i hate being an aircraft mechanic

i hate being an aircraft mechanic

FAA Aviation Safety Inspector, Retired, - Miguel Escobar, Peru Current A&P's in the industry, how satisfied are you with your field? This video about getting the A&P license was good because it actually shows you real aircraft mechanics working in hangars and on different kinds of jets. I always thought aircraft mechanics worked in some kind of secret laboratories or something like that. If you are looking into this career you should read this book. It was a relief to know that I wouldn't have to pay a bunch of money to get in the career. It will help you and save you some money. What is it like to work as an aircraft mechanic? - Quora Here are some of the things that you need to know about being an aircraft mechanic. King has provided a unique book that is long overdue. There were no books, videos, or online resources that provided a clear answer to any of these questions. The book does go into some detail on this and I liked reading about the different careers that are available. When I first got this book on my birthday from my dad I didnt really get into it. And the video about the A&P license that comes in the package was also really helpful to me. Any inspections, repairs, maintenance, etc., are documented. They exist to make money, and they will use you and pay you as little as they can because you won't know any better. I don't care what he told you he was coming in for, he will have a whole list of "also's". Also, they may spend long amounts of time bent over or lying on. There are many reasons that pursuing training in this field is a smart thing to do. If youre considering a career as an aircraft mechanic, you may be wondering if its worth the investment. The way the book is written is kind of like a reference manual where I think it would have been more enjoyable if he would of loosened up a bit when writing it. Many mechanics also receive specialized training in specific areas such as engines or electronics. Is being an aircraft mechanic right for you? Ive already done that once and wasted money. I would recommend that you buy the digital version so you can keep all the notes. Just because you can make $70,000 - $100,000 + a year doesn't mean the career is for you. Option 1: Attend an FAA-approved AMTS school. There are many things that can go wrong with an aircraft and it is the responsibility of the mechanic to make sure that the aircraft is safe. If this video has sparked interest in becoming an. You can tell it's Stan kings first book but remember this isn't supposed to be a story like the lord of the rings. There are many chapters that talk about things I never even knew about this career, and the author goes into some great detail about different subjects. What Jobs Can I Get As An Aircraft Maintenance Technician? Stuff I guess I'd just gotten used to over the years. If you know the right steps you can make a lot of money. Every day people just like you are making money in the field of aviation. I read this book fast (easy read for 200+ pages), very helpful and directly to the point. CLASSES STARTING SOON. I didnt know that you can get into this line of work without even going to college or an aviation school. And hes right on the money (no pun intended) with how much you can make in this career. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about training to become anaircraft mechanicat Spartan College, you can find out more on ourwebsiteorrequest more information and an admissions representative close by will call and answer your questions. So why become an aircraft mechanic? Otherwise, the book is very informative, has a lot of examples of situations an aircraft mechanic will face, and has a lot of details about the career as a whole. I really enjoyed reading his story and some of it is pretty funny. Do you think that an A&P license is a valuable tool? If you don't know what an A&P instructor is, they're the guys (and gals) that teach you how to get the aviation license called an A&P license. For many mechanics , this feeling outweighs any negatives about the job . Some years I made over $100,000 working on airplanes. Many people get into aviation thinking they will make a lot of money, but there's much more to working as an aircraft mechanic than all of the money that can be made. And as long as there are airplanes in the sky, Ill be there to keep them running smoothly. From performing routine maintenance to troubleshooting complex problems, mechanics always have something new to keep them challenged. I highly recommend the ac mechanic to others looking into this career. In this . I ordered the aircraft mechanic after reading all of the comments and reviews from A&P instructors. EMT testimony received November 10th, 2017. Therefore, the College cannot guarantee that graduates will be eligible to take certification examinations, regardless of their eligibility status upon enrollment. Being paid like a professional. Most quit because they didn't like the job for one reason or another. Most had been pulled in by a college or technical school, and they thought that the career would be much different than it actually is. I noticed that these websites were usually repeated information or just forums where there really was no good, solid information about the career. Do you need a license or some type of certification? Is being an aircraft mechanic risky? From training to be a pilot to becoming an, electronics technician, there are countless ways that a person can become involved with aeronautics. However, to become an aircraft mechanic there is a lot you need to know and this book covers it all. . A really good guide to becoming a aircraft mechanic, The only book on aircraft maintenance you need. Read this book if youre thinking about getting your A&P, it