By 8 I read everything, it didnt matter. food that rhymes with alexis. Thats why I love reading Erins stories about growers all over the world! Form Beatrix potter a love of nature and animals. Hmm, which words rhyme? She chipped off a small piece and put it in a glass of water. It was thrilling to me to read about each precious girls adventures in their gardens and it filled me with such joy. 144 Likes, 1 Comments - Alexis Atlamazoglu (@alexisatlamazoglu) on Instagram: "Post workout food. Its a whole new wonderful world in flowers and gardening. Such beauty in this story, in the flowers, and in the people. Sometimes the magic is my own appreciation for friends, family, nature, or what we can cultivate ourselves. I think I also loved the challenge of trying to figure out the solution of the story. Eating a salad is one of the smartest things you can do! I think what I loved most about it was the sense of adventure and the power of teamwork two traits I carry to this day. As I got a bit older I spent hours outdoors with a sketch pad drawing landscapes and horses. This foundation grew into my own love of gardening and into the ability to see a unique beauty within everyone I meet. And you cant get me out of my garden in the summer! It inspired me to appreciate nature as a young child, especially when visiting my grandparents spectacular garden around the corner from our home and helping my mom in our own family flower garden. I enjoyed biographies which helped inspire me to become the person that I have. As an adult I have always been interested in the back story, how a company looks from the inner workings. Any Golden Book. Now I cultivate my very own garden sanctuary to share with family and friends during every season of the year. She leaves gifts in exchange for your hair! I loved books that personified bugs and animals and even plants. Now the two share a daughter, Alaiya Grace, who was born three months premature earlier this year. Without TV and almost no radio, books carried me far away and whetted my curiosity and craving to learn. It was such a simple time. So eat up your greens, and enjoy their crunch and snap, Packed full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. As a child I always liked non-fiction books. Ive watched the movies based on that book almost as many times as Ive watched Growing Floret . I loved fairy tales and books like Heidi, The Little Princess, and The Secret Garden, where good triumphs over evil. I was that kid that stayed up way too late on a school night to read my latest volume. My father gave me as a gift the secret garden. We had planned for more workshops this season but the weather has been against us, so we now have our eyes set on early Spring and are making plans for September. I remember we would take laundry baskets to the library every month and fill it with books; I loved mystery like Nancy Drew or historical fiction such as The Shenandoah Sisters series. It was truly finding an old friend again. I loved all books as a child and would reread them over and over. The animal stories developed a sympathy in me and a desire to understand life from anothers point of view. It has been a true blessing to hear from my former students over the years as they have grown into adulthood, and how moving it is for me to learn how they have blossomed into wonderful adults with a life they enjoy and share with their own families. The Secret Garden. Loved Little Women- their adventurous spirit and how they followed their passions. Beautiful woods!) Put it in a frying pan. My Mom always enforced 1 hour of quiet time after lunch during the summer break, and it was usually spent reading. Im not a veterinarian but I still have a great love for all animals. I was so intrigued, as a child, by books that demonstrated any kind of art or craft! We were lucky enough to have beautiful illustrated books including wind in the willows, Grimms fairy tales, and a compilation of fairy tales and downhome fables like three little pigs, red riding hood, three little kittens, etc., with full color graphics, John Martins big book which had beautiful line drawings of fairies, sprites, and mythological characters all in black, white and red ink along with puzzles, games, poems and riddles that kept us occupied for hours. I still cherish this book with its gorgeous watercolour drawings. So if youre looking for a healthy snack. I read that book over and over! As a young child I was into poetry. She took me with her to our tiny little public library week after week hoping I would be interested in checking out a book. Have always loved books. What a beautiful book this must be! I have always loved learning about the natural world. Growing plants has been my lifes passion. This seems like so much fun to search through my favorite things, flowers! Of course I wanted to be Jo but my personality was more like Beth. My