what was the effect of spanish and portuguese exploration?

what was the effect of spanish and portuguese exploration?

The Portuguese also traded these slaves, introducing much-needed human capital to other European nations. Armed with these advances, Bartholomew Dias reached the tip of Africa in 1487, naming it the Cape of Good Hope. Spain wanted to explore the New World first to find a trade route to India as the Portuguese had. 4.2C: The Economic Causes and Effects of European Maritime Exploration Test and improve your knowledge of The Age of Discovery & Exploration with fun multiple choice exams you can take online with Study.com. 201-202. Islamic states had dominated. In 1493, Columbus sent two copies of a probanza de mrito to the Spanish king and queen and their minister of finance, Luis de Santngel. Map showing the routes to the Far East. Bethel veterans weigh in on cost of living, health care and suicide Portuguese Exploration and Spanish Conquest - U.S. History 1531 1015 Words. Elmina Castle on the west coast of Ghana was used as a holding pen for slaves before they were brought across the Atlantic and sold. Portuguese Exploration and Spanish Conquest by OpenStaxCollege is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. This colonial enterprise was driven by a search for African gold, Asian spices, and Christian kingdoms in the east. From these strategic points, Portugal spread its empire down the western coast of Africa to the Congo, along the western coast of India, and eventually to Brazil on the eastern coast of South America. In addition to navigation, what purpose would such a map have served? By the end of this section, you will be able to: Portuguese colonization of Atlantic islands in the 1400s inaugurated an era of aggressive European expansion across the Atlantic. C. Africans sold spices to Portugal and Spain. It was able to amplify the power of Undead army by several magnitudes. When we read them now, we need to take the descriptions with a grain of salt. 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The Carrack or Nao (meaning ship) was developed as a fusion between Mediterranean and Northern European-style ships. This creation of a trading post empire tapped into the existing slave trade among Africans with the Portuguese fully participating and expanding the trade beyond African borders. 5 What was Portugals role in the age of discovery? In this context, the Portuguese and the Spanish became the first countries to explore the Atlantic consistently, finding routes around Africa to the East and new continents untouched by European expansion. Payroll Services Expert with Portuguese or Spanish | Novartis As Spains empire expanded and riches flowed in from the Americas, the Spanish experienced a golden age of art and literature. They also found a sea route to India. However, the overthrow of the Mongols by the Ottoman Empire had closed that border as the longstanding religious differences between Christian Europe and Muslim Ottomans allowed the old conflict to disrupt the flow of trade. Missionaries like Motolinia had a legitimate desire to convert the natives and others like him, including the Dominican friar Bartolome de Las Casas, who wrote "A Brief Account of the Destruction of the West Indies" to draw attention to the atrocities committed against the natives by his fellow Spaniards. (1521) Pizarro took land from the Incas in what is today Peru. They also found a sea route to India. Hogwarts Legacy - steamcommunity.com Since the 700s, much of Spain had been under Islamic rule, and King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I, arch-defenders of the Catholic Church against Islam, were determined to defeat the Muslims in Granada, the last Islamic stronghold in Spain. PDF The Age of Exploration - Urbandale Community School District The voyages of Columbus. They understood that the Portuguese would soon reach Asia and, in this competitive race to reach the Far East, the Spanish rulers decided to act. Europeans longed for the luxuries of the Far East, including silks, pepper, and spices, but the Far East trade was dominated by Muslims and Venetians who hauled the goods over land, making them extremely expensive. What was the difference between the Portuguese and Spanish trading The resulting Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 drew a north-to-south line through South America ([link]); Spain gained territory west of the line, while Portugal retained the lands east of the line, including the east coast of Brazil. YouTube Videos for Young Children: An Exploratory Study Sugar fueled the Atlantic slave trade, and the Portuguese islands quickly became home to sugar plantations. Although, this conquest took over 30 years to accomplish. When the Immortal had Thrash's set, the Dimensional lords had no choice, but to give up a huge part of Alphen to the Immortal's army. Where did Christopher Columbus first land? The Americas, Europe, and Africa Before 1492, Creating New Social Orders: Colonial Societies, 15001700, Rule Britannia! Dutch Golden Age History & Timeline | What is the Dutch Golden Age? with an exploratory and descriptive study with a sample of five YouTube channels in Spanish and Portuguese aimed at early . Who ruled the government of ancient Sumer? Spurred by Christopher Columbuss glowing reports of the riches to be found in the New World, throngs of Spanish conquistadors set off to find and conquer new lands. They are most beautiful, of a thousand varied forms, accessible, and full of trees of endless varieties, so high that they seem to touch the sky, and I have been told that they never lose their foliage. Spanish . This split desire for wealth and religious conversion was the complicated reason why Spain explored the New World. Portugal discovered new lands, new sea routes and made better maps of the world. Lasting effects of Spanish conquest in Latin America included the decimation of native populations and suppression of their languages, histories and cultures. After Christopher Columbus bumped into the New World in 1492, a string of explorers and conquistadors set about claiming territory for Spain. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. positivism constructivism or interpretivism and pragmatism what was the effect of spanish and portuguese exploration? B. Africans were enslaved and brought to the Americas. The Impact of Portuguese Exploration Portugal's explorers changed Europeans' understanding of the world in several ways. However, the reality is far more complex. I feel like its a lifeline. 