will help you get started. Some books I order seem like they're 1,000 pages long, and who has time to read 1,000 pages? this book gave me the info I needed or I would not no what to do. The job provides a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment . receive their FAA Airframe & Powerplant certificate. Certification is required for some,but not all,positions within the aviation industry. Yes and no. This does not mean that you cannot have a good career working in aviation, it means that greedy corporations in aviation are no different than greedy corporations in any other field. Being an aircraft mechanic can be physically demanding. You will really enjoy it. This is the best book about working as an aircraft mechanic that I have read. The sad part is, they could probably make a lot more money if they only knew how. The bottom line is that the stuff he teaches you works like the different ways you can become an aircraft mechanic in the free A&P license video. In fact, Boeings study laid out that there will be an increaseintheneed for aircraft mechanics over the next 20 years. They exist to make money. Our instructor really doesn't have to explain anything, he just uses examples from the book. I get to work with my hands, fixing and maintaining the machines that allow people to fly. At first I skimmed through the book and then kind of forgot about it. After learning what it's like to be a new a/c mechanic and how the industry works, the book then goes into a lot of detail about what it's like working as an a/c mechanic. The rest of the book deals with what its like actually working as a mechanic in this career. Airplane mechanics are licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration. The chapter about the A&P license is worth the price of the book alone. They inspect planes before flights to make sure they are safe, and perform repairs when necessary. According to Boeing,the number of opportunities foraircraftmechanics is expected to increase over the next two decades. CALL US TODAY: 310-579-9434, FURTHER YOUR EDUCATION. They didn't know the right steps once they started working in aviation and that's why they would ask me questions all the time. This book is a great place to start if you are thinking about becoming an aircraft mechanic. Flight crews are trained extensively in self-defense, how to effectively use the tools around us to stop an attacker (i.e. To help you estimate that pay, you can use the. Negatives: I wish it would have been longer, even though there's tons of info in the book. 1. The answers simply weren't available. But at least now I know that I can become an aircraft mechanic if i want to. This chapter permits the classification of environmental events and circumstances as . 3. I've already ordered 2 more copies to give to my younger brothers. Aircraft Mechanic Requirements (Age, Education, Experience, and More How is Badminton Unlike Other Racquet Sports. The instructions in this book have inspired confidence in me to begin my career as an aircraft mechanic, knowing exactly what to look out for and what to expect. An aircraft mechanic is responsible for maintaining and repairing airplanes and helicopters. At the beginning of my work experience I spent 2 years working retail for Target. This book is a great resource that brings everything together in one place to teach you about becoming an aircraft mechanic. "How can I make more money working as an aircraft mechanic?" Most people think that schools exist to teach people about specific subjects. The A&P License is issued to qualified aviation technicians that have the proper training and meet all of the requirements set by the FAA. He was working as a hvac contractor for the past five years. Here are some following cons to keep in mind as you decide whether, , it's smart to live near a big city that attracts a lot of air travel. for studying aviation maintenance technology: and Inglewoods branch campus in Riverside, California. Enter your information to read this guide now! You can make good money and have a good career in aviation, but it is not for everyone. That is why I reserve the right to increase this price at any time. Makes you realize there's a lot to think about any career but especially aircraft related careers. It explains what you can expect and why it is so rewarding for the right people. Is being an aircraft mechanic worth it? Well, I can tell you that you don't start by reading a course outline from an aviation school or technical college. He talks about the salary of aviation mechanics, the positives and negatives of the career, the dangers, etc. if (year < 1000) year+=1900 The book makes you ask yourself if you really would like this career. I'm 20 years old and started my training as an aircraft mechanic within two months after reading The Aircraft Mechanic. Its dirty, dangerous work that requires long hours and a lot of physical labor. I almost immediately asked for a refund and after I got my money back I pretty much forgot about the book. And it's not just verbal. **Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology does not guarantee third-party certifications. But if youre passionate about aviation and working with your hands, then a career as an aircraft mechanic could be a great fit for you. Aircraft mechanics ensure that aircraft complies with all FAA regulations and that they are safe and functioning during flight. Most people are clueless when it comes to all of the systems and components that make them fly. As King says "There's more to being an aircraft mechanic than all the money that can be made". I didn't even bother opening the other book an reading it or even watching the video. If you, thrive under pressure, this may not be the right field for you, that affect the working environment and c, overs the common causes that lead to human errors in the aviation industry, Working on aircraft can be physically demanding. The chapter about pay salary is worth the price of the book alone. 