all time favourite book for reading to my children and now, my grandchildren is Miss Rumphius, Story and pictures by Barbara Cooney. As an only child I loved reading as a way to interact, learn, and live in a different environment. Its been quite a while since we last interviewed youcan you give an update on how things have changed since we last spoke on the blog? As a child the chronicles of Narnia were favorite of mine. Friday, June 10, 2022posted by 6:53 AM . I loved any book filled with goodness and beauty and read them over and over! I do remember my favorite book which I reread MANY times.The Secret Garden. The book is beautiful. In my childhood days my dreams were filled with flying. I cant seem to go on a walk without foraging for sticks, berries, and seed pods to add to the organic decor in my home. I keep that book close to me even as an adult although its been a few years since I last read it. Planning to read those books to my grandson and to grow sunflowers with him this summer! My favorite childhood book was The Farthest Away Mountain by Lynn Reid Banks. Years later, when I became interested in genealogy, it was the pursuit of the mystery that pushed me to research my family history. I loved all of the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder being a pioneer, the constant need for invention in order to survive nature, both its beauty and its battles. While it wasnt fiction it did inspire lots of creative imaginings that have been a part of my entire life. We recently moved from are home of 20 years in the fall of 2021 . One was Beauty and the Beast and the other was about a little girl cleaning her very messy room, I cannot remember the name. And I was snagged by rose thorns countless times as a child because always wanted to be around roses! His invented characters who would feed upon poets and tea. Thank you for a lovely interview and insane photos! Im glad to do it, cause its my delight. Privacy Policy, Click here for other lists of rhyming words, Avocado / adobado / amontillado / dorado / muscovado, Baloney / cannelloni / macaroni / minestrone / pepperoni / rigatoni / spumoni, Beans / greens / nectarines / sardines / tangerines, Blini / fettuccine / linguine/martini / panini / tortellini / zucchini, Brunch / Crunch n Munch / lunch / Nestles Crunch / punch, Burritos / Cheetos / Doritos / Fritos / taquitos / Tostitos, Candy cane / champagne / grain / romaine / sugar cane, Cannoli / guacamole / ravioli / stromboli, Chex mix / fish sticks / Hickory Sticks / Kix / Pixie Stix / Trix / Twix, Crme brle / curds and whey / fish fillet / Milky Way / parfait / pt/ puree / sorbet / souffle, Filet mignon / Grey Poupon / Parmesan / pecan / prawn, Lemon drop / lollipop / soda pop / Tootsie Pop. Fast forward to adulthood. Alexis Atlamazoglu on Instagram: "Sometimes food is so easybut Win or not, I need this book. I will be honest, there were so many books my Mom read to me as a child. I loved her sense of adventure and playing in the outdoors. Today, I feel like I still have that dream of her cottage in the garden shaping me. Pollyanna (Eleanor Porter) and her glad game, Heidi (Johanna Spyri)and her wildflower covered Alps, and When I Was Young in the Mountains (Cynthia Rylant) with her coal cracker grandpa all bring me back to St. Clair Elementary School , in Miners Mills, Northeastern PA, where bouquets of violas and lily of the valley were plentiful, and my grandma grew the best rosesit drilled in me the importance of nature, hope, and always remaining positive! I loved Enid Blytons series The Famous Five and The Secret Seven. Purity of intention and purity of action, honesty, faithfulness and staying sober are my priorities. This was the 1st book I wanted to read again. Professional books, horticulture, YA, fantasy, graphic novels, literature etc. I have since found a different copy for the kids to have on their bookshelf. I definitely agree with Zo, I loved seek and find books as a child as well. And now I have a pretty collection of all things nature from board books to atlas and your books! This book strikes me as a lovely way to bring more beauty into this world and share it with others. Ive later learned that my memories are logged into my mind in pictures or snapshots. Your Blizzards are so cold, they make our teeth hurt. I loved books as a child, and still do! If they are super engaged even after each one, you can extend the activity by asking them to create rhymes that dont have to be actual words for some of the foods. Thanks for celebrating the beauty we can add to the mix! I would go on to read every story in the series and then every horse adventure I could find. I also enjoyed I spy and probably my favorite book set of all growing up was the Little House on the Prairie books by Laura Ingalls. When I was young, The Secret Garden was such an inspiration & continues to be. I just couldnt get