dragon age: inquisition identify venatori agent

dragon age: inquisition identify venatori agent

WebThroughout their journey, the Inquisitor has the opportunity to recruit several agents to work for the Inquisition. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets and Amulet of Power. Instead, use Josephine and lower the alertness of the Venatori in the area. Identify Venatori Agent | Dragon Age Inquisition Wiki How to Unlock: complete Inflate Inquisition Numbers using Leliana How to Unlock: Completed the setback, Inquisition Rank at least 5 How to Unlock: recruit Blackwall Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and secrets, Draw Out the Red Templar Lieutenant How to Unlock: Fairbanks moved to Argons Lodge Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and secrets, Investigate Ancient Laboratory How to Unlock: in Haven Investigate Hunter Fell Red Jenny says Drop and Grab Perhabs there should be a warning added to the article. identify venatori agent Venatori | Dragon Age Wiki | Fandom How to Unlock: Leliana personal plot Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Secrets and Masterwork Mabari Grip, A Missing Assassin Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Secrets and Raven Totem, Dwarven Slaves in Venatori Hands How to Unlock: complete Investigate Redcliffe Castle using Josephine Truth or Dare: Lake Celestine Your Advisor can still perform different tasks while overlooking a Scouting Operation. Dragon Age: Inquisition: Wicked Eyes And Wicked Hearts Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections and Influence. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and connections, The Cult of Andraste Known or suspected backgrounds range from respected Mortalitasi or dragon hunter to bard, smuggler, or even apostate. How to Unlock: Setback complete, Bandits cleared out of Stormcoast Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise How to Unlock: Available to rogue Inquisitors with the Tempest specialization at Inquisition Rank of 8 or higher The arl does not know what we know. How to Unlock: Reached Skyhold How to Unlock: Completed Halamshiral and found the elven tomb landmark in Emerald Graves Rewards and Preferred Specialist: It is better to complete this operation using Connections specialist, Your Dalish Clan will report issues with bandits. You need to choose Cullen to unlock Claim Grey Warden Cache. I should be able to find out about this hunter. You can choose any specialist to rally with Ser Barris and reverse the effect of spells. How to Unlock: Western Approach Laboratory dungeon complete The Arls Invitation The Venatori. Deal with an Unexpected Gift Your relatives in the Free Marches want your diplomats to do something family feud. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Complete this operation to receive Bladed Greatsword Grip and it is better to use Secrets specialist, Your old partner from the Carta Clan informs you about a trade of Lyrium happening on the Storm Coast, The Dasher Go to speak to Sutherland, but find a worried squire in their place Or did Bioware fix the quest text in a patch? Investigate Hunter Fell | Dragon Age Wiki | Fandom War table Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and secrets, Research the Well of Sorrows How to Unlock: Support Vivenne to be Divine Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections and Amulet of Power. How to Unlock: ? Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Secrets and Amulet of Power, Alliances: From the Heart Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Connections and Influence, A Crew of Ambassadors Whether she is or was one of Duke Tythass lovers, she now appears to be in a relationship with the smuggler. I've friends among the Templars; they might know more about this supposed apostate. The best thing to do in this operation is to follow Josephines advice as any other option is not favorable. A bard's reputation precedes her, even if she wishes otherwise. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and connections, Hinterland Resources How to Unlock: Unlocked the Oasis How to Unlock: Completed Word from the Crows After choosing a Scouting Operation, you will be asked to select an Advisor to overlook the whole operation. Web1. How to Unlock: Deluxe Bonus The easiest way is to be a devout Chantry follower, espousing your belief in the Maker and embracing your role as the Herald of Andraste. You need to listen to Tallis and send in your Agents to Val Royeaux. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: It is better to use Connections specialist. Your strength is extremely important and will decide the outcome of the operation. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Gain Access to Ghilannains Grove You need to follow Lelianas advice and send Ben-Hassrath to the Brecilian Forest. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: You will acquire Dwarven Longsword Grip and you can use any specialist you want, Your old partner from the Carta Clan informs you that its leader is about to attack the Inquisition meeting with the Orzammar, Contact Clan Lavellan How to Unlock: recruit Vivienne before Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts It's a bit of a puzzle missing a piece. How to Unlock: Killed the Avvar chief in the Fallow Mire The Iron Bull is an NPC in Dragon Age 3: Inquisition. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: You will gain influence from this operation and it is better to use Secrets specialist, You will receive a letter from Lady Guinevere in which she will warn you against using soldiers and will ask you to let the Dalish Elves overthrow Duke Antoine. How to Unlock: Setback complete Venatori agents infiltrate the court of King Markus Pentaghast of Nevarra, the Mortalitasi and the court of the Duke of Hunter Fell. If we approach him, he will make amends. How to Unlock: Complete The Missing Blades of the Valo-kas Pay The Grand Duchess a visit since he is visiting someone in the Lake Celestine. How to Unlock: complete Red Jenny and the Bad Goods How to Unlock: complete Protect Val Gamord from Darkspawn If Vale is asked to recruit refugees, this will give you +1 Power, while asking him to make the refugees work for the Inquisition will get you gold. Exterior Main Level Upper Level Servants Quarters Emerald Graves Villa Maurel Din'an Hanin Chateau d'Onterre Parsons Notebook Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections and Iron. Unlocks after completing the operation Investigate Hunter Fell. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: You will gain influence from this operation and it is better to use Connections specialist, Lady Guinevere Volant is in trouble and you need to use Lelianas spies to save her life. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and forces, Escape Routes for Agents in Crestwood An Orlesian woman in Hunter Fell might have a fondness for items from home. How to Unlock: Complete Deal with Relatives of the Trevelyans using Josephine, complete Your Heart Shall Burn, and have Inquisition Rank 4 Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Connections and Ornamented Brooch, Secure a Source of Water for Outpost We have made a valuable ally here.Ambassador Montilyet, We have begun passing information to Wulff, so that he might share it with his Venatori allies. You need to deal with corruption in the region. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Forces, Ancestral Blade of Lydes, and Influence. The operation will become available once the Inquisition relocates to Skyhold. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections. Thanks from a Chantry Sister How to Unlock: complete Choose Successor in Lydes Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Connections and Enchanter Staff, Reconciliation for Celene and Michel Continue Investigation is a war table operation in Dragon Age: Inquisition. How to Unlock: Available at Skyhold, open to rogue Inquisitors A Tal-Vashoth cannot hide her reputation easily, no matter how protective she is. (Still no rewards) Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections, Hard in Hightown 3: Varrics Revenge Send either Cullen or Leliana to complete this operation with ease, Investigate Duke Antoine of Wycome Arl Wulff is a good man. Defeat Marquise Bouffon Rewards and Preferred Specialist: bog unicorn and any specialist, The Arcanist and the Fade Rewards and Preferred Specialist: corrupting rune and forces, Rumors of the Sulevin Blade How to Unlock: Completed Halamshiral, Fairbanks has moved to Argons Lodge, Presented evidence to Clara Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Forces and Influence, An Ally from Starkhaven How to Unlock: Cassandra Personal Plot, Completed Seekerfortress How to Unlock: Chantry upgraded in skyhold Speak to Sutherland and his crew at Skyhold Iron Bull | Dragon Age Inquisition Wiki The Venatori was identified to be Ferelden, so I think this is what you're supposed to take from it. Gordian, a senior Venatori operative, infiltrates the Imperial Army and begins to encourage desertions among the troops of both the claimants to the Orlesian throne. I'd say not the dwarf is probably a safe assumption though. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: paragons luster, everite, and forces, Getting a Judges Favor Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Find the Warden How to Unlock: Available in the Hinterlands after scouting locations for watchtowers in the Farmland Security quest However, their operation is destroyed thanks to the involvement of both the Inquisition and the Antivan Crows. War Table ops bug? (Hunter Fell chain WebContinue Investigation is a war table operation in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Figure out a way to deal with these rebellions. Choose Successor in Lydes Rewards and Preferred Specialist: forces, The Chantry Remains Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Master-Demon Slaying Ring and use forces. How to Unlock: Import a world state in which The Warden is female and survived Comments: 264 Kudos: 601 Bookmarks: 189 Hits: 11500. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence, Hissing Wastes Resources Rewards and Preferred Specialist: edgy dagger grip and forces, A Present for Bianca She has on occasion purchased exotic dragon-related ingredients from the Tal-Vashoth, although it is unclear whether the Tal-Vashoth gets them through hunting or smuggling. Hinterlands Forbidden Oasis Storm Coast Crestwood Western Approach Exalted Plains Halamshiral Emerald Graves Hissing Wastes How to Unlock: Recruited Solas Ranks Truth or Dare: A Dangerous Game How to Unlock: Completed Temple of Mythal with Samson as Nemesis An excerpt from a Ben-Hassrath information report: We still have neither race nor background information on the Venatori agent in Hunter Fell. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and forces, Primal-Trained Longma How to Unlock: Available after scouting the Hinterlands Arl Gallagher Wulff evidently allied with the Venatori with good intentions. How to Unlock: Josephine Personal Plot Track Spies in Nevarra If it is still "buggy" I suggest adding a warning info to the quest description here on the wiki. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and connections, Revenge of the Merchants Guild However, Gaspard had invited the Inquisitor as his guest. Dragon Age Inquisition: TRESPASSER Punching Solas Leads Rewards and Preferred Specialist: master spirit rune and connections, Imperial Warmblood How to Unlock: complete Champions of the Just How to Unlock: complete Red Jenny and the Tantervale Charade How to Unlock: ? Inner Circle | Dragon Age Inquisition Wiki You will come to know about the locations of certain rebel mages from Fiona. The Consequences of Blackwalls Lie Here is a quick rundown of your Advisors strengths: After a War Table Operation has been completed, you will receive a notification on your screen. Have Ser Barris Lead against Demons How to Unlock: Complete A Crew of Adventurers. How to Unlock: Complete Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts or Here Lies the Abyss, Deal with Relatives of the Trevelyans, and Protect the Inquisitions Reputation Elder OneCalpernia The Captain of the Chargers However, the raiders prove ineffective and are soon defeated. Speak to Sutherland and his crew at Skyhold Specifically, he speaks of an agent among the Fereldan nobility who prepared the mages at Redcliffe for the Venatori. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: connections, Track Down Samson Rewards and Preferred Specialist: aiming module II and forces, A Whisper from Behind the Throne If you pick Pick Arm and exile him to Tevinter it says you get him as a agent. Tevinter and Nevarra are fighting over a piece of land which can lead to full-fledged war. How to Unlock: If the Inquisition accepted Sebastian Vaels friendship, Inquisitor deal with the Grey Wardens at Adamant, Inquisitor returned from the ball at Halamshiral, a world state where Anders was executed was imported You need to use Cullen to fortify the city and crush Free Marches forces. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Break Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Scout the Hinterlands You learn about possible Venatori agents in the Nevarran city of Hunter Fell. Secrets. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: You will receive Blightwasp Vitaar and it is better to use Forces Specialist. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets, Masterwork Inscribed One-Handed Haft, and Influence. How to Unlock: Relationship between Empress Celene and Briala By virtus753 - Mon Nov 24, 2014 2:14 pm. Dragon Age Inquisition How to Unlock: complete In Hushed Whispers and take mages as prisoners How to Unlock: complete Aid those impacted by the Civil War using Cullen Investigate Redcliffe Castle Rewards and Preferred Specialist: You will receive Blood Lotus and Influence and it is better to complete this operation with Forces specialist, Your Dalish clan will contact the Inquisitor while thinking of you as a prisoner. How to Unlock: complete A Trouble of Red Jennies using Leliana How to Unlock: see Blackwall on the gallows in Val Royeaux Skyhold How to Unlock: complete Hard in Hightown: The Search for the Hack Writer Rewards and Preferred Specialist: hella leather, lazurite, ring velvet and connections, Bring Samson to Skyhold for Judgment Investigate Hunter Fell is a war table operation in Dragon Age: Inquisition. You need to choose Leliana and deal with the Venatori ally. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: great bear hide, august ram leather, nugskin, canine leather, and forces, Gather Metals Meanwhile, Gordian uses Freemen troops in the Exalted Plains to gather the numerous corpses left over from the war and prevent them from being burned, allowing them to be easily possessed by the Demons pouring in from the fade rifts and unleashing a horde of Undead and trapping both Grand Duke Gaspard and Empress Celene's troops in their strongholds. Investigate Hunter Fell is an Inner Circle Mission in Dragon Age 3: Inquisition. