Bag Limits:1 either sex on state land areas; variable on controlled hunt areas. Legal crossbows must have a minimum draw weight of 125 pounds and permanent fixed rifle type stock with a functional mechanical safety device. The Archery-only Lottery distributes a limited number of permits, providing access to new controlled hunt areas and allowing landowners to develop hunt programs that may consist of hunters attending a mandatory pre-hunt meeting and/or passing a background check. From 1980-2002, Indiana hunters entered 209 Boone and Crockett whitetails into the records. Fortunately, it was not found in Connecticut. A few pronghorn and black bear make an appearance in the top 100. If authorities verify this buck at 212 inches after the drying period, it will break a record that has stood for 36 years by almost 17 inches. The Tom McCulloch buck, taken in 1963 in Maverick County, is the state-record typical and the 47th largest of all time. They all have a story. Licenseand Permits:Firearms hunting license and Private Land Muzzleloader Deer Permit. Texas and Oklahoma fall at No. potential and few natural predators, deer populations have the potential to increase On the northeast coast of North Carolina, the Hyde County has few residents (less than 5,000) and looks like its mostly made up of water. The P-R Program provides funding through an excise tax on When you hear Nebraska, what do you think? James Smith did the same in 1992 when he shot his giant Warren County deer, which sits at No. The non-typical record was taken in 1946 by an unknown hunter in an unknown location. Not only is removing a healthy fawn from the Only one archery-only lottery deer permit may be bought each year. The Southwest has a stronger whitetail-hunting tradition than most realize. of the funding is matched by the Connecticut Wildlife Division. Taken in 1939, Roosevelt Luckey's Alleghany County typical is the 30th largest of all time. The Milk House Buck - North American Whitetail Note: Revolver Deer Endorsement is also required if using a revolver. Area hunters were said to have known about the deer. Thats right, Oklahoma stakes claim to the worlds largest peanut, but a quick look at the record book reveals a variety of big game species there for the chasing. southern Canada and the United States (except for most of California, Nevada, and Utah) Adjustable crossbow stocks are permitted, but folding stocks are not. All documented outbreaks tend to occur during late summer and early fall due to an increase in midge numbers and cease with the onset of a hard frost, which kills the midges carrying the virus. Sure enough. This was a monster buck especially for the East Coast. Boone & Crockett Just Accepted These 16 New Records | Outdoor Life The most noticeable feature is the tail, which is brown above and white underneath. Season Dates . For hunters and anglers, the great state of Washington may only be rivaled by Alaska. Theres the 12-foot-long pecan, a 42-foot-tall rocking chair, and the worlds largest chess piece. Despite being the top dog in the Constitution State, it ranks No. 3,053. The home of the Cardinals is also home to the legendary Larry Gibson buck. Big bucks. Whatever. Thats right, folks. History in Connecticut: Due to over-harvesting for News, promotions and latest products delivered to you in your inbox. By fall, the antlers harden; the deer scrape them All permits must be purchased by January 31. Close on its heels is Warren County just south of Des Moines. 2023 Jordan Outdoor Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved. Resident hunting license and deer permit A lottery is conducted to award a limited number of permits for deer hunting on certain state lands and controlled hunt areas. . In the future, when multiple archery-only lottery areas are available, like the firearms lottery, bowhunters will only be allowed to receive one archery-only area permit. All permits and stamps can be purchased from Connecticut's Online Outdoor Licensing System. Home remedies such as bone meal or human hair Here is every state record whitetail in the country. Connecticut has less than twenty all-time Boone and Crockett record book entries between typical and non-typical whitetails. While the hunter remains nameless and details are sketchy at this point, this much seems to be true: the buck in this picture will likely shatter the Connecticut state record for a bow-killed non-typical whitetail. With Rocky Mountain goat, bison, Shiras moose, pronghorn, cougar, black bear, and bighorn sheep, youll be able to find something you can hunt. The maximum number of hunters in a group is four. Oklahoma is the only southwestern state that makes the top 20 when analyzing total entries per square mile of huntable land mass in the last 10 years. Typical: 167 3/8 inches (whitetail) / 134 4/8 inches (Coues whitetail), Non-Typical: 186 1/8 inches (Coues whitetail). This massive buck was shot near Haddam, Conn. last week. The state's Parks & Wildlife agency sold about 342,000 elk, deer and pronghorn licenses in 2017. The non-typical record which is nearly 40 inches bigger than the second largest entry was taken by an unknown hunter in Graham County in 1971. Like its midwestern neighbors, Iowa is about whitetail deer. The buck was honored in 2019 during the 30th Big Game Awards. All other deer must be reported within 24 hours using the phone or internet. Coming in at No. November day in 1926, Minnesota. Wisconsin. Licenseand Permits:Firearms hunting license and a state land lottery permit or a controlled hunt area lottery permit. Telescopic sights and shotgun converters are permitted for muzzleloaders. (rev. size is determined by age, genetics, and nutritional value of the deer's diet. New York experienced a heavy outbreak of EHD in 2021. Licenseand Permits:Free Landowner Deer Permit. ATTENTION HUNTERS: If you do not receive a confirmation number once you submit a harvest report, DO NOT