enough of it. chasing. From apples to zucchini, theres something for everyone. Somehow, realizing the infinity of space and therefore endless possibilities out there, allows me to appreciate the beauty and intricate details of a petal, a grain of sand, or the bark of a tree. I would spend hours looking at paintings and photography and dreaming of adventure. Thank you for sharing this interview with us and making us better aware of the damage the storm caused. To this day, it has helped me understand peoples customs better. I loved books that had an elements of magic, magical powersEdward Eager comes to mind. Zoes book looks amazing and the photos are breathtaking! This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like alexis . Growing up in a family that moved around a lot, I loved reading about families in small towns and traditions. At night, my Dad would pull out an encyclopedia and open it to a random place and I would read to him. Charlottes Web cracked me open when our teacher read it to my 3rd grade class. :). Anne of Green Gables from my childhood was hugely influential for me! They were full of adventure and exploring or being creative and I loved the places each book would bring me to. I loved arts and crafts books. While there werent any treasures or secret passages to be found when we moved in, Im hoping my kids look back and find it was a magical place to grow up :). Truly devastating and many many months, if not years of toil to fix Some people will never get back to pre Gabrielle and every donation, no matter how small will be greatly received. One of my favorite things is reading about and learning about new flowers plants and trees. As an adult my husband bought me Florets Flower books(2 of them) and now I cant wait to add to my collection. I always dreamed about living in a treehouse and having endless areas to explore and ride my bike. Now that Im an adult I feel myself drawn back towards that kind of lifestyle. My father gave me a book to help me appreciate nature- John Muir The Yosemite. I have created a garden out of a neglected mess of bramble along a public path near my house and my daughter has perfected making flower crowns from flowers in her garden which she gives to friends of all ages to celebrate lifes accomplishments. Today I am an artist, avid nature lover, and flower farmer. I just need to know the who, what and where of everything to understand it and move on. Just beautiful. I dont think there were any books that directly contributed to that, but its more of an evolution of my love of circles and patterns which I do think may have some root in the physical shape of lens on my cameras, so maybe it is all connected. Excited to see this! Today I love reading all genre of books, but I am amazed at the beautiful childrens books with such vivid artwork that are available to read aloud to our children and grandchildren. I loved The Boxcar Children, The Secret Garden, then Trixie Belden and Nancy Drew mysteries. I was moved by the clash of sensitivity, or perhaps even hypersensitivity, with a large, difficult world. But secretly, I always liked (and still like) picture books. Maintenant jen rve la nuit , partir moi aussi ma petite ferme et regarder le bonheur pousser :) . Encouraging them to look for the things they want to find. As an elementary teacher Ive always read these stories to my students and they love them too. They all have mysteries which are still my favorite books to read. I love that sentiment. I do remember reading To Kill a Mockingbird in my high school years and loving it. At the end of the book was a suitcase full of stickers from where Felix traveled. Words that rhyme with you include true, queue, skew, screw, spew, blue, chew, clue, crew and shoe. I always adored the I Spy books as a kid. Which words rhyme? I loved (and still do!) Learning about Zoe Field through your Instagram is especially timely as I am closing on a property in NZ today and am excited about the prospect of visiting her farm in the future. Now, love to sit in the evenings and just look at the books with flowers and floral arrangements. What a beautiful book!! These worlds I read about have deeply impacted me as and adult, and when I am out in my garden, Im often swept up into thoughts of these ethereal worlds and feel true peace and happiness. As a child I would walk to the library for my grandmother who lived with us. As I child getting read stories from the Bible by my parents before my bedtime. Her love of flowers & nature & imagination drew me right in. I loved changing the ending based on my choices. I had the world at my fingertips! Nope, but I loved the seek and find in the Highlights magazine and was content looking at that every time. Im so intrigued by this book! Vincent Van Gogh wrote Color itself speaks a language, you cannot live without it.. I was really into Stephen King when I was younger. I still collect tons of books as an adult and I believe its an addiction. Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand I loved the story of pippi longstocking and always wanted to be like her: cheerful and wild, creative and independent. Books are the such wonderful friends! We loved to watch visitors try their hand at searching for him. I loved reading as a child and still read a LOT! As a child I read repeatedly through the Black Stallion series of books, by Walter Farley, imagining myself galloping on the back of a powerful and beautiful racehorse. The day I discovered shelf after shelf of books, and not just any books, but horse books! When I bought my old house, I loved living through the seasons to discover my own lost gardens and am delighted by ancient lilacs, lilies and flowering vines. Im ordering the book either way. Today, I still love looking at the pictures from this great big world of ours and learning about other cultures. Later, as I grew, I enjoyed the Hardy Boys. Books are important and Id love to have a copy of this one! Top 3: Nancy Drew, Little House on the Prairie, and Sue Barton (nurse series). Thats whats awesome about nature. Grilling or stewing, it's always nice to eat. They were a fast and easy way to earn stickers for the program. The interview with Zoe enlightens me with the magic of flowers and the beauty of experiential storytelling. I would have to say that while I loved all types of books as a little girl, I did love books about art the most. To help them live a long and healthy life! Find more near rhymes/false rhymes at Years later, after college, I was still not reading in my leisure. As a child I was given the book A Childs Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson and illustrated by Gyo Fujisawa. Unfortunately as a child I was not introduced to the wonderful world of books with the stories they hold. I loved books so much as a 5 year old that I would open one up and pretend to read it! I was sick quite often as a child and my father would go to the library and bring back a stack of books for me. My school library had a lot of old books (it was an older school) so the language was a bit different, more formal, and Ive found that it has largely impacted the way I speak. The Gem. The dark horse. Thats probably why I was outside all day long exploring nature. I grew up with a mother who loved flowers! She had a golden/green thumb. Also had to have my Highlights magazine. Now I read all the time but most always pick subjects and authors that make me want to keep reading! I loved listening to my mother read the adventures of Laura and her family to me and my siblings. YOU. her place is high up,so safe,but still heaps of work in garden and orchard and town This was so special & exciting for me as a child. I had no books in the home as a child. Rhymes with 'FOOD' Can you name the one-syllable English words that rhyme with 'food'? That will keep them looking cute and fit! It told he story of a small house in the beautiful countryside where she was happy but after many years the city and noise crept up all around her. That has never faded and I dont think it ironic that I now own and operate a thriving horse farm filled with Thoroughbreds! What an inquisitive and searching mind. As a child I loved any book I could play school with all my Dollies acting as students, the more colorful the better. Seeing the landscape and beautiful flowers of New Zealand in the above interview is just another way to discover the world out there. The mystery behind every novel was just thrilling. I grew with lots of golden books, that I would choose instead of lollies on grocery shopping trips and my favourite one of those was where the girl found a little sick duckling without a mum and made a little nursery to help it survive until it was better and she could find its family. I refer to the idea of that story Now, as an adult, I refer to the idea of that story, especially when discussing the ways of our politicians these days! Thank you for sharing such an amazing duo. I hope the sometimes 100 plus summer degrees here in CA will not negatively affect them too much. I still love to read and need to read something every day. People or objects that give us joy should be cherished and celebrated forever. I think that book pushed me to appreciate nature and flowers more, although I always have loved them; the graphic descriptions of an old dying garden hidden from the world behind crumbling stone walls and ever-climbing ivy sounded fantastical and yet, real, to me. I was inspired by religious books. I loved reading fiction, which fueled my imagination. My childhood pre-dates seek-and-find books, but I have spent many, many hours poring over them reading the clues and discovering the evidence with my kids, my grandkids, and many other kids. I loved Island of the Blue Dolphins and