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections. The Venatori begin sponsoring local bandits to discourage any attempt at pursuing them into the Western Approach. This is the price of doing business with the Venatori. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: red hart, The Secrets of Andraste Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and use forces. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and connections, The College of Magi How to Unlock: Complete Alliances: Getting Things Moving with Josephine How to Unlock: DA keep import state where anora is Queen or with the warden, setback complete, redcliffe castle complete I have informed none outside the Inquisition of this matter. To advance the quest, simply read the book that sits on How to Unlock: Completed Assigning Michel de Chevin, completed Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts with Celene retaining the throne of Orlais How to Unlock: complete Investigate Val Gamord You need to stick to Leliana for this one and avoid any open conflict. Beat Lord Albrecht in Grand Tourney How to Unlock: Available after scouting Emprise du Lion Dragon-hunting is a noble's sport, usually. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Forces and Influence, Alliances: Falling into Place Random loot. How to Unlock: exile Grey Wardens in Here Lies the Abyss Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Forces and Influence, Investigate the Strange Chalk Markings How to Unlock: complete Hard in Hightown 3: Varrics Revenge Continue Investigation Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and use secrets. You have come to know about some mages attacking the Inquisition guards. A Battalion for Sera and Verchiel Rewards and Preferred Specialist: secrets, Repair Pont Agur Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Destroying House of Reposes Contract Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Pyrophite, Andrastian Throne Accessory I, Andrastian Throne Accessory II, Orlesian Throne Accessory I, Orlesian Throne Accessory II, Embrium, and connections, Emprise du Lion Resources How to Unlock: Available after Emerald Graves has been scouted You will come to know about free cities in Free Marches and their plans to crush elves. Evil West Review A Promising, Vampire-Killing, Carnage-Fueled Adventure, Marvels Midnight Suns Review Superhero Demon Hunting, Need for Speed Unbound Review Its Got Wings, Steelrising review more like gold rising for Spiders, Octopath Traveler 2 Cait Farming Guide: How To Find And Capture Them, How To Craft A Club In Sons Of The Forest, How To Get Serpent Flotation Cutis In Wild Hearts, How To Get Giant Kemono Gems In Wild Hearts, Josephine a diplomat who has many different connections, Cullen an ex-templar who relies on force to bring down the enemy forces, Leliana she is the spymaster of the Inquisition and utilizes her birds to divulge important information. How to Unlock: ? The Dragon Age Inquisition Wiki Guide: full Walkthrough, Weapons, Abilities, Locations, Quests, Companions, War Table, Schematics and more! How to Unlock: Setback Complete Complete A Crew of Ambassadors. Location You need to ask Cullen to rally with him and fend off demons emerging out of the veil. How to Unlock: speak to Cole about Rhys and Evangeline at Skyhold What we do with this information is your decision. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Bianca aiming enhancement II and secrets, The Archives of Montfort Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Find the Source of Darkspawn Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Forces and Influence, Deal with the Angry Varghests Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections, Inflate Inquisition Numbers Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Forces and Heavy Orlesian Army Armor. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: enchanted staff grip, influence, and forces, Upon the Waking Sea How to Unlock: Haven destroyed, Lelianas spies sent to make contact in Investigate Serault I completed the quest, and it seemed like I picked right based on Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Veridium, Andrastian Throne Accessory I (75.0%), Andrastian Throne Accessory II (25.0%), Orlesian Throne Accessory I (75.0%), Orlesian Throne Accessory II (25.0%), and connections, Expose the Double Agent You have come to know some Blood Mages in the Wending Woods. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: forces, Capitalize on Alliance with Fairbanks Josephine is the most suited for this operation. How to Unlock: Complete operation to gain access to new mount How to Unlock: complete Red Jenny Attends a Party and claim one of Caer Bronach, Griffon Wing Keep, or Suledin Keep Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections and Round Pommel. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: forces, Specializations for the Inquisitor Varric needs your help in tracking down the author of Hard in Hightown. How to Unlock: Alliances: Observing the Deadlock Available in Skyhold. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and forces, An Offer from the Blades of Hessarian Appearances Send someone from the Inquisition to deal with them. How to Unlock: Preorder Bonus How to Unlock: Fairbanks moved to Argons Lodge, Presented evidence to brigand leader Spellbinder Mage Marksman Stalker Brute Zealot Gladiator How to Unlock: Speak with Leliana about the Shrine Hard in Hightown: Revenge of the Merchant Guild Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections and Firm Pommel. Dragon Age: Inquisition is such a massive game with a wide-open world for players to explore, a tailor-made story based on branching plotlines decided by the player, and seemingly endless side quests to keep you busy for hours.. RELATED: Dragon Age Inquisition: All Astrarium Locations And Solutions Because of its branching story path, Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets and Reinforced Bow. Track Spies in Val Chevin Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Investigate the Exalted Plains on what disadvantages do primaries and caucuses offer to voters? Venatori Previous A letter to Leliana with information on the bard: I have heard only rumors, I fear, but it is said that her most intriguing aspect is her voice. How to Unlock: Helped free the slaves Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Forces and Influence. Even so, the Venatori is a powerful political faction in Tevinter that count some Magisters among their ranks and is influential enough to threaten and even punish high-ranking Tevinter citizens. Investigate the locale and complete this mission. You need to use Leliana to unlock the bonus operation: Follow Venatori Map. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections, Influence, and Spindleweed. How to Unlock: Complete to scout the Hinterlands You will come to know that Bann Dorner has been spying on the Inquisition. Once these tasks are finished, you can choose one of three options. The Extremists As with every romance in Dragon Age: Inquisition, the player should start by winning Cassandra's approval. Additionally, the Inquisitor ruins their attempts to recover the artifact in the Hissing Wastes by solving veilfire puzzles, slaying a dragon guarding the Paragon's tomb, and recovering a sigil forged by his two sons. Your trainer needs to send her research notes to Mages Collective. Deal with Relatives of the Trevelyans How to Unlock: Unlocked at Haven Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Answer a Request from Hasmal "Qunari are known across Thedas as the brutal horned giants who descended from the north to nearly conquer the Rewards and Preferred Specialist: You will gain influence with this operation and it is better to complete this using Forces specialist. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Forces and Influence. How to Unlock: complete reclaiming the Mage Rebellion and either Here Lies the Abyss or Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts Therefore, refrain from sending Cullen to complete it, Protect Clan Lavellan Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Secrets, Alliances: Getting Things Moving Rewards and Preferred Specialist: N/A, Finding Samsons Weakness How to Unlock: ? WebPost author By ; Post date sample introduction for accomplishment report; amc canberra news on what disadvantages do primaries and caucuses offer to voters? You need to interrogate the courier who is a Kirkwall Magistrate. How to Unlock: speak to Sera at Haven - targetting an enemy warrior, "The warrior! Locate Heretic Sister I have a mission {not sure how missions affect game-play} which takes 8 hours to do (so not going to save the game, do it, not like Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Amulet or Power and connections, A Golden Opportunity How to Unlock: Completed the temple of Mythal This should help: Investigate Hunter Fell. Guard-Captain Aveline wants the dagger back. Identify the Venatori Agent (War Council Operation ) Rewards and Preferred Specialist: wide greatsword and any specialist, Amaranthine Charger Rewards and Preferred Specialist: forces, Stop Venatori Activity in the West How to Unlock: Complete Alliances: Getting Things Moving with Cullen Rewards and Preferred Specialist: wave blade and connections, The Red Hart How to Unlock: Claimed the western approach and have at least 3 perks in forces How to Unlock: Investigate Serault How to Unlock: ? How to Unlock: Claimed the Pont Agur Landmark Leaders Shortest Ending Ever. Power & Time Cost: 0 Power, 15 Min. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections and Influence. Blackwall has some Grey Warden treaties which can be beneficial for the Inquisition. The operation text sets up the logic grid puzzle for the player. You have identified the author of the book. A Venatori assassin also infiltrates the Royal Palace in Denerim, hoping to kill Ferelden's monarch(s). How to Unlock: complete A Trouble of Red Jennies using Josephine How to Unlock: Samson nemesis plot Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Connections, Intense Spirit Essence, Scout Haven Ruins WebDragon Age Inquisition: Trespasser Ending - Low Approval after Punching Solas. How to Unlock: complete Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts WebInquisitor, The Venatori mage captured by the Bull's Chargers at Redcliffe has given us valuable information on how the Venatori were able to co-opt the rebel mages. How to Unlock: Available to warrior Inquisitors with the Templar specialization at Inquisition Rank of 8 or higher How to Unlock: complete Truth or Dare: The Imperial Court and either In Hushed Whispers or Champions of the Just How to Unlock: Josephine Personal Plot Rewards and Preferred Specialist: influence and forces, Avvar Mixed Draft Rewards and Preferred Specialist: miniature mask and secrets, Acquire the Arcanist How to Unlock: Locate and mark the sulpher pits in the Western Approach Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Secrets and Influence. Secrets and Firm Two-Handed Haft, Sutherland and Company Missing Investigate Redcliffe Castle with Leliana Hard in Hightown: A Worthy Dwarf Follow Venatori Map The Inquisition gradually expands into Western Orlais, systematically destroying Venatori operations. Humans How to Unlock: You need to be an Elf Inquisitor How to Unlock: complete Track Spies in Val Chevin Improve your investigation! How to Unlock: Found the Tevinter Laboratory in Western Approach You need to use Leliana to complete this operation with ease, Break Venatori Hold on Wycome I sent out Leliana on the last one a few hours ago, and then Demands of the Qun popped. How to Unlock: Complete operation to gain access to new mount Rewards and Preferred Specialist: hunter shade dracolisk and connections, The Name of Our Enemy Rewards and Preferred Specialist: connections, Specializations for the Inquisitor The Five Belles of Hunter Fell each have a different race: The most useful piece of information at this stage is identifying the elf, as the identities of the dwarf and Tal-Vashoth can be determined regardless of choices. The Venatori have some combat dialogue unique to them, in addition to generic lines used by all humanoid enemies. Track Spies in Vyrantium Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Forces, Prophets Laurel, and Serault Glass, Quell Unrest in Serault Rewards and Preferred Specialist: spindleweed, royal elfroot, and forces, Gather Information on Lord Otranto Rewards and Preferred Specialist: enhance amulet of magic and any specialist. How to Unlock: Complete to scout the Storm Coast You can complete two types of operations at the War Table: Scouting Operations and Missions. Aid those Impacted by the Civil War Track Spies in Val Royeaux Deploy Rhys and Evangeline How to Unlock: complete Information from the Grand Enchanter and Here Lies the Abyss When the Venatori rise, when a new god burns the Imperiums corruption to dust, Organization Diverting Soldiers in the Frostbacks "That warrior dies!" Choosing Josephine or Cullen. How to Unlock: Complete Contact Clan Lavellan Skyhold Previous Preferred Specialist and Rewards: Forces. When the Herald of Andraste and a party of Inquisition operatives arrive to speak with the mages, Alexius announces that the mages have already agreed to become his indentured servants, in exchange for eventual Tevinter citizenship. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: inquisition barded charger, Free Marches Ranger How to Unlock: Adamant or halamshiral complete The Grey Warden mages of Adamant Fortress are corrupted while the other Wardens are used as sacrifices. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: forces, Build Watchtowers However, in the wake of the Breach into the Fade at the Temple of Sacred Ashes which destroyed the Divine's conclave, Grand Enchanter Fiona offers an alliance with the newly reformed Inquisition. Telling Sutherland to return the gear will end the operation chain. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: masterwork pyrophite and forces, Speak with Minister Bellise at Party In the future, Redcliffe Castle remains a major Venatori stronghold, despite. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: Connections, Aiding Kirkwall How to Unlock: Complete Deal with Relatives of the Trevelyans using Cullen, In Your Heart Shall Burn, and have Inquisition Rank 4 Ask Cullent to deal with him and complete this mission. Preferred Specialist and Rewards: any specialist and Influence. Scouting Operation does not take any time of your Advisors and are completed in an instant. Simply take Cullens advice and have the spy hanged to complete this operation. The Venatori mage captured by the Bull's Chargers at Redcliffe has given us valuable information on how the Venatori were able to co-opt the rebel mages. Rewards and Preferred Specialist: forces, Rescue Soldiers Missing in Ferelden

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