Hello Sopheap, thank you for the comment. Recently however, one was rejected that I believe is a good paper. Pending review = The paper is due to be pre-checked. What exact time are the submission forms closed on the deadline day? The status changed from Pending review to Under review on January 5th and the Assistant Editor was also assigned on that day. Your work will be read and rated by a few academics from your field. Please dont worry. Please provide the reason for your withdrawal request. What does its mean after proofreading submission? You can find out more in our article on MDPIs name change policy. Once you have reviewed this, please get in touch with the Veterinary Sciences Editorial Office. I want to ask what does it mean editor comment lauout with pending editor descion from last ten days. If possible, could you help to reach editorial office on my behalf? Author proofreading resubmitted = Authors have resubmitted the latest version of their paper, and the Assistant Editor will accept changes and double-check that everything is correct before paper publication. 1. If artice is accepted for the publlication the total Artice Publishing charges will be imposed to my co-author or it will be partially imposed to him/her? Please get in touch with the journals Editorial Office. Authors can find out more about the publication time of a particular journal by locating that journals statistics via the journal menu. Ill post again after editing. Hello Waqas, many thanks for getting in touch! However, this all depends on the time frame in which the reviewers respond. The cost of language editing depends on the number of words in your manuscript. Once you are logged in, you can access your manuscript submission. Could you please reach out to the journals Editorial Office? They will consider the latest version of the manuscript, as well as the completed peer review process. Thanks, Katherine. Regarding the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy), what to do if two of the co-authors have the same initials (first and last names)? MDPIs median publication time is 40 days from submission to publication, which includes around 1617 days for a first decision, and just 5 days for final production. Is it common for reviewers and editor to not agree? It could be because the paper does not fit into the scope of the journal, or because the reviewers felt the findings were incomplete, for example. For updates related to your article, please contact the editorial office of the journal that you submitted to. We have reached out to the editorial office on your behalf. As this point is not clear in the website https://www.mdpi.com/apc. Id appreciate it if you could let me know if there has been any development on my submission. The information provided at rejection is important when it comes to resubmission. Thats an easy mistake to make. For more information about your specific case, please could you contact the Diagnostics Editorial Office? I have contacted the Data Editorial Office and I will keep you updated. Is the SI guest editor (SI GE) the one who decides to proceed with the evaluation of the paper with a peer review or it is a decision that is being made without the involvement of the GE (by the managing editor or the MDPI staff)? But one reviewer gave -ve report. Hi, Please contact them to resolve the issue. But, i have some issues which are corrected by the production team after publication before releasing issue. The same reviewers from the first review will take another look at your manuscript. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023, MDPI Blog is a solution provided by MDPI AG. This status means that our team of English editors are reviewing your manuscript for grammar, spelling, and MDPI house style. I am going to submit my academic paper for my PhD degree. Detailed information is provided in the Instructions for Authors section via the journal menu. Once your paper has been accepted for publication, you cannot add or remove authors. Please do the needful. Viruses | Free Full-Text | Pending Reorganization of Hantaviridae to Topic: Mdpi | WorkingUS.com Contributions should be listed during the submission process and are also part of the journal template. However, if this is related to an error in your formula, then take a look at this detailed policy regarding corrections and retractions. I have submitted my manuscript titled to Polymers journal on March 09, 2022 and the revisions were submitted on November 14, 2022. Id encourage you to get in touch with the Editorial Office as soon as you can. If you find yourself waiting for more than a week, its best to contact the Assistant Editor for an update. Hi I ask this issue because I am not able to find a way during the submission process. thanks for your question. Is the review process at MDPI fair to reviewers? [duplicate] In the near future, XML and HTML versions will also be made available. Reviewers then have up to two weeks to return their comments, but reviewers may request more time. Although some papers pass through the process and hit all the time estimates, others may take longer, for many different reasons. This stage usually takes 1-5 business days. Weve reviewed your question and have the following information for you. They will be able to advise on any waivers and/or discounts available to you. I submitted a manuscript last month and it was under review and then pending editor decision. If not why MDPI did not make publication free