15 Aircraft Mechanic Skills For Your Resume - Zippia Her advice: Dial back the derring-do. document.write(""+montharray[month]+" "+daym+", "+year+""). I have also read almost every blog and website on the subject. He is also funny. You will like this book if you are thinking about being an aircraft mechanic. need for aircraft mechanics over the next 20 years. Three common soft skills for an aircraft mechanic are detail oriented . Working on airplanes is my way of being a part of the aviation industry, even though Im not a pilot myself. var day=mydate.getDay() Is Becoming an Aircraft Mechanic Worth It. If you want to have a high-paying, enjoyable career in the field of aviation maintenance you have to go way beyond what the schools and maintenance companies will ever tell you. They will tell you anything and everything to get you in the door. To help you estimate that pay, you can use thebottom 10thpercentilefrom the Bureau of Labor Statistics. var dayarray=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday") If you like airplanes and want to work on them this book covers all the topics. keep that in mind when considering training for this line of work. If you think that you can go to school, get a degree, and have a high-paying career, you are wrong. who wants to do something new professionally, you'll already have similar training under your belt especially if youre interested in other maintenance industries or professions. The aviation industry needs you, and they know exactly how to get you in the door anyway they can by lying to you and telling you what you want to hear. . There is a lot of information in this book, and it really shows what the aviation maintenance industry is like and how to get into it. People don't know any of the details about airplanes. A&P Instructor. I decided not to go to college and I found a MRO right near my hometown of Florida where I could gain experience and test the career out before taking out student loans to go to the community college. They may work on scaffolds or ladders, and noise and vibrations are common, especially when engines are being tested. V96.8 describes the circumstance causing an injury, not the nature of the injury. There is a $145 application fee once you are approved. - Chris Vohnham, A&P Instructor. Pilot: Mechanic sabotages plane. How scary is that? (opinion) - CNN "Wow, you work on airplanes! The cost for tuition is $30,000 ($6,000 per course), which includes books, materials, tool set and tool box, and 3 FAA written exams. Now I work as a full-time mechanic for a cargo company. I give it five stars. Certification requirements for taking and passing certification examinations are not controlled by the College, but by outside agencies and are subject to change by the agencies without notice to the College. How Much is an Aircraft Mechanic Salary? - Epic Flight Academy Some benefits of being an aircraft mechanic can include: Flight benefits. Aircraft mechanics have high earning potential in their jobs. Because of these reasons, most people automatically assume that the mechanics that work on these machines HAVE to make A LOT OF MONEY. This puts a few limitations on where mechanics should look for homes afterthey have completed their training. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the annual median wage for aircraft mechanics in 2019 was $64,090. These books are a great gift especially if you or your husband/ wife likes to work on things that require mechanic skills. Spartan hasseverallocationsacross the USfor studying aviation maintenance technology:Tulsa, Oklahoma,Broomfield, Colorado,Inglewood, Californiaand Inglewoods branch campus in Riverside, California. The airlines and maintenance companies work with the technical schools and colleges to bring in new employees for the lowest price possible. The last one I responded too was the first time I had seen the Helite or even heard of it. I have to say, its a damn good read. The first few chapters could be helpful to people I guess, but the second half of the book is all you really need. Aircraft mechanics who work on jets earn an average salary of $86,030. var dayarray=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday") This is the end product of years of experience and research. Overall, a great book for an aviation class. This book is called the "truth about working in aviation" - if you like airplanes or helicopters and want to work on them pick this book up now! Summer was almost up and I was getting closer and closer still trying to figure out if I wanted to go to school for an aviation degree and more importantly to get my license. After reading most of these websites I realize that king is right when he states "There were no other books or websites or resources with this information." The work is interesting and varied. Don't spend your time, money, and energy to get into this career without knowing all of the facts! Using the methods in the book I found a spot with a company here in Florida where Ive been working as an A&P mechanic. The lessons taught by Stan King changed the path of my life. Upon completion of the program, to work in some positions or for some employers,students may be required to passFAA certification examsin order toreceive their FAA Airframe & Powerplant certificate. Accept I purchased this course for my husband last month for Christmas. Is Aircraft Mechanic a Good Career? | Imagine America Foundation What you need, how to prepare for your career, etc. I already had ordered a book called The Aviation Mechanic Handbook by Dale Crane, which contains information about actually maintaining aircraft. I was