City Administrator is responsible for final action. A. Additionally, as provided in subsection (g) of this section, this section shall not apply to the types of ordinances, or other governmental action, enumerated in VTCA Local Government Code 245.004 or exempt from the requirements of Local Government Code 43.002. When an existing lighting fixture(s) become inoperable, their replacements are subject to the provisions of this Code. F. Safety and convenience of vehicular and pedestrian circulation in the vicinity, including traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use. Historic Resource. Community service signs, as approved by the City Council, are exceptions to this definition. Responsibility for Final Action. Map which depicts the minimum special flood hazard area to be regulated by this Ordinance Code [sic] (unless a Floodway Map is available). The submittal shall contain the following information as part of the site plan: A. A road improvement may be considered adequate for an application if the City Administrator determines that the required improvement is included, funded, and approved in the Citys, Countys or States capital improvements plan for roads, provided that the applicant agrees to phase development to conform to the date of completion of such scheduled improvement. C. Cooperate with area governmental entities to ensure water quantity. Infill will require adherence to be consistent with the stated zoning classification. 1. A type of ownership arrangement in which an owner has legal title over a single unit in a multifamily dwelling or nonresidential development and over an equal portion of the land upon which the structure stands. Upper Story Residential. A description of any conditions, terms, restrictions, or other requirements determined to be necessary for the preservation and protection of the public health, safety, or welfare; ix. Any accessory use may be permitted provided there is association with a primary use that may be permitted in accordance with Section 4.8 [sic] of this Code. B. B. D. Where, due to topographic conditions, permanent structures, or other conditions, the view is obstructed between any two adjacent monuments, intermediate monuments shall be set as to assure a clear view between adjacent monuments. To allow the establishment of a use not otherwise permitted in the applicable zoning district. Setbacks. Any activity that removes the vegetative ground cover. C. Responsibility for Final Action. A sign with flashing, blinking or moving lights, regardless of wattage, whether directly or indirectly illuminated, except for time and temperature signs. Subdivision Preliminary Plan. Stockyard services involving the temporary keeping of livestock for slaughter, market or shipping. Time and Temperature Sign. A sign supported by a sign structure secured in the ground, and which is wholly independent of any building, fence, vehicle or other support. D. That the conditions applicable to approval are the minimum necessary to minimize potentially unfavorable impacts on nearby uses and ensure compatibility with existing or permitted uses in the same district and the surrounding area, and that the prescribed Site Development Regulations do not provide enough mitigation of the impacts identified, thus warranting stricter standards, if so recommended. Plat, Final. Should a question arise as to whether an Ordinance is exempted from Local Government Code Chapter 245 the City Administrator shall request an opinion from the City Attorney and the City Attorney shall render a decision. If a sign requiring a permit under the provision of this Chapter is to be placed, constructed, erected, or modified on a lot either within the City limits or the Citys extraterritorial jurisdiction, the owner of the Lot shall secure a sign permit prior to the construction, placement, erection, or modification of such a sign in accordance with the requirements of Section 6.12.05.F [6.12.05.E] below. The purpose of this section is to require that development within the Liberty Hill jurisdictional area is supported by an adequate roadway network, including collector-level and higher capacity streets, as may be necessary to accommodate the continuing growth and development of the City and its jurisdictional area. A historic district includes all property within its boundaries, and may overlay any zoning district. Educational institutions of higher learning which offer a course of study designed to culminate in the issuance of a degree as defined by the Education Code of the State of Texas. The City Administrator shall review the application for variance and provide a written recommendation with regard to whether the variance should be granted, conditionally granted or denied to the City Council within thirty (30) days from the date the application for variance is filed. 2. Whenever there appears to be an uncertainty, vagueness, or conflict in the terms of the Code, the Manager, in consultation with the staff, city engineer, or city attorney, as may be appropriate, shall make every effort to interpret the Code in such a way that it fulfills the goals of the Comprehensive Plan and the Code. Any passenger vehicle, truck, truck-trailer, or semi-trailer propelled or drawn by mechanical power. On the date of final action on any related application for building permit, site plan, or development plan for signs involving new construction. Plans for the improvements required by this Chapter shall be prepared and approved in accordance with the provisions contained herein and certified for accuracy and completeness by a registered professional engineer licensed by the State of Texas. Wash Plant. Temporary signs advertising a garage sale not exceeding six square feet in area. The standards also serve to implement selected goals and policies identified in the City of Liberty Hills Comprehensive Plan. The City Administrator shall serve as staff to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Board of Adjustments (BOA), Parks and Recreation Board, and the City Council except where otherwise provided by this Chapter. If the TIA threshold is exceeded, the applicant shall be so advised on the TIA Determination Worksheet and referred to the City Administrator or his designee for consultation concerning the preparation of a TIA. Off-street Loading Facilities. If notice of intent is given, suspension or revocation shall not occur before the time for compliance has expired. Proposed development near these districts should consider including parkland within the development to provide contiguity of parkland development. The Planning and Zoning Commission has the powers and duties of a Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with Texas Local Government Code 211.007 and 371.042, provided, however, that it serve only in an advisory capacity to City Council. Any sign erected at a private residence identifying its address or the residents name. Trees to remain after construction is complete shall be protected from possible injury during construction. Q. Meet the minimum lot requirements of at least one type of lot described in this Chapter; B. If the application is determined to be incomplete, the City Administrator shall notify the applicant in writing. Family. Structures or actions that compensate for undesirable impacts. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall forward their recommendation to the City Council who is responsible for final action on Comprehensive Plan Amendments. BUILDING MAINTENANCE SERVICES. Residential Land Use Report Future Development Projects Under Review Resolution 2023-R-003 Public Improvement District Policies Recent Resolution Regarding Public Improvement Districts (PID) City of Round Rock Design and Construction Standards View All Contact Us 512-548-5519 Pay Online Utility Billing D. Use in Violation. Newly annexed areas shall be zoned AG during the annexation process. Campground facilities providing camping and/or parking areas and incidental services for travelers in recreational vehicles or tents. If the letter P appears for a sign type in a column, such sign is allowed only with prior permit approval in the zoning districts represented by that column. The proposed ordinance, as modified and if approved by the City Council, shall be binding on the applicant and its successors. Any tract, lot or parcel of land or combination of tracts, lots or parcels of land, which are in one ownership, or are contiguous and in diverse ownership and where development is to be performed as part of a unit, subdivision, or project as shown on an application. B. (3) Where there has been entered into a special agreement with the city including specific provisions for the dedication of parkland or cash payments or in lieu of the requirements of this section. PAWN SHOP SERVICES. Upon review of the application, if the City Administrator finds that the applicant has provided sufficient information to establish that one (1) or more legally sufficient and applicable permit(s) exists on a project, the City Administrator shall issue a certificate to the applicant recognizing vested rights for the project which shall be dated and signed by the City Administrator. FINAL . Rear Yard. 2. A private or parochial school offering instruction at the elementary school level in the branches of learning and study required to be taught in the public schools of the State of Texas. Private Harvesting. Facade. The standard review period for any application may be extended one time for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days if a review body or final action authority requests additional studies or information concerning the application. Adequate on-site solid waste containers may also be required. 3. CONSUMER CONVENIENCE SERVICES. Multiuse Sign. The total amount of acreage of raw land. The direction any street or road travels the longest in distance (i.e., north-south or east-west). Subdivision, Farmstead. Forms & Documents - City of Liberty, SC Predominantly spectator uses conducted in open or partially enclosed or screened facilities. Retail sales, veterinary services, grooming, boarding when totally within a building, of dogs, cats, birds, fish, and similar small animals customarily used as household pets. City approvals, including but not limited to building, repair, plumbing, or electrical permits, shall not be issued by the City for any structure on a lot in a subdivision or on a parcel for which a final plat or site development permit has not been approved and filed for record. Nonpoint Source Pollution. The grade of the finished ground level at the midpoint of each exterior surface of a sign, or that of a structure to which a sign has been attached. The square foot area enclosed by the perimeter of the sign. All structures, land uses constructed or commenced after the effective date of the UDC and all enlargements of, additions to, changes in and relocations of existing structures and uses occurring after the effective date of the UDC are therefore subject thereto. C. Construction or expansion of a building other than a single-family or duplex residential building, with a floor area expansion of more than one thousand (1,000) square feet or more requires a site development permit. A library, museum, or similarly registered nonprofit organizational use displaying, preserving, and exhibiting objects of community and cultural interest. Do not create disturbing or offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odor, heat, glare, unhealthy or unsightly condition, traffic, or parking problem; B. That portion of a building having more than one-half (1/2) of its height below lot grade elevation. A Notice of Public Hearing shall be sent by the City through U.S. mail to owners of record of real property within 200 feet of the parcel under consideration and within the City Limits of Liberty Hill, as determined by the most recent tax rolls from the Williamson Central Appraisal District. Waterfowl. Shore-dependent recreation facilities or activities provided by public agencies which that [sic] are available to the general public. Model home signs not exceeding 32 square feet in area and 5 feet in height. Notification of the expiration of regulations shall be provided to the applicant as part of the notification of approval of the development-related permit. A type of multifamily housing. Buildings in the Downtown Overlay District shall be oriented such that the front facade of the building faces Main Street, or another collector street within the Downtown District, in such as [a] way as to be parallel to the street. Suspended Sign. Arterial. C. Insufficient Findings. A use engaged in the preparation and retail sale of food and beverages, including sale of alcoholic beverages when conducted as an accessory or secondary feature and producing less than fifty (50) percent of the gross income. CONSTRUCTION SALES AND SERVICES. A side yard on the street side of a corner lot. The terms include the following: owner, owners agent, landowner, property owner, applicant, developer, and subdivider. This section provides specific approval criteria for the following policy-related applications: A. Applicability. Enclosed Storage. They must be reviewed and approved before any final action may be taken by the City Administrator or the developer. B. It may be a loop street or may link local and/or collector streets. An electrical sign utilizing lights going on and off periodically to display the current time and temperature in the community. Surface coordinates may be provided, but should include a scale factor and convergence to reflect grid coordinates.

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