of charge as of elsevier and other reputable journals? It usually takes around 48 hours. Plagiarism of any kind is not accepted by MDPI. However, this requirement is fairly new; thus, genomic sequence information is . Our article is in the same status from the last 9 days. I would like to inquire about the status of my manuscript that has been under review since the 21st of November 2022 [Cells] Manuscript ID: cells-2079368. Last decision: Reject Reviewer 3 Ole Jonny Klakegg Major (Report sent on 13 October 2020) Last decision: Reconsider after major revision. after resubmission the one reviewer satisfy with my comments however other reviewer not satisfier with some comments. Could you help us contacting the editorial office on our behalf. The status is now Pending Review. Therefore, kindly check and take the steps. We also submitted a short text as per instructions given at :https://www.mdpi.com/authors/promoting. They will be able to advise you on your specific case. This form applies to manuscripts that have already been published. The typo will be removed by MDPIs in-house English editors during the editorial process. I hope we can receive a detailed peer review report. Something that authors often worry about is manuscript rejection. Please note that, if there are reviewer recommendations that have not been sufficiently addressed after two rounds of revisions, rejections or resubmissions may be warranted. It will include instructions and insight related to next steps. We wanted to remove and add authors. It usually takes around 48 hours. pending editor decisionpending611 ~ TA 1 2021-02-21 10:52 - 6 Android 2 2021-02-21 16:50 1 ~ 20 3 2021-04-21 18:52 1 4 2021-04-28 15:27 You can then apply the feedback to your manuscript and submit the corrections. This should give you all the answers youre looking for and put you at ease if you find yourself worried about your paper. There are many different reasons why a paper might be rejected during the publication process. One month ago, I have submitted the Manuscript to Polymers Journal. Hi Islam. As we know, Metals MDPI has a high reputation for the rapid publication process. MDPIpending decisionPending editor decision. Apologies for the delay. The Pending review stage usually takes about five working days maximum. We submitted the minor revision (second round) on 13th January 2023 but still it is showing Pending editor decision. Kindly shed some light. For questions about individual submissions, we recommend contacting the Editorial Office of the journal. If you find yourself waiting any longer, please do reach out to the journals Editorial Office. To date, I have not received any notification regarding the status (first decision) of our manuscript. If the deadline date is 28.02 what time is the latest I still can submit my manuscript? I am talking here about the case of Pending conversion. Please note that the paper was not peer-reviewed at all, which we find really odd, because some other journals with 3 times higher Impact factors and twice rejection rates, at least gave us the chance to be peer-reviewed. Hi Katherine Click Editorial Office on the left-hand side. how can I find my submitted paper reviewers emails? Out of which two reviewers gave +Ve Report 3/4 Stars for all the Evaluation parameters. The status is under review. Alternatively, you could decide to use the credit on your next submission. They will be able to provide an update. But, Im happy to inform you that, as your colleague is part of an IOAP institute, the APC will be discounted. Revised reviews will be completed in around three working days, considering that reviewers are already familiar with the content of your paper, but we are flexible if reviewers require more time. MDPI joined CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) early on in the initiatives launch. It appears online as under review. I have replied to reviewers comments for the second time today. Is there specific time zone for each deadline of special issues? Take a look at any feedback that may have been given on SuSy, as this will help you improve your manuscript before resubmission. Is it possible to re summit manuscript in same journal? Around 12 business days. Once a manuscript has been submitted, it will go through different stages of progress on SuSy. An abstract is a short summary of your research. You can upload your revised manuscript by logging in to SuSy, MDPIs manuscript submission system. On rare occasions, the Assistant Editor assigned to your manuscript will request a further opinion from a new reviewer. As you have been waiting for over a week, we will investigate and prioritise this issue. Publishing times also differ depending on the journal. MDPI Journals A-Z Information & Guidelines Initiatives About Login Register Submit Guidelines for Reviewers Instructions for Authors . How can any one expect novelty in a survey study of this kind. , - - approve submission ( ) - 3500 1 20.05.01 9337 - acknowledgement . Answer: When the status for a manuscript changes "Under Review" to "Ready for Decision", it means that the peer-review process is complete and only the editorial decision is pending. This is at the Academic Editor's discretion. Now our paper is accepted, but as I ask from the Section Managing Editor about the author addition. How can I apply all my reviewer discount vouchers to reduce the APC to 0 CHF? They can give you the details. Please can you tell me when my paper will be indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. Please feel free to reach out to the Assistant Editor for an update. Another reason for addition was that, my supervisor don`t like rejection. However, if your paper is less than 3000 words or more than 12,000 words long, we recommend that you contact the Editorial Office in advance. They usually have a busy schedule. No, you will not pay if your manuscript is rejected. Does it have to go through the process of editing again by the MDPI editorial team? Is not it be revised version revision status? on 30.12.22 my manuscript status was accepted , then it changed to pending english. Congrats! I recommend contacting the Assistant Editor about this issue. Unfortunately, I pressed the submit button without completely revising the manuscript. The pending editor decision usually takes 1-2 business days. Hi, Yes, you can use all of your vouchers together, and publish for free! Mdpi . You should hear back from them shortly. Or should we just wait? To find out more, check out our interview with MDPI English editors. If the paper was rejected because it did not fall within the scope of the Special Issue, then you can resubmit to a Special Issue that is more fitting. In fact, in 2022, the average waiver rate across all MDPI journals was 35%. At this stage, the PDF version of your paper will be available online. However, I am still not received any response. The Editorial Office will certainly be able to provide further details. It is the last chance for authors to edit their paper. However, authors should consider in advance whether they have sufficient funds to cover the APC. Under review = The paper is being peer-reviewed. This is your very last chance to edit the paper. Occasionally, they may need more time. This means you need to submit your manuscript before or on the date outlined on the Special Issue webpage. However, as this is something youre concerned about, you can contact the Editorial Office directly. You cannot add or remove authors once the paper has been accepted for publication (with rare exceptions), and please note that edits during the proofreading stage do not involve the scientific aspects of the paper. This means that your paper is being converted to different formats, including PDF. Once youre clear on the ins and outs, get in touch with the Editorial Office, and theyll process your request. This means that the journal might have requested a review that they . Hello, Can authors also track the status of submitted manuscript. Respeceted Sir, Apologies that you have been waiting so long. Our paper has a status Pending editor decision for 12 days now (which is quite unusuall for Agronomy) and assigned editor does not reply to our e-mails asking about the status of our paper. Id recommend waiting until Tuesday next week. Take a look at our article on MDPI manuscript statuses for more info. The Editorial Office has received the manuscript and it is being pre-checked. The submission process starts in the same way for each of MDPIs journals, by clicking on Submit on the journal website. Additional MDPI information for authors is provided here: https://www.mdpi.com/authors. Thank you for your comment. Hi, This takes priority for Assistant Editors. This stage usually takes about 1-5 working days. I havent checked my status for two weeks since it was Under Review. Yes, when a manuscript is rejected, authors are free to submit it to any other journal. I think it is not fear that we has pass the blind review pass and now after acceptance the managing editor decided that they are not accepting our changes regarding author addition. None of the steps or processes are outsourced, allowing us to maintain close control of the quality and efficiency. The median average for these steps is four days (2021). If you cannot return the edited manuscript and/or responses within the agreed time, you can get in touch with the Assistant Editor, who may be able to grant you an extension. 2. Other versions will be available in 2-3 working days. Thank you for submitting your proofread manuscript. Thank you for your attention. MDPI | Information for Authors I have previously submitted International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health(MDPI) the manuscript ID is ijerph-2184356. Hello Katherine, MDPI uses iThenticate to review manuscripts for plagiarism. Hi Navdeep, thanks for your comment. One more thing I want to confirm. For Instance I am not a IOAP institue author, but one of my co-author is correspondent to IOAP institute, and the payment mode for his/her IOAP institute is centralised to the university. Yes, you can change to a different Special Issue, even while your paper is still being processed. You can find the details here: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/agronomy/editorial_office. Please contact the Editorial Office if it has been five business days and an Assistant Editor has not yet been assigned to your submission. Thank you. However, we may ask you to withdraw your paper if a round of revisions will take longer than a month. Its important to mention that every manuscript is unique. Nonetheless, no responses have been obtained from the journal, leaving us in a frustration. Yes, I understand that the reviewers and editors are too busy during this time, but I appreciate a response as soon as possible so I can make a decision about my paper. Hi Katherine! Plagiarism is not acceptable in MDPI journals.
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