thinking that being an aircraft mechanic would be something completely different than the way it is described in the book. Did you know an A&P License can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $30,000 or more..? To teach you, right? If you dont know if youd like to be an aircraft mechanic then read this book! Five stars. I bought this book pretty much for one reason, and that was to find out how to make the most money as an aircraft mechanic. Don't waste your life or spend your money on an expensive school without knowing the truth about working as an aircraft mechanic. If you have questions or you are thinking about becoming an aircraft mechanic you should read this book. 4.5 stars due to some terminology explanations I thought could have been worded better, so 5 stars with rounding. All I can say is that I was NOT expecting to learn as much as I did. I've read that some A&P instructors have started using some chapters out of the book in their classes. 10 Pros and Cons of Being an Aircraft Mechanic | Indeed.com Going by this book I found out what to do to get a job. There are only a few ways that this level of income can be achieved but it is possible. The schools make this career out to be a great opportunity so they can charge you tens of thousands of dollars. The positives of these chapters: Told me everything I needed to know about having a career as an aircraft mechanic. This is REQUIRED reading if you are even thinking about becoming an aircraft mechanic. I bought this book to get a free A&P certificate. I want you to know the truth about this career. The book and all the stuff that comes with it is to show you exactly what it takes to become an aircraft mechanic and what it's like working as an aircraft mechanic, nothing less nothing more. Maintenance companies and airlines love it when fresh, dumb aviation mechanics come right out of college looking for a job. If you want to, , you must attend a program that teaches students how to maintain and work on aircraft technology, like the, Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology, program, you learn how airplane technology works, and you also gain the hands-on training needed to maintain, inspect, and repair. Aircraft mechanics often have to work weekends, nights and holidays as this is when most flights take place. The downside of this career is that it can be very dangerous; there have been several high-profile accidents involving mechanics in recent years. Work you're way up. Mechanics spend their workdays inspecting, maintaining, and repairing planes, so they are on their feet and working with their bodies no pushing paper behind a desk all day or sitting behind a computer screen for hours on end. The true value of the A&P License is usually inflated and made to seem bigger than it really is by the airlines and colleges. They figure "hey, this will make me money" and they go into work and they do their job and they go home and they don't even want to think about a plane afterwards, let alone look at one. All I can say is I thank God I found this book. This book is the only original book I could find that's aimed at people like me who want to learn about the career. The third most common is faa on 5.4% of resumes. 2023 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code V96.8: Other nonpowered-aircraft First published in 2008, this book is the result of Stan King's career and research that he decided to share. and an admissions representative close by will call and answer your questions. Overall an honest and humble look at the career packed with info. I make even more if I work over my normal time. He really enjoyed the book. It can be a great career, but only if you know all the details. I bought this book in the summer of 2012. I think Stan king did a great job discussing the career. He was so happy when I gave it to him and he talked about it for weeks. "Should I got to school for an A&P license?" Subscribe our newsletter to stay updated. You will receive INSTANT access to your books and video. Airlines don't exist to fly people to their destinations safely. The video about how to get a free A&P license is great and after reading you will know how the system works and you can save $ by 1) not having to spend all that $ in school and 2) gaining the experience you need while getting your license. Cities that have multiple airports or attract a lot of tourism (or business travel) have the most, . "Playing the hero can escalate the situation rather than helping. I'm going to read the book again to make sure I let all of the info sink in. You shouldn't have any questions after reading this book because this book will answer all of the questions you have. People always assume that if you work on multimillion dollar airplanes you HAVE to have some kind of license or something, right? CLASSES STARTING SOON. var year=mydate.getYear() Also, I didn't realize that when I purchased the book it came with a second book and a video about the A&P license. if (daym<10) daym="0"+daym Your copies of The Aircraft Mechanic, Interview With An A&P Mechanic, Interview With A Structures Mechanic, and the How To Get A Free A&P License video will be instantly available in your email so you can start learning about the aviation industry right now! I found out one of my local community colleges has an aviation program and I was about to sign up. He did a good job describing all of the different aspects. In other words, I didnt know anything about this career. It also covers the education aspect. I read The Aircraft Mechanic many years ago while I was working as a loader in a wharehouse. If you don't know what that it is, it is the Airframe and Powerplant license, and you will need this information if you are planning to get into this career. On the con side, the hours can be long