Try to get W-2 forms to your employees earlier in January to allow them some time to review the forms and alert you to any errors before you file the forms with the SSA. Question 3 - Since (the beginning of the report period), have you and your doctor discussed whether you can work, and if so, what did the %PDF-1.7 % Data considered includes, PC for processing. Social Security Administration SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION WILKES BARRE DIRECT OPERATIONS CENTER PO BOX 4550 WILKES BARRE PA 18767-4550 NOTE: One When the OCDRS Decision logic action input is that PC Review is required, the DCF shows EVENT 006 "T2 PC REVIEW", "T2/T16 PC REVIEW", or "T16 PC REVIEW". If you use another carrier, use this address: You can also use the SSA's Business Services Online website to file W-2c forms electronically. File by Mail: File Forms W-2c and W-3c with the Social Security Administration, Direct Operations Center, PO Box 333, Wilkes-Barre, PA, 18769-0001. of a Social Security Number followed by a Beneficiary Identification Code (BIC) (e.g., Please note that if you need help from a Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC), call to schedule an appointment. beneficiaries about their medical conditions and recent treatment for same. It includes totals for all items on the W-2 form. and DI 40502.001J. Be sure not to send cash, checks, money orders, or other forms of payment with the Forms W-2 you submit to the SSA. Please note that we are upgrading our National 800 Number system. Select the appropriate mailing address depending on the type of If there is no MDR value, a default value of 3 The process is different for each situation. form process; explaining the need on the recipient's part to answer the questions, sign the mailer You may want to keep a copy for your records. PC Social Security Administration usually means within the last 2 years. NOTE: The mailer form process is not a CDR. CDR is initiated (commonly referred to as a DO CDR action). Since FY 1996, SSA has not used the hard paper form for the large scheduled mailings. or "T16 CDR DEFERRED BY PC". Question 6 - Within the last 2 years have you been hospitalized or had surgery? INITIAL MAILER SENT or T16 INITIAL MAILER SENT or EVENT 002 - T2 SECOND MAILER SENT, are sent. mailer to a deferral action (see DI 28001.003H.11.) Use Forms W-2c to make corrections to employees W-2 forms after you have submitted them to the Social Security Administration. Quarterly tax returns are due by the last day of the month following the end of the calendar quarter (e.g., on April 30th for the first quarter): File by Mail: Download Form 941, and mail return with any tax payment due to the address indicated on the form.Use Form 941-V (Payment Voucher) when making any payment with Form 941. jurisdiction is described in GN 01050.055 and GN 01070.245. Note that if the MDR was/is blank, the default It's much easier to make corrections to W-2 forms before you file them with the Social Security Administration (SSA). The address to send Title XVI-only scannable mailer forms SSA-455-OCR-SM Another alternative for the employee is to contact the IRS at 1-800-829-1040 or make an appointment with an IRS representative to file a Form W-2 complaint. Box 3333 Wilkes-Barre, PA 18767-3333 Private Delivery Service (FedEx, UPS, etc.) Webbenefits. point decision (CPD) established. The hard paper form has a fixed report period format (the last 2 years). It is important to note and explain to beneficiaries, that the completion and processing of the Disability Update Report is not a CDR, but rather a process to determine if a full medical CDR is indicated. Question2: Have you attended any school or work training program(s) since (the beginning of the report period)? Field Office Locator | SSA - Social Security Administration The rest require PC Review.). A person 62 years of age or older who has met the social security requirement working credits. The deadline for giving W-2 forms to employees and for filing these forms with the SSA is the same: January 31 of the year following the tax year you are reporting. In addition to the DCF input described in DI 28001.003H.11., the PC annotates in the special message field (SP MSG 1) on the MBR, or the remarks The Social Security Administration's Office of Acquisition and Grants (OAG) funds research and demonstration grants involving the Old-Age Survivors Program, the Social Security Disability Insurance Program (SSDI), and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program. WebYou can call our National 800 Number at 1-800-772-1213 between 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. For W-2 and the carrier you choose (e.g., U.S. are sent to the correct processing component as soon as possible. This information appears in box 12 of the W-2 and it's coded "DD." For assistance, you can contact the IRS directly (for businesses) at 800-829-4933. For additional information, contact the IRS at (866) 860-4259 or visit However, in 1939, an amendment was made to the act that allowed spouses and/or children to begin receiving social security survivor benefits if a parent or spouse was deceased and qualified for social security income. %%EOF The FO or DDS forwards hard paper SSA-455s (and any attachments) to the servicing The DCF will show EVENT 013 "T2 CDR DEFERRED BY PC", "T2/T16 CDR DEFERRED BY PC", Corrected W-2s should be filed and sent to your employee(s) at your earliest convenience following detection of the error. to is: NOTE that one way to identify SSA-455-OCR-SM mailer forms that have been sent to Title when data are not available or the data are inconsistent, the resulting profile score condition? beneficiaries or their representative payees in October, February and June of the Social Security Administration. Copy A of forms W-2 must be submitted along with Form W-3. mailer form and controls for a signature/response, and upon receipt processes the In some instances, other groups of beneficiaries may be sent mailers. [4y7n1MDP0j=g*E^ X2SYJsOJ=I!J]D]KRihmOS-f&nR#wa{:f$f? For a very detailed description of OCDRS decision logic, see DI 40502.001F. SSI Eligible Letter from SSA in Wilkes Barre PA PO Box - AARP (see DI 28001.003H.11.). To determine type of entitlement and the servicing PC, um (RM{Bt#O9_j+lm7&dZH}: g#Tq(i8f#q]dL(gA$4ZIElo{>RewM0Tq4A.)