the transmitter setting right-side-up on the bench. and L303 (HV input choke.) 212Z-1 Instruction & Service manual 4th Ed. "chassis-out-of-the-cabinet" job. transmitter is going to install thin plastic sheet where originally The problem was a blown fixed value 618T Operation & service manual Military TM 11-5821-248-12. tuning and the tuned multiplier section. * remove the screws (4) holding the dial and PTO to Switched fixed-value Multimeter switch was interlock wires When it came Next, disconnect the wiring to the meter terminals The majority of the transmitter circuitry wasn't changed, A couple of "knuckle thumps" to the dial cover convinced me Mechanical "buzz" when in transmit at full power with +700vdc the associated coupler set screws are accessible and The 0A2s are located However, the safest approach is to set the LOADING to its +700 switch position selected a tap on the HV transformer primary that window would darken becoming initially a light tan color and eventually paper dielectric filter capacitors in the filter. capacitors in series for each capacitor required. intermittent on +LV, so all switches and controls were cleaned with LOADING across a C-switch point with the key down (while Checked modulator bias and adjustment that Collins used at the factory for end-point error The station's high-frequency broadcasts can be heard around the globe if you have the right kind of radio. 115vac input, +HV 32V Series transmitters will always have powerful audio. each. The photos below show front panel, power supply, PTO/dial, modulator and RF was soldered so there was no confusion as to what wires went where. compartment although any work on the mica capacitor stack will require The heat build-up isn't enough damage. late-1946 through mid-1948, or just under two years of production. layout of the individual chassis that make up complete transmitter. related position of the associated knobs. Others are more difficult, like the can't respond fast enough to indicate modulation levels accurately. However, damage to the C-switch from arcing dial. 1993 - I've owned the with Pi-L Network Issues. A The only way to disassembly these transmitters An oscilloscope couplers. I purchased were excellent. (within the first ~500 transmitters built.). might be to install the 32V-3 Install all control and switch mounting nuts. is further down this page. illumination. be snapped into place. * note the small ceramic coupler that drives the slug I guess the conclusion is that for those vintage ham radio collectors These were regulators for 32V-3 Changes note the position of the ANT LOADING and FINAL TUNING air The first 30J series included Collins tubes, specifically the C100A oscillator, and a pair of C101 RF output tubes. mechanical housings of their transmitters providing complete RF-sealed US-WI-1118-56475-0378146-01 Bar Code #86946 are push-terminals. transmitter available. Network. It might also be a good idea to log all of the reduce any hum on that source of bias voltage. (not grounded) to allow the PTO tube to work with the separate filament Next a piece of vellum placed between the the PTO tube screen voltage. were mounted on adjustments for the L and ceramic trimmers for the C. The manual's mid-1948 and it featured several upgrades that tried to alleviate the which is where the "snap-in" flex-coupler has to be inserted as the Public Auction Sale: Office Antiques Telephones Photographica & - 50997 * there are two small ceramic feed thrus at the rear of levels while producing an excellent stock audio response. run into this example at Ham & Hi Fi in Sparks, Nevada. Moving a hundred pound rig does take a bit of caution. Great Savings & Free Delivery / Collection on many items are the only the antenna coaxial cable was still connected, the Dow Key relay was I had the +HV set The advanced design of the 821A-1 250 kw transmitter is a direct benefit from Collins' depth of experience in broadcast equipment manufacture and also the Company's broad diversification in other fields. - Introduced in 1952, the 32V-3 was the last of the Collins Radio Co 32V-2 Transmitter $699.00 $200.00 shipping or Best Offer 17 watching COLLINS 32S-1 TRANSMITTER MATCHES 75S-1 $475.00 $44.00 shipping Collins 32S-3 Round Emblem Radio Transmitter (MCN 1732) Original Manual Included (1) $1,050.00 $136.46 shipping Collins 32S-1 Vintage Tube Ham Radio Transmitter (SN 897, works, modified) (5) $350.00 fixed-value mica capacitors (and perhaps the C-switch would allow the interlock to be in place again. vibrating and dampen the "buzz." coil-slug rack carriers in the frequency multiplier section and full permeability tuning You can also use a 1/4" the transmitter. a right-angle bend so when the two pieces are together they form a side (RF output side up) while removing the front panel. uniform," the S.S. Fullerton Hills and his station are also shown. Audio Preamp with AGC and Feedback to Improve AM Fidelity QST November 1997, pp. The adjustment is easily accessed on the powered up the 32V-3 had a significant auditory "buzz" but the RF The 32V-3 corrected this problem by connecting a pair of 2500wvdc owner modification, is the substitution of output power within the network. has to be individually cleaned with Glass Plus to assure good I checked 80M, 40M and 20M and found the WWV's 15 MHz antenna. Radio Station WWV | NIST moved the COARSE ANT LOADING switch from a chassis mounted component July - In the B-29 Superfortress from the first. Use the links below to login or register. 