and irregular, and you may have to work in bad weather conditions. A&P mechanics are certified to accomplish their duties on both commercial and private aircraft. There are a lot of different aspects to being an aircraft mechanic. I received my copy yesterday and I am 82 pages in. I was hoping this book would talk about women that are aircraft mechanics. Since I still had my copy I thought well I'll give it a second chance. An applicant must be: at least 18 years old; able to read, write, speak, and understand the English language (with certain exceptions permitted); Learn About Being an Aircraft Mechanic in the Air force I just got out of high school but for the last 2 years I been working for my uncle company doing framing work on houses and other stuff like apartments and condos. On top of that I finally watched the video and even though the title of the video is "How to get a free a&p license" it didn't really sink in that I could actually get a free a&p license until I learned the methods he describes. I've seen this happen with so many people and it really angers me. Im 21 and have always worked dead end jobs since I graduated high school. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. I was always thinking about the money I could make but this book gave me so much to think about. This means youdon'tnecessarily have to be a mechanic on someone's stafffor your entire career. } else if (window.location.href.indexOf("los-angeles") > -1) { Also the chapter about contracting as an a/c mech was very helpful. I picked this book up not expecting to really learn anything but more just to see what all the fuss was about and hoping to get a good enjoyable read. Aircraft Mechanic. var month=mydate.getMonth() For only $27 you will learn everything you need to know about working in aviation. Being an aircraft mechanic is not as easy as it may look, and there is a lot of training and education required to be a successful aircraft mechanic. If you care about money and making a lot of it, those topics are discussed too. They require physical dexterity and hand-to-eye coordination to maintain aircraft engines and body parts accurately. I wanted to answer these questions so you will have a clear understanding about airplane mechanics and aviation. I Hate Being An Aircraft Mechanic. I have seen many new mechanics fresh out of A&P school that didn't know what to do after they finished school. Some companies offer overtime work, which can be beneficial to develop skills in aircraft . Most people want to because of the money. 2023 SPARTAN COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS AND TECHNOLOGY. Fastforward two months later. Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology does not guarantee third-party certifications. I didn't want to end up at a factory like where my dad worked but I didn't know anything about being an aircraft mechanic. Sept. 18, 2019, 1:00 PM PDT. var daym=mydate.getDate() Some of these include knowing your purpose, thinking beyond what aviation colleges want you to think, and knowing who you are in order to know if this career is right for you. King, who was not a writer, set out on a mission to give light to all of these unanswered questions. The Best Tupperware Canister Sets on the Market. All I had to do was buy a toolbox and some tools which all cost about $200. But at the end of the day, I always go home feeling exhausted and covered in grease. "What's it like working on airplanes?". Would be a great book for anyone who like me is wanting to get into the aviation industry or just wanting to know how the aviation maintenance industry works. Keep in mind, I am only 82 pages in, and had to take a moment to let you all know what I think already! Many times you don't, and there are other ways you can get the necessary training you need to advance in the career. There is a lot of opportunity for advancement. Aircraft maintenance is constantly listed in top ten or top twenty career lists by popular websites like MonsterJobs, Yahoo! A lot of the chapters deal with talking about what it's like to pick up tools and work on an airplane. You will find out most of what you need to know with these books and the video. You will learn about every aspect of the aircraft maintenance career: How to get started without wasting thousands of dollars in college. Ive been an A&P mechanic for over 5 years, and it all started with this book. Upon completion of the program, there is an FAA oral exam and an FAA practical exam. Its a challenging job that demands a lot of skill and knowledge, and I take pride in doing it well. Of course, like any career, there are also some downsides to being an aircraft mechanic. This is the best book about being an aviation mechanic I have found. There are a vast range of potential professional paths for anyone who is interested in becoming involved in the aviation industry. Airlines train. I want you to have a good-paying, enjoyable career. If the truth about aviation maintenance was truly exposed, there would be an uproar! He really went into a lot of detail and I felt like he was spot on. Therefore, the College cannot guarantee that graduates will be eligible to take certification examinations, regardless of their eligibility status upon enrollment. Ive always wanted to work on airplanes and bought this book because it said I could get my A&P license for free without going to college. The only reason I bought this book was to get a free A&P certificate. The very things that airlines and aviation companies DON'T want you to know. Ifyou'reanaircraft mechanicwho wants to do something new professionally, you'll already have similar training under your belt especially if youre interested in other maintenance industries or professions. entry-level.

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