From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. The book I was most interested in as a child were all the books with the hidden flaps, I remember going to our local library and finding new books with the flaps and getting so excited, I can say I had one favourite book but loved all of them. My favorite book as a child was Bambi and I loved Thumper peaking his head out in the field of wild flowers. I loved Chicken Soup with Rice, the Adventures of Pipi Longstocking, One Morning in Maine, Encyclopedia Brown, and Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates. So alas, I must take my leave of you now to search for a magical plant that includes princess or tiara in its name. My dad influenced me to be a constant reader, always carrying a book with me for that few minutes of waiting time that I can fill with a good tale. I want to find a rhyme for the word. As an adult, I still enjoy researching and studying my interests, but now I use different tools. They inspired my imagination and play so much. My favorite thing to read as a child were the zoobook magazines my grandmother bought me and all my sisters a subscription to. Those books will stick with me forever! I had a love of any strong female character, which ultimately made me strong, I feel. My Father had a couple of semi-custom books made for me as a cold. This is the best time to dream. I was mesmerized by my own imagination while i read this lil book over and over. My mother handed me Anne of Green Gables when I was 11 years old. Thank you for sharing them, along with your interview introducing Zoe, her mum and dad. Her delightful tales of animals going about their adventures in the bucolic setting of a village, a woodland, a garden, or a cottage made the ideal backdrop for a girl living in a bustling tropical city. When I was a kid, I didnt read much and didnt have many books. I especially loved the Little House on the Prairie series, The Borrowers, and my favourite, The Secret Garden. Book looks amazing! Influenced with dozens of fictional princesses growing up, Ella was the most relatable as she was always fighting her inner most desires to please everyone around her. Please note: If your comment doesnt show up right away, sit tight; we have a spam filter that requires we approve comments before they are published. Great interview! Now, Im lucky if I get 20 minutes of Saturday morning reading before one of my 4 kids comes to harass, I mean snuggle with me. My favorite was Addy. My early years of first reading was my parents daily newspapers and I love looking through the pages and pages of words that I could not read yet then Pretending to be able to read them with pictures of flowers or animals on the side or top of it is a splendid delight of moments with my parents. I loved the Magic Tree House books as a kid! I cant wait to read your new book. The Little Golden books! I read, a dozen times, a book called Mrs. Mike. I wish to this day I knew what that book was! My favourite book was The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, by C.S. This would be the perfect book for us to read together!! Mon livre prfr tait Martine la campagne. My favorites was my dads collection of National Geographic Magazines. My favorite book as a child was called A Childs Garden of Fairy Tales my little eyes searched and re-looked at all the beautiful My seeds will get a little late start but they will grow. I loved any book that would take me along a process of learning; make your own whatever book. What a beautiful interview!! From making butter to growing vegetables, overcoming hardships and the importance of family. Growing up I loved the Beatrix Potter books, I feel they helped foster my love and connection with the woods and wildlife, and made me think about not just myself when planting a garden, but all those creatures who could benefit as well. Moomin a whimsical little character from Finland is my all time favourite kids book. I almost soley borrowed natural history books, the ones where each was full of pictures on different topics like minerals, trees, oceans, from the library. This is a beautiful interview with stunning photography! They were so well written and made you think. My favorite book as a child was Boxcar Children. Oh boy, there are so many good ones that I rememberlike Charlottes Web because of my love of animals. That story contained lots of emotions. Thank you for asking! Maybe Ill retire when Im 80! I hope to grow some of my own with your wonderful seeds and start something new for my children and grandchildren. The illustrations are completely magical, where children play in forests live in hollowed trees, discovers flowers, scavenge for berries and befriend animals. I can not remember a time when I was not reading. I felt the pain of what is written there about friendship and love.
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