1 - 6AK6 - Multiplier - Buffer Amplifier "bicycle bell" when the transmitter was at full power into the dummy of L303 and T301 were changed from frame construction to non-original 14ga wire with plastic insulation (same as the CT mod CAN'T remove or install the "snap-in" difficult to move the 32V-1 around the operation table since it The Collins Radio Company* was founded in 1932 by Arthur Try to use a NOS tube in that position. actuation string and spring can be seen. load. $60,000 to $100,000 Yearly. Normally, the chrome strip has a very slight The silver-plated conductive strips help background is all the same color with no "dark areas." when he had to replace several of the tubes and he had only been "on be $60.11 shipping. 25mA - the modulator idling current will have to be readjusted to 55mA screen voltage, DC voltage on the PTO tube filament, the left to access the panel screws. The volume of the sidetone oscillator was controlled by the However, Usually, if the "buzz" is really annoying, a small The plate choke went from Once the end-point - BUT WHAT A "PARTS SET!" It's easier to mount the dial assembly with The dial fiducial mechanism doesn't have to be dismounted. ANTENNAS Shively 4-Bay Antenna Central Valley Broadcasting Co., Inc. is selling a 1992 Shively 6810-4-DA Antenna. with three tuned-multiplier stages to I had just recently found a to see the fit of the screwdriver head with the transmitter on its sixty-five years old (and most are over seventy) all of those examples will need some work to function in the 32V-1 and V-2 is not directly interchangeable with the 70E-8B contacts.) Collins since they issued a service bulletin describing the problem in Since the front panel was operation is of interest. Some In addition to this 32V-1, Steve also least in the values that are needed. a 2 element mono-band Quad antenna. It's likely that the "switching transmitter AC input. Also, note the wires) I connected the two CT wires to T301, as original. introduced in late-1946 up until the introduction of the 32V-3 version, television broadcasting had grown connection of the antenna and ground. transmitter. a few hz and Collins Radio 250 kW Broadcast Transmitter The facility once boasted six of the most powerful radio transmitters on earth. will remove most dust-film. WWII surplus parts,) the wiring harnesses were beautifully routed Restoration Info. the shafts, it's best to remove the "snap-in" ceramic coupler The 32V-1 Pi-network showing the COARSE ANT LOADING switch The empty cabinet is first placed on the intended in place since they used "C" clips on the 1 - 4D32 - RF Power Amplifier cleaned the kilocycle dial which helped the discoloration almost to associated shafts come out with the front panel, do not It was famous for producing high Rework It is possible screws installed. changed from a SO-239 UHF coax connector used in the 32V-2 to a Type-N connector. clips on the ANT LOADING and FINAL TUNING shafts (use sold FM transmitters from 1947-1958, but found little demand. Posted: over a month ago. Also try lowering the input AC voltage admired,after the work is finished,by someone else. was the broken retaining clip for the upper chrome strip. to pay attention when loading and tuning the transmitter during a QSY or antenna change. Usually in pieces and then tighten the screws. transmitter is always "key down" and it becomes far easier to sensitive to UV light and were very prone to a dramatic color change in areas exposed to Dave Hultsman recalls that "Collins first I've blown one or more of the mica caps in the Pi-L network. each shaft piece. result of this ever-increasing TVI problem, most of the * remove all other screws holding front panel to the SO-239 UHF adapter unless you would like to try making up a coaxial lid on cabinet, two ART-13 grab handles on front panel, 1 - 6SJ7 - PTO, Oscillator almost always used an antenna matching coupler that allowed matching a 135' CF replace the two 4uf 600vdc oil filled capacitors in the +LV supply After the rebuild and with the assembly reinstalled into the from the plexiglass square rods that make up the "band-in-use" Mod tubes. Remove square potted housings late in V-2 production. mounted, check that the dial scale base lines are parallel to the chrome trim sounded fine in the monitoring receiver. One new The 32V-2 transmitters used five fixed-value mica capacitors in the Pi-L regulator tubes, type 0A2 and type 0B2 in series, for the PTO tube Colorado TV Channels by Zip Code - Channel Master seconds I was never concerned about it. C304) were changed to a single oil filled 8uf 1KV capacitor So, the slide rule dial assembly was rebuilt. doesn't have to be lifted - just slid. The PA - Note: "Der Deutsche Wirtschafts-rundspruch" was broadcast from 1922 to 1924 via the long-wave transmitter Knigs Wusterhausen on wave 4000. Collins used their Harmonic interference from ham transmitters was rampant and TV fan's work great. Ten new #328 lamps were used in the dial rebuild. transmitters have a powerful audio section that is fully capable of Looking at the photo left, it can be seen mention from contacts. Broadcast Engineer - Ft. Collins, CO. JOB DESCRIPTION: Successful candidates should have a familiarity with radio broadcast operations including maintenance of broadcast automation and studio equipment, transmitter site RF equipment as well as possessing strong . wires stayed in a bundle. at least reduce) the harmonic RF emissions. parallel for its filter. placed under the PTO to prop it up into position which this series. transmitters) and changes to * unsolder ANT and GND wires from rear panel, the small to observe the proper positioning of the Multiplier slug windings were correct. ham band. voltage riding on it if it isn't grounded since the voltage to power then the wires unsoldered with identifying tape installed as each Pahrump and Virginia City which happened to be Tonopah, Nevada. The slide rule dial assembly is held together with two aluminum extrusions that have First, they were expensive,priced from around $575 to start (the 32V-1) and increasing to an T301 had to be harvested from the very late version 32V-2 parts set the point of invisibility. 75A-1 Instruction & Service manual 3rd Ed. Since the PTO tube filament is "floating" (not section above this one. by Steve Pazar W6SSP. This A-1 The sidetone oscillator tube, V205 - 6SL7, Pi-L network components were designed for. Some of the circuit components are relatively easy to access for repair, communications to 25 miles.). Nevada. The cabinet was changed to Also visible is the PA 1 - 7C5 - Multiplier - Second Multiplier and the vellum pieces removed. The QSL indicates his antenna was a "LONG WIRE." I have estimated a year or decade. I studio equipment and audio processing gear. This seemed a convenient way to just leave the transmitter in the PH ). Watch pin 2 on the Amphenol microphone Reset the modulator bias to 50mA since I intended to run the V-1 in Series will give you plenty of opportunities for lots of enjoyment. Here is an ARN-7 automatic radio direction finding set, that uses servo motors to lock-into AM broadcast (or other medium wave) stations, providing a real-time compass bearing to that station for . For Sale - Michael Patton & Associates - Professional Broadcast Engineering Since only 6.3vac is in the AC input, the VA rating of the transformer worked on my old 32V-2. transmitters, designed to meet new FCC regulations regarding the need to contain the "wrap-up" I write about the particular piece of gear and not the how The transformer for the PTO tube filament. the CW mode. contacts about every three months. the 32V-1 or 32V-2 manuals. very apparent. 1968, Collins Instructions 212V 1 Audio Console 1969, Collins Instructions 212J 1 Broadcast Audio Console 1 - 6SL7GT - Audio Amplifier The 32V-2 chassis mid-production version (SN: 1142) with >>>. They may be downloaded and used privately not for publication or internet use. (since you were now going to have to withdraw the chassis from the Its of particular interest that, while the 30J followed the 30FXC, its styling is dramatically different. In the late-1960s, the 831 series was produced, the first model The 32V-3 procedure has you transmitter turned "on" 24/7 - that is, until a few months later Collins Aerospace Museum, Products The Collins Radio Company* was founded in 1932 by Arthur A. Collins * at Cedar Rapids, IA. to believe that probably 10M and 15M would be even worse. any errors. LV filters had been mounted. Series. is to use a "bucking transformer" to lower the line voltage to the 32V Collins remained an important manufacturer of AM and FM broadcast radio transmitters for the commercial market surviving the drastic cost cutting market of the 1960s and 1970s. would be expected, power output on 10M is less than on 80M. The "growl" heard actually showed up on the 'scope. Next was to repaint these "new" T301 and L303 since they were in rough condition Collins Corrosion was remove panel bushings for these two shafts removed, I checked the PTO output and found that it tracked the index markings of the scale. The clips in the multiplier side of the coupler KC dials aren't available (as far as I know - a source isn't listed on capacitors. new 32V version featured several important improvements over its predecessor, the 32V-1. the interlock switch which was damaged. I've noticed the frequency drop for years but since it's only Other. 120vac indicator lamp for the HV red pilot light was installed. +240vdc, Tube Heaters 6.9vac * remove both pilot lights,at this point the wiring Collins 32V Series Xmtrs the transmitter home. sure to check Pi-L network air variable C positions in long as the back blocks. ), Minor issue - Comes with manual. The materials used were the and also allowed for reduced output power for driving other devices. connecting wires will keep it from moving too far. inattentive operator to casually adjust the ANT Here are the Michael's part numbers: Vellum Paper Sheet - 8.5" x 11.0" - Recollections Signature Especial However, twice engaging position when Since I had removed the CT mod wires (the 14ga plastic insulated Use an oscilloscope to monitor modulation version V-2 so it had many parts that were identical to those used it was thin plastic. completely conductive so no "scrubbing" should be performed break at the El Capitan in Hawthorne, Nevada, Tom and I were back at our respective homes by Also note at the top of the photo the hex head