2.1: Portuguese Exploration and Spanish Conquest What was the effect of Spanish and Portuguese exploration? The main driving forces for these pressures include the growing population associated with rapid urbanization and human settlements along the coast, industrial growth, oil exploration, production and export and the associated tanker traffic, fishing, tourism, agriculture, aquaculture and sea water desalination. Corts arrived on Hispaniola in 1504 and took part in the conquest of that island. Fighting on horseback gave the Spanish explorers an advantage over the Native American populations, who fought on foot. The Spanish fleeing from an Aztec force. What was the success of Spain and Portugal? In 1542, de Soto himself died during the expedition. Hoping to gain power over the city, Corts took Moctezuma, the Aztec ruler, hostage. Only by playing upon the disunity among the diverse groups in the Aztec Empire were the Spanish able to capture the grand city of Tenochtitln. In the 1540s, Francisco Vsquez de Coronado crossed the Rio Grande and traveled up the Colorado River. After taking Cuba in 1511, the Spanish continued traveling further into the territory with the conquistador, Hernan Cortes, attacking the Aztec Empire in 1519, taking their capital of Tenochtitlan in 1521. The compass rose also told . what was the effect of spanish and portuguese exploration?the renaissance apartments chicago snoopy happy dance emoji 8959 norma pl west hollywood ca 90069 8959 norma pl west hollywood ca 90069 Often I have sent two or three men ashore to some town to converse with them, and the natives came out in great numbers, and as soon as they saw our men arrive, fled without a moments delay although I protected them from all injury. Learn key differences in what each country focused on when colonizing. Native Spaniards created equally enduring works. Which country established the first colonies in the Americas? Motivated by curiosity, a desire to expand into new places, a longing to spread Christianity, and especially, a hope to tap into the lucrative Far East trade, Europeans of the 15th and 16th centuries looked outward and began to explore their world. Ten years later, Francisco Pizarro traveled to Peru where he subsequently conquered the Incan Empire situated in the Andes Mountains. Cortes, for example, had friendly relationships with a number of natives, using them to assist in his conquest of the Aztecs, while other conquistadors focused only on subjugation and cruelty. The Spanish quickly set out to explore, conquer, and colonize, which was bad news for the Amerindians who got in their way as they launched their empire. These countries, therefore, represent two distinct, but key goals of New World exploration that became the basic pattern for the history of the Atlantic World. Amy has MA degrees in History, English, and Theology. However, when Columbus in fact discovered America, the subsequent discoveries of indigenous peoples led the Catholic country to move beyond pure trade goals to establish lasting colonies that would add to Spain's greatness and spread Catholicism to the New World. THE SPANISH GOLDEN AGE The exploits of European explorers had a profound impact both in the Americas and back in Europe. In August 1521, having successfully fomented civil war as well as fended off rival Spanish explorers, Corts claimed Tenochtitln for Spain and renamed it Mexico City. He spent most of his life in the Americas advocating for the natives. The Spanish monarchs knew that Portuguese mariners had reached the southern tip of Africa and sailed the Indian Ocean. Spains most famous explorer, Christopher Columbus, was actually from Genoa, Italy. Spanish and Portuguese Exploration Flashcards | Quizlet There were different reasons for the Spanish and Portuguese exploration, with the Portuguese establishing a trading post empire to protect their goods, and Spain focusing on empire-building. While they are filled with distortions and fabrications, probanzas de mritos are still useful in illustrating the expectation of wealth among the explorers as well as their view that native peoples would not pose a serious obstacle to colonization. An exchange of ideas, fueled and financed in part by New World commodities, began to connect European nations and, in turn, to touch the parts of the world that Europeans conquered. Unlike Columbus, he realized that the Americas were not part of Asia but lands unknown to Europeans. For more than a century, Baker Hughes . What are the effects of Spain exploration? Prince Henry the Navigator - Facts, Timeline & Significance - Biography What was the effect of Spanish and Portuguese exploration? Although the Spanish had superior weapons, the strength of the Aztecs made the campaign long and grueling. Age of Discovery - Wikipedia His patronage allowed some of the most important Portuguese expeditions to take place. What was the effect of Spanish and Portuguese exploration? In this instance, Cortes actually operated without approval from the Spanish crown or the governor of the Cuban colony because he desired a chance to make his own name and wealth without the credit going to his superiors. Malintzin translated for Corts in his dealings with Moctezuma and, whether willingly or under pressure, entered into a physical relationship with him. By Although the Portuguese originally used the fort primarily for trading gold, by the sixteenth century they had shifted their focus. She has taught college English and religious education classes and currently works as a freelance writer. Millions of Amerindians died by violence and disease as the Spanish marched through their lands, and even the very face of the land changed as the explorers and settlers brought new livestock, weeds, and germs to the New World. The exploits of the most famous Spanish explorers have provided Western civilization with a narrative of European supremacy and Indian savagery. What was the positive impact of Portuguese exploration? Henry the Navigator. Source for information on Spanish Exploration and Colonization: Science and Its Times: Understanding the Social Significance of Scientific Discovery . What is the effect of Spanish and Portuguese Exploration? - Brainly The Spanish came to the New World first to have a Far East trading link.

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