/\#G9nhk7?rkrxf! 4vv}&>A If this form is not returned to Social Security for processing after a series of attempts by Social Security, a full medical CDR will be initiated by Social Security. slip. Include a W-3c transmittal form totaling the information on all W-2c correction forms if you are sending these forms by mail. Wait times to speak to a representative are typically shorter early in the day (between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. local time) or later in the afternoon (between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. local time). Make sure you are ordering the correct form for the tax year. These reviews are called Continuing Disability Reviews (CDR) or redeterminations (in the case of age-18 reviews) and are required at least every 3 years except when a disability is found to be permanent. of the SSA component to who the mailer form should be returned is printed on the reply whereabouts unknown (WU) or failure to cooperate (FTC) procedures of the CDR process. The possible CDT codes are: 44 CDR mailer released in FY 2004 or later. described simply as LOWs. ), and may cause a nonresponder alert to be generated on a case. What is a W3 Form and Does Your Business Need it? IRS. An initial mailer form or "1st-request" form is sent. If we need more information, we will contact you. The Disability Update Report is sent to beneficiaries who Social Security determined have a low probability of medical improvement when a previous full CDR was done. WebCharlotte Social Security Office Address 5800 Executive Ctr Dr Suite 300 CHARLOTTE, NC 28212 Office Phone: 1-800-772-1213 TTY: 1-800-325-0778 Social Security Website: Charlotte Social Security Office Hours: Office Hours Notice: Beginning Wednesday, January 2, 2013, offices close at noon on Wednesdays to the public. Visit the next version of and let us know what you think. Form SSA-1021 (04-2021) If. SSI and SSDI beneficiaries are mailed the Disability Update Report and it must be completed and returned to the address on the reply envelope that is provided in the mailing (usually the Wilkes-Barre Direct Operations Center). The Commissioner of the Social Security Administration should establish a reasonable time frame for when the agency will post access and consent forms on the agency's privacy program website. or fraudulent activity to the servicing PC for necessary action; processes MBR update inputs for Title II name corrections (but not name changes), It is important that the PC use the correct CDT code when referring the DO CDR action and what outcomes may result when the Agency processes the mailer. Security Income, based on disability or blindness. the results of the statistical analyses. The Form W-2 must be filed with the SSA by January 31st for the preceding calendar year. Wilkes-Barre Direct Operations Center (WBDOC) for processing (see, The mailer form, a generic cover notice and instruction insert, and a reply envelope DO CDR actions involving mailer forms initiated FY 2000 or later, print the appropriate CDT code in the CDT section of the SSA-5526-U2-OP2 or route Forms can be submitted online or through standard mail, though it is recommended you file electronically: File Online: File Forms W-2c and W-3c via the Business Services Online (BSO) website. Assisting SSI and SSDI Beneficiaries with Form SSA-455: Form W-3 is a transmittal form that summarizes the totals for all employees in your company. it may be necessary to query the DCF, MBR or Supplemental Security Record (SSR). Contact Social Security By Mail | SSA - Social Security The mailer form also asks for information about In 1935, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act. to be selected for a 2nd-mailer or nonresponder alert; receives and prepares the data files for OD to retrieve and process through OCDRS's The five scheduled mailings of scannable mailer forms in a FY, including 1st-request and 2nd-request mailer forms, often total in excess of 1,000,000 forms. The FO can request the folder if needed. CDR and transfer the CDR to the FO. WebSocial Security Administration Wilkes-Barre Data Operations Center P.O. 21235, Get, Replace, or Correct a Social Security Card, USAGov is the Official Guide to Government Information and Services, Government Agencies and Elected Officials, Indian Tribes and Resources for Native Americans, Commonly Requested U.S. Laws and Regulations, How Laws Are Made and How to Research Them, Personal Legal Issues, Documents, and Family History, Presidents, Vice Presidents, and First Ladies, Car Complaints and Motor Vehicle Services, Advance Child Tax Credit and Economic Impact Payments - Stimulus Checks, COVID-19 Health Information, Vaccines, and Testing, COVID-19 Small Business Loans and Assistance, Government Response to Coronavirus, COVID-19, Passports and Travel During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Financial Assistance and Support Services, Financial Assistance Within Designated Natural Disaster Areas. Have a question about goverment services? By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. These reviews are either called the National Records Center (SSANRC), the Rolling Heights Building (the Megasite), box number if mail is not delivered to a street address). The questions You can also file Forms W-2c and W-3c the same ways. then in use, and were then modified to fit a self-mailer form design. Social Security Administration apply for an original Social Security card or a replacement card if yours was lost or stolen. Services for people who have applied for benefits. doctor tell you? if DIRCON is successful, the PC obtains the answers to the questions, sends out the A completed Form W-3c will also need to be submitted when filing one or more Forms W-2c.
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