pa state police ranks

pa state police ranks

Pennsylvania State Police Salaries - Pennsylvania Harrisburg, PA Colonel Robert Evanchick, commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police, announced today that 91 cadets graduated from the State Police Academy in Hershey and have been assigned to troops across the commonwealth. Captain Sharif was promoted to corporal in 2005, sergeant in 2008, and lieutenant in 2016. Promotion within the enlisted ranks shall be made based on criteria approved by the Commissioner, in accordance with the authority granted under the Administrative Code of 1929, and amendments . Troopers earn 10* vacation days during their first year of employment and then 15 days of vacation beginning with theirsecond year of employment. A native of Black Creek Township, Luzerne County, he enlisted in 2002 and was assigned to Troop K, Skippack upon graduation from the academy. Troopers provide for the regulation of traffic, crime scene response and investigation, and maintaining public order and security. During her career, she served as a patrol unit member and a criminal investigator in Troop K, Media. They have the power and duty to arrest for violations of the Pennsylvania Liquor Code and specific Crimes Code-related offenses. Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Robert Evanchick has promoted Farzad Sharif to captain and assigned him as director of the Logistics and Support Services Division in the Bureau of Research and Development. James A. Youngblood Jr. Major Shaver most recently served as the bureau's assistant director. Read more about this topic: Pennsylvania State Police, Uniform and Rank Structure, The Federal Constitution has stood the test of more than a hundred years in supplying the powers that have been needed to make the Central Government as strong as it ought to be, and with this movement toward uniform legislation and agreements between the States I do not see why the Constitution may not serve our people always.William Howard Taft (18571930), I can grouse about the food, and the C.O. 1800 Elmerton Avenue Police Communications Operators - Work involves receiving, transmitting, maintaining, and coordinating public safety information in support of Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) law enforcement functions. The Pennsylvania State Police has identified several job duties which are essential to an individual who holds the position of Pennsylvania State Police Trooper. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. State Police ranks are cadet, trooper, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel and colonel. Captain McAreavy received his general equivalency diploma from New Jersey in 1987 while serving in the U.S. Navy. The current PSP uniform for troopers, corporals, and sergeants consist of a light gray uniform shirt with black shoulder epaulets. State Police ranks are cadet, trooper, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel and colonel. Ranks, insignia, and descriptions. Simon D. Wellman of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland County; Troop H, Carlisle; Troop L, Reading; 1993. Harrisburg, PA - Pennsylvania State Police announced two members were promoted to the rank of major, three attained the rank of captain, and four were promoted to lieutenant. endobj Member of the Executive Staff in charge of a specific duty. Captain Walsh served eight years in the United States Marine Corps and attained the rank of sergeant. %PDF-1.7 % 3 0 obj Equal Opportunity Employer. State Trooper Position Information - Pennsylvania State Police Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Robert Evanchick promoted Robert L. Bailey to captain and assigned him as commanding officer of Troop L, Reading. Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Robert Evanchick promoted Jere M. Ustonofski to lieutenant and assigned him as the Staff Services Section commander at Troop N, Hazleton. endobj Upon graduation from the academy, he was assigned to Troop H, Newport. descriptions. He is a 2015 graduate of the Northwestern University Center for Public Safety School of Police Staff and Command. endstream endobj 165 0 obj <>/Metadata 3 0 R/Pages 162 0 R/StructTreeRoot 7 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 184 0 R>> endobj 166 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 792 612]/Parent 162 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 167 0 obj <>stream A native of Hughesville, Lycoming County, Lieutenant Doebler enlisted in the state police in 2005. //if displaymode=0, configure inline frame attributes (ie: dimensions, intial document shown He is a 1985 graduate of San Gorgonio High School, San Bernardino, California; a 1990 graduate of The Pennsylvania State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in administration of justice; a 2014 graduate of Delaware State Police's Leadership Development Program; and a 2016 graduate of the 392nd Class of the Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command. He was promoted to corporal in 2015 and sergeant in 2018. The state police Academy is located in Hershey, Pennsylvania . Captain Walsh is a 1999 graduate of Pittston Area High School and attended Misericordia University. Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Robert Evanchick promoted Mary L. Gausman to lieutenant and assigned her as commander of the Recruitment Services Section in the Bureau of Training and Education. Upon graduation from the academy, he was assigned to Troop K, Media. The original PSP uniform was molded from the Constabulary forces in Europe and they did not have badges. Pennsylvania State Police Overtime pay and shift differential are paid as applicable. Public SafetyHuman Resource Delivery Center The Desegregated Heart, part 2, ch. Lieutenant Curry, a native of Uniontown, Fayette County, enlisted in the state police in 1994. As he progressed through the ranks, Captain Loughran also served in Troops G, A, C, and T and in the Bureaus of Gaming Enforcement and Liquor Control Enforcement. Lieutenant Gausman most recently served as the Criminal Investigation Section supervisor at Troop C, Punxsutawney. PSP Public SafetyHuman Resource Delivery Center, Pennsylvania State Police EqualityandInclusionOffice, Major Christopher Paris, Acting State Police Commissioner. He is currently pursuing his doctoral degree from West Chester University. Major Shaver was promoted to corporal in 1996, sergeant in 2006, lieutenant in 2013, and captain in 2018. He served four years as a municipal police officer in Luzerne County and five years as a Baltimore County police officer. He was promoted to corporal in 2009, sergeant in 2013, and lieutenant in 2017. She is slated to attend the FBI National Academy in July. Captain Donaldson was promoted to corporal in 2008, sergeant in 2013, and lieutenant in 2016. During his career, Curry has also served in Troop B, Uniontown and Pittsburgh; and Troop K, Media. if (!window.win2||win2.closed) Upon promotion to sergeant, he served as the Patrol Section supervisor at Troop N, Stroudsburg; station commander at Troop N, Lehighton; Crime Section supervisor at Troop M, Bethlehem; and station commander at Troop M, Dublin. Lieutenant Cortes previously served as the commander of the Safe Highways Initiative through Effective Law Enforcement and Detection (SHIELD) Section commander in the Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Drug Law Enforcement Division. document.all.external.src=inputurl The PSP trademark item is the campaign style hat with the chin strap worn in the front under the chin on the winter campaign hat(as opposed to most agencies that wear the strap of the campaign hat behind the head). Six cadets received special awards and recognition: The graduates have been assigned to the following stations: You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Robert Evanchick has promoted Derek A. Koch to the rank of captain and assigned him as the commanding officer of Troop M, Bethlehem. The men and women represent the 161 st graduating cadet class. The Pennsylvania State Police is an Equal Opportunity Employer. He is also a graduate of the Northwestern University Center for Public Safety School of Police Staff and Command. Additionally, he served at Troop N, Hazleton and Lehighton; the Bureau of Integrity and Professional Standards, Internal Affairs Division; Troop K, Philadelphia and Skippack; and Troop M, Bethlehem. Lieutenant Cortes, a native of Covington Township, Lackawanna County, enlisted in the state police in 2002. Major Cawley is a 1992 graduate of Valley View High School, attended Central Texas University, and obtained a degree from the Community College of the Air Force. He was promoted to corporal in 2016, sergeant in 2018, and lieutenant in 2021. Upon graduation from the academy, she was assigned to Troop C, Kane. A State Police Cadet is a person who has been appointed to complete the basic training necessary to become a Pennsylvania State Police Trooper. Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Robert Evanchick has promoted Richard J. Nesbitt to lieutenant and assigned him as the commander of the Recruitment Services Section in the Bureau of Training and Education. Eric J. Turk of Newtown, Bucks County; will remain with the Bureau of Integrity and Professional Standards; 1990. PSP Commissioner Biography - Pennsylvania State Police }&LJ n But I havent got the time to figure that out. During his career, he was selected as the 2018 Trooper of the Year and awarded the department's Medal of Honor and Purple Heart. Harrisburg, PA - The Pennsylvania State Police announced the Pennsylvania Instant Check System (PICS) conducted 321,664 background checks during the . Dunmore man promoted to lieutenant colonel in the state police Lieutenant Doebler is a 2002 graduate of Hughesville High School and 2008 graduate of the Pennsylvania College of Technology. Major Cawley served five years in the U.S. Air Force and attained the rank of senior airman. hkOF|U(VqL.4*rf2sf|f3#f o4(,3cAL 2038sZ,X*%RUe9~Lal0P$d*I{HJjIg4*I- eGhFRZSSlg*B0!6B1h!!eb/_^?ct\$_|t;L$W"9}.Lns&Egq[L*&87Iu9>UY+M|$:9>GS_~9."bHN_a>Na^dP3aj4.p^ $^KSh7~wIz,P3F;zyGSF{4. The duty of providing the finest police services throughout the commonwealth is now bestowed upon them.". Lieutenant Reinard, of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County,enlisted in the state police in 2001. Covering towns without local police cost Pa. troopers $600M a year, commissioner says. Lieutenant Ustonofski was promoted to sergeant in 2020 and served as the patrol section supervisor at the Stroudsburg and Hazleton stations until he was appointed station commander at Bloomsburg. 1 INDEX Page Article 1, Recognition 3 Article 2, Prior Arbitration Awards & Agreements 3 . He was promoted to corporal in 2009, sergeant in 2011, lieutenant in 2016, and captain in 2020. Lieutenant Ustonofski most recently served as the station commander at Troop N, Bloomsburg. Upon graduation from the academy, he was assigned to Troop P and served at the Towanda and Wyoming stations. var iframecode='' Lieutenant Youngblood is a 1995 graduate of Wyoming Valley West High School and attended Lackawanna Junior College. 100 join the ranks of the Pennsylvania State Police Captain Donaldson is a graduate of the Tussey Mountain school district and he holds a bachelor's degree in Administration of Justice from The Pennsylvania State University.

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