immediately submit another report. It was picked up in Norfolk County in 2004. Terry Daffron took the record typical in Guilford County in 1987. Boone and Crockett Lists the Top 8 Record-Book Whitetail States When it comes to hunting big game, the Cowboy State has it alland were not getting paid to say that. These lands are open to deer bowhunting during the state land shotgun and muzzleloader deer seasons (Nov. 15 - Dec. 19). Hunting over planted fields where normal agricultural planting, harvesting, or post-harvest manipulation is used. Records of North American Whitetail Deer includes: Pennsylvania is known for huge record-book black bears. When I opened a text message with this photo attached, my jaw dropped. When analyzing total B&C entries per square mile, Kentucky, Arkansas, Mississippi, West Virginia and Virginia take top honors, respectively. Of the three non-typicals on the books, John Wood's Beaufort County monster is the biggest. deer browsing. Hunting Hours: hour before sunrise to sunset. Arrowheads that are designed to open on impact are legal provided they meet the above requirement. While the states elk are numerous, there arent that many record bulls running around anymore. harvesting animals each year to help curb population expansion and maintain the deer herd Bowhunters may remove fluorescent orange clothing while in a tree stand at least 10 feet off the ground. With more freshwater shoreline than any other state, Michigan offers up some of the best fishing for walleye, bass, pike, and muskie. Content last updated on February 6, 2023. Connecticut, along with many other states, has taken measures to prevent the spread ofchronic wasting disease, including banning the importation of live cervids (species in the deer/elk family) across state lines. That number includes about 12,000 bowhunters who registered 3,000 deer. Click Here to Find Out More. This regulation prohibits hunters from transporting into Connecticut any deer or elk carcasses or part thereof from any state where CWD has been documented, unless the meat has been de-boned. To hunt with a revolver, a hunter must purchase a Firearms Hunting License, Private Land Shotgun/Rifle Deer Permit, and a Revolver Deer Endorsement. the fence should be cleared away. Pending Foreclosures by Sale - Listed by Town. Some of the features on will not function properly with out javascript enabled. Where Hunting Happens, Conservation Happens, "The wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. From Kentucky to Florida and Louisiana to Virginia, there are a lot of deer hunters and a rich hunting tradition in the Southeast. held its first deer firearms hunting season, changing the status of white-tailed deer from | CT State Record White Tail Mount - It's the 9th largest typical of all time. While hunting for most of these species is limited, once you actually draw (or buy) the tag, you hunt the animal of your dreams. 11 typical of all time. CocoDoc is the best place for you to go, offering you a convenient and easy to edit version of Ct Deer Kill Report as you want. John Hatton Jr. took the largest Georgia non-typical in 1973, also in Monroe County. These are the lowest harvest numbers the state has seen since 2015. electric fences, contact the Wildlife Division. Wrong. Preventive Measures: Plant high-value crops away from woods, A tablein the Hunting and Trapping Guidelists Connecticuts 169 towns and their identifying number codes. antlers annually. To use a revolver, you must also have Revolver Deer Endorsement for the current season. That buck is No. Arrowheads:Legal arrowheads for hunting deer and turkey must have at least two blades and must be at least 7/8 inch wide at its widest point. They are shed from mid-December to late-January. All three of South Carolina's non-typical entries originated from western border counties. Based on the sheer number of entries in Big Game Records LIVE, North Carolina might just be the best state for a chance at a record-book black bear. The top typical from Washington was shot by James Cartwright in Stevens County, back in 1992. Look to the arid southeast where the antelope (pronghorn) play, and you might even find a top 10 all-time entry down there. If not, plenty of guides and outfitters will be happy to lead you to find some decent whitetail bucks and some even better (scoring) pronghorn. DEEP Wildlife Division researchers have captured and placed neck collars on over 150 white-tailed deer throughout Connecticut. And apparently they have plenty of deer since hunters can take up to a dozen. Rifled or smoothbore barrels allowed. The NBBC does not follow the rules for not measuring deer with a 3rd pedicel. If either one of those species happens to be your jam, then Oregon holds the best book potential for your money. But we do know that they also have a number of oversized whitetail bucks running around the state. Enders State Forest (Worthen Parcel ONLY), Eversource Skiff Mountain Cooperative WMA, South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority, Stewart B. McKinney NWR - Calf Island Unit, Stewart B. McKinney NWR - Great Meadows Marsh, Stewart B. McKinney NWR -Chimon/Sheffield Islands, Sunnybrook State Park (west of Newfield Rd. Fritz Janowsky punched a tag on a stud Bradford County buck in 1943, and the typical whitetail is still the state's largest. It was taken in New London County in 2000. Centerfire rifle 6mm (.243 caliber) or larger or revolver .357 caliber or larger may be used if the landholding is 10 or more acres and the landowner has authorized use on the consent form. The deer population continues to increase, The buck field dressed at 170 pounds and was spotted a week earlier by the hunter as it walked down his grandmothers drive way. ^^No access during Junior Hunter Training Days, except for junior hunters and mentors who have both